
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

Ch. 105 Mahiru-no-yo

( Yuto Pov )

Shiro:" Meow."

" Uh huh. "

Shiro:" Meow!"

" I understand. You want to fight as well, right?"

Shiro:" Meow."

" Next time, Shiro, you want fish, right?"

Shiro:" Meow!"

" Alright."

I'm currently cooking as Shiro was awake for once. The first time he met Secre, he started chasing her around before I stopped him.

Yami:" Gross, you're talking to your cat."

" Didn't you stay on the toilet for the whole day?"

Yami:" Oi, I was surpassing my limit."

" Sigh. So when are we going to do that mission you spoke of?"

Yami:" Oh, that? Actually, we're going gambling."

" Sigh, and you want me to win some money, correct?"

Yami:" Tou know me so well it's creeping me out."

" Whatever."

" Here, breakfast, birthday boy."

Yami:" Oh, thank you, creep."

Vanessa:" Hmm, yuto, did you make me some breakfast?" Vanessa woke up on the couch.

" Here."

Vanessa:" Thank you~"

She ate with a happy face.

Scathach came in with the bird.

Scathach:" Good morning."

Yami:" Don't touch my food."

Vanessa:" Good morning!!"

* A few hours later, *

Yami:" Hahaha!! I love you, kid!"

" Ugh, don't say that it's creepy!"

Yami:" Take the damn compliment, or I'll kill you!!"

" Alright, alright."

We entered a restaurant and ordered some food.

" Seriously? you ordered soup?"

Yami:" Got a problem, kid?"

" Here, you should get yourself some steak."

Yami:" If you're offering, kid."

Yami:" Hm?"

" Felt that as well?"

Yami:" Yeah."

We both felt a large amount of mana going crazy.

" I'll check it out. Enjoy your steak."

Yami:" Sure, sure, just go."

Leaving the restaurant, I arrived at Roselei.

' Isn't this where prickly queen lives.'

* Boom! *

Jumping through the newly formed hole, I saw Charlotte in the middle of her plant magic.

" Hey Charlotte, Still doing everything yourself, huh?"

Charlotte:" Y..yuto!!? I dont need your....." She was surprised that i arrived and I interrupted her.

Putting up my sunglasses to my head, I spoke.

" You don't have to face this alone, Charlotte, Let me help you stand once more, show how strong you are, show me your determination to seek help, so please let me help you."

Charlotte looked up to me and saw me stretch my hand towards her as I smiled.

As she took my hand. The plant magic started to go down.

" Well, it seems I don't need to rely on my sword, right Charlotte?"

And just as I turned towards her, I saw her looking coldly at me.

Charlotte:" Unhand me, you degenerate."

" Wha???"

I felt her body shaking so doing as she said I let go of her, and she took off.

" Not even a thank you?"

I shrugged and went back to Yami.

Yami:" So what happened?"

" Prickly queen."

Yami just nodded as he also knew Charlotte was cold to men, and seeing it was her mana, he probably guessed it had something to do with her.

Yami:" Let's head home, kid."

( Charlotte Pov )

' Ohmygodohmygod!! I can't believe I said that to hiiiimmm!!!!!'

I was walking away from Yuto, Yamis Squad member, I've run into him as our missions crossed paths sometimes.

I saw how fast he completed them with 100% efficiency. I respected him for taking the responsibility of a magic knight at a young age.

And seeing him come to my aid when my curse flared, I felt my heart beat. And when I held his warm hands and his soothing voice, I fell in love.

' Nonono, he's too young! He can't possibly be attracted to older women.'

I shook my head and tried to remain calm as I neared the Blue Rose headquarters.

( Yuto Pov )

Mahiru-no-yo was a double edge weapon.

' But goddammit, it's so cool not to be used!'

I held Mahiru-no-yo in my hand as I switched it out with white fang.

???:" Oya? A new host?"

" So a talking sword?"

I turned around to see a young girl with ashen hair with red eyes and fangs.

???:" Gasp! A talking sword!? I'm everyone's favorite Idol Mahiru!!"

" Mahiru? A demon, huh?"

Mahiru:" Correct~"

I sheathed Mahiru-no-yo.

Mahiru:" Noo~ Don't go~ " She said in a playful voice.

" Another crazy woman. Sigh."

Walking back to base, I entered only for Yami, greeting me with a mission.

Yami:" You got another mission, kid."

" Goddammit."

Yami:" Better work hard. We lost a couple of stars when you were away."

I looked at the board and noticed there were fewer stars than before.

" Sigh. What's the mission?"

Yami:" Bandits." He handed me a paper.

" Alright."

I took it and left.

' I guess this is a good time to use Mahiru-no-yo.'

* Bandit camp *

Mahiru:" Password, please~"

" Sigh, please."

Mahiru:" Nope."

" Please don't make me chant it."

Mahiru:" Wrong."

' This damn annoying...'

Mahiru:" Password."

" Sigh, Lend me your strength, Mahiru."

[ Gamers mind Activated ]

" Don't bother with the illusiona, Mahiru."

Mahiru:" Eeehhh, I guest that doesn't work, huh?"

I felt an increase of power flowing through my body, and I quickly entered the bandit camp.

' Breath of Massacre: Third form: Slaughter.'

Stabbing the heart of a bandit and cutting off his head, I moved to the next bandit.

Mahiru:" How brutal, I like it! And you kept the blade clean, 10/10." She napped her finger as she pointed at me.

I sheathed the blade to make her stop talking.

Mahiru:" Aww~ It's too soon~"

As I completed the mission, I returned back to base and wrote a letter to the Wizard King only to find out that the mission was for Yami.