
multiverse fear

multiverse fear fear is a demon that feeds of of the fear of other people so he went to a hole bunch of universe destroying making doing what he wanted until an army of robs captured him sealed almost all his power and throw him into rwby the first world he changed currant ark rwby only fear belongs to me

jp_cole · Fantasy
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fear"this world is boring i had more fun fighting xana and axeknightmon fusion". as he things about how to break the chains that seal his power.

fear"wait the fusion i saved it data" as he summons an sd card.

fear"im sending this into the code lyoko world so rise axeknightmon xana mode" as the code lyoko world just got more evil.

fear"i will be free again" as he goes to the max he can go and heads to beacon academy.

ozpin"the demon comes" as the school is put on high alert.

fear"teenagers the old man is still using kids to fight the grimm and is ex wife the queen of grimm".

ruby"you are the man from my nightmares".

fear snaps his finger as all the memory return to every one.

yang"you are a monster both mentally and in bed"



blake"i feel like we should run".

fear"but you wont you will fight that what the hero of the world do they alway fight that why i destroy the worlds were the hero thing just because they have friends and family they can win i will never under stand it". as he looks at the world around him."why do they let young life be lost just to fight there war oz and salem should both die together" as he pulls oz and salem souls to him.

oz"what the".


fear"let this be one of my first good deeds that i ask nothing in return for" as destroy both there souls as he leaves that world and erase every one memory of that day and that the two ever existed.

fear is now out side the multiverse as a one of the chains falls off.

fear"a multiverse were everyone is free to do what they want".

random robs "it be complete chaos".

fear"is it any better then it is now with new world made by the reincarnate or bored new gods"?

random robs"but the amount of life lost".

fear"i know" as he heads to the next world.