
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

Ch. 184

( Yuto Pov )

" An intruder!!" A spider member shouted before I plunged Mahiru-no-yo into his throat.

" Graakk!!" He screamed as he tried to fight back only for his arm to barely move.

I flicked the him to the side before moving forward as reinforcement arrived around the corner.

I threw a few shurikens, bringing their numbers down.

Side stepping an attack and countering by an upward slash cutting their arm off.

" Aaaahhhhhh!!!" The man shouted before I kicked his knee in and plunging the hidden blade into his throat.

I used Mahiru-no-yo to block an attack and kick them away as I took back my hidden blade.

I spin and retreated backward as I dodged a few bullets before throwing a kunai into their eye socket.

Blinking forward as I grasped the kunai and used it to kill the rest of the armed members.

Twirling my kunai, I made my way deeper into the building.

' Now, where is the boss?' I thought as I kept walking through the hallways.

" This is like a maze." I muttered.

" Fuck it." I rushed forward with immense speed running through the hallways amd killing any spider members in my way.

' Aura!' I thought as I saw a yellow hue in the distance.

I flicked a kunai at him as he raised his hand in surprise.


His aura that surrounded him broke like glass.

The kunai was stabbed into his hand.

Before the man could react, I kicked the kunai further as it plunged into his throat.

Stepping back, the man was stuck on the wall with a kunai in his hand and thoat.

I left the kunai and turned to the other hallway, which revealed more spider members frozen in fear.

" Hoh. Did you see that? I guess I'll have to kill you all now." I smiled as in stepped forward.

They retreated in fear, and some idiot that think they were bigger thought they were stronger.

I ducked under his punch and struck my hidden blade into his throat before putting an explosive tag onto his chest before throwing him to the rest of the group that decided to charge.


Their limbs and blood filled the littered hallway as I rushed towards the rests that ran.

I easily caught up to them as I struck them down one by one, and before the last one could reach the door, I cut his leg before slashing his head off.

Standing over the dead body, I heard music through the door as I slightly opened it.

' A party? No, a club.' I concluded as I entered the club and made my way through the crowd of people jumping and dancing.

I looked up to he second floor. It's where mostly all VIPs would be sitting.

I don't know if this club was famous, but since it's connected to the spider organization, it should be special.

" I should totally take the girls to a club like this. Wonder how they'll react?" I smiled to myself before spotting the stairs.

" Or....I could bring mom and dad...hehe." I chuckled to myself as I climbed the stairs and spot two bodyguards at the top.

" Hold it Kid." The gaurd held his hand infront of me.

" Kids aren't allowed..." He stopped as I showed a spider emblem on my arm.

" I'm here to deliver information. It's important." I replied as the two guards looked at each other before shrugging.

" Sure, kid. Just make it quick." The other replied as I easily walked through.

' Sigh, so easy.' I thought to myself as I grabbed a drink from a waitress that walked by.

[ Poison immunity is in effect! ]

The alcohol was weak but had sweet taste.

Everyone was busy with something or someone that they didn't notice me drinking.

I drank the full contents of the drink as I noticed a weird taste.

' Was that... oh no... did I save someone from the horny juice?' I chuckled to myself as I felt the heat in my body die down from the poison immunity.

I continued to search for this so called owner of this place.

" Where the hell is my drink!?" I looked at the source of this yelling as I spotted a young man.

' A spoiled brat with a golden spoon. Sigh, I totally forgot that almost every club has these. Almost.' I thought before ignoring the man's throwing tantrums.

" You stupid servant!"


I stopped in my tracks as I heard the sobs of a woman fall to the ground.

I exhaled before pivoting my foot and walking towards the young man.

' Fuck the owner and fuck this club.' I thought as I walked to the young man.

" Oi." I spoke, catching the assholes attention. .

" Huh!? The fuck you wan-" before he could finish I punched his groin before grabbing his neck and slamming it to the ground.

" Grahh!!" He groaned as I stepped on his throat, choking him.

" Now why... you know what, forget it. Idiots like you just ignore any kinds of warnings given to you."


I snapped his neck before i threw off the second floor.

Everyone on the second floor frozs except the ground, who continued partying.

I walked away as I let the realization hit everyone around me.

" Aaahhhh!!"

" Security!!"

Everyone shouted and screamed.

" There it is." I muttered as I continued to walk like I didn't commit a crime.

The rest of the second floor began to hear the screams and some walked over to their side as I passed them.

Using this chaos, I ran through the floor and checked every single person I came across.

[ Lucky encounter! ]

The system panel popped in front of me as I spotted a man guarded by three people with distinct auras.

' There he is.' I thought as I jumped on a table and jumped towards him.

The man looked surprised as he turned his head from the chaos towards me.

I slowed time for dramatic effect.

I plunged the hidden blade into the man's eye socket but no enough to reach his brain.

I returned time and took my blade back and rushed towards his bodyguards.

Sheathing the hidden blade I used a palm strike at the bodyguards before they could react.

" Ah? Aaahhhhh!!"

The man behind me screamedcstching everyone's attention as I slowly turned around.

The man held his bleeding eye as he backed up to the railing.

I walked up to him and grabbed his wrist.

" You the owner?" I asked as I stabbed my finger into his eye socket.

" Ye-yes!!" He replied squirmed in agony.

" Don't worry... you might live. Hopefully." I spoke as I took my hand back and swiped away the blood.

" Now... I need some information. A girl."

" I...I don't know....!!"


" Ahhhh!!"

I broke the man's wrist before casting it to the side.

" Let me ask again... the people you have in captivity. Where?"

The man didn't reply as he groaned in pain.

" down...down stairs! The blue room!" The man shouted as I lifted him over the railing.

" Noo! No!"

" Should've opened your mouth the first time." I spoke as I tossed the man over the railing.

After throwing the owner I jumped over the railing and landed safely.

The owner though had a broken leg and tried to crawl away as blood leaked from his leg.

I ignored the man and walked away blending to the crowd making my escape.

As I passed the the crowd of people they also began to realize the serious atmosphere as I slipped through a door.

I made my way through a blue hallway.

' Looks like luck kicked again.' I smirked as I ran through the hallway.

There was no one in sight as I walked up to two heavy doors.

' Not locked.' I thought as I put my palm on the door and pushed it opened.

I looked into the dark room to see humans and faunus locked in cages.

" In the end whether faunus or human. They both ended up in cages, like animals." I chuckled as I heard something ram into a cage next to me.


" who are you calling an animal!!?" A tiger faunus shouted as I tilted my head towards him.

" Everyone in here, dumbass." I replied as I took off my hood and took out the picture that was given for my quest.

I looked at the picture and lined it up to any girls that looked similar.

" No...no...no."

The tiger was speechless as ignored him.

I continued to look as I traveled to the back of the room.

I walked up to a woman who was the only one inside a cage.

" There. A match." I spoke as I pocketed the picture and grabbed the cages hinges.

I easily tore off the cage and grabbed the woman.

" Shophia?" I asked. .

" It's Sarah." The lady replied weakly.

" Ah, that's right." I remembered as I opened a portal and threw her in there.

I looked back at the cages and everyone inside them as they looked at me.

I threw a few kunai's that easily cut through the cages breaking the doors.

The faunus's and humans immediately escaped and grabbed the kunais from the cages.

I quickly escaped through the space portal and as sustaining the space portal was taxing on my mana.

' I should train that more often in the future.' I thought as I stepped through the portal.