

After things had calmed down a bit, "So, what do you want to do to this piece of sh*t," I said referring to her father. Dalzollene didn't interfere as he knew there was nothing he could do…

"Well… Could you please not do anything to him… After all, he is the one who has been taking care of me since I was born…" said Neon. How could the apple fall so far from the tree?

"Sure Neon, if that is what you want… But I won't be settled until I at least see him regret his decisions… Could I just show him what awaits him in the future?" I asked. Neon looked confused but just nodded her head. I smile as I look towards Mr. Nostrade. Remembering that I had rendered him mute, I undo it.

"Thank you, daughter!!! I didn't mean any of that! Please don't leave me! I will be destroyed without you!" listening to his selfish pleas only worked to further fortifying her decision to leave. I start radiating golden light as this worlds time stops to a standstill. Everything around Me and Nostrade.

It continued till only Nostrade and I were left. He started to panic as he started to ask questions about where we are and so on. I just reply with a wide smile as I look at him. At this point, I have taken my true form with my wings and all. Ignoring his pleas, I leave.

I was showing him what his life would be like. Nothingness with no material possessions. This was his hell loop. Once he died, he would stay in this hell loop for however long it will take for him to believe that he has already been punished enough for his sins. It seems easy to get out right? No one has ever escaped their Hell loop without any external help till date. Only the one who believe that they are guilty of a sin are the ones sent to hell. They spend an eternity away from the things they love most. In Nostrade's case, it was material possessions.

I let Nostrade see this for a hundred years. Just when he was about to break irrevertabally, I broke the illusion, suddenly bringing him back to reality, his 100 years of starving but being unable to die were over. Tears flooded his eyes.

"What was that!!!" he enquired weakly as he looked towards me in awe and fear. "That is your after-life… Once you die, you will go there… But this time, it will be for an eternity!" I say as I look into his soul. Nostrade froze due to shock… An eternity of that… A hundred years was bad enough.

"Nooooo! Please! Please! Is there any way out!" He wailed like a child. I just smirk and say, "Maybe if you are able to do enough goo so that you no longer feel that you have done wrong or that you do not deserve that, then and only then you might have a chance of going to the silver city, Heaven." This was enough for him. A chance to avoid that fate was enough.

"Yes! I will devote the rest of my life to repent and to fix my past sins!" He said with a new hope. "There is nothing you have to prove to me, It's all up to you..." I say. My plan worked flawlessly. At Least now he can do more good and attempt to fix all the harm he has done.

Dalzollene and Kurapika were extremely confused. Kurapika had regained consciousness and had witnessed all this. "So Kurapika, do you wish to continue working for this man?" I asked. Kurapika just smiled as he looked at me with admiration, "I didn't think that you could make a man with a heart so black turn over a new leaf. Well, I will work for him for now as he will probably be useful to me as an informant as I am a blacklist hunter."

We left to go back to the auction along with Kurapika to get the crimson eyes of his clan. As we waited for the auction to start, explosions could be heard. The Troupe had made its move. All the members of the different families started to panic.

As if on cue, Zeno and Silva made their entrance. Zeno smashed a pillar to gain the attention of the crowd and announced, "I am Zeno Zoldyck." The crowd seemed to be shocked at the fact that the Zoldycks were called in. "One of the intruders is in this building. Even if you got your weapons back, I could kill the lot of you in 7 seconds. The opponent is of similar skill. Got that… Now sit tight unless you have a death wish…"

"Yo!" I say greeting them again. "Do you mind if we tag along?" I say. This was a request from Kurapika as he had confidence that the Zoldycks will be able to find the troupe member. "Well sure…" said Zeno. Silva simply kept quiet so as to not say anything that might offend Nanika. After the incident earlier, he was deathly scared of Nanika.

We walked outside the hall to see a bunch of dead bodies lying around, presumably killed by the troupe member. One strike from behind… And he suppressed his bloodlust perfectly. There isn't even a faint signature." Deduces silva.

"Hmmm… I'll have to use En (Sensory technique), Even though it takes a lot of effort. Let's start on the roof and corner him down in the basement." said Zeno. This surprised Kurapika and Silva as he would have spread his En over a 100m radius! Nen masters can only achieve a few meters with great difficulty normally.

Silva-"Are you sure Dad? That's over a 100m."

Zeno- "A hundred metres is nothing… I can do 300 metres. *Sigh* We aren't paid enough for this."

After a few minutes, they found Chrolloin a large open hall, waiting for us. "Let me fight him, I have a grudge to settle…" said Kurapika. I just shrugged as I sat down with Nanika and Neon. "No, we have a job and do not want to be delayed. You will anyways die if you challenge him," said Silva confidently. "Then I hope you don't mind if I fight him with you," said Kurapika. His judgement was muddled due to his rage.

Ignoring him, the Zoldycks rushed at Chrollo. Kurapika also followed suit. They clashed for a bit until Chrollo lost to the three. Just as Zeno was about to kill Chrollo, "Father, the ten don's have been killed by Illumi. It was a mission from Chrollo," relayed Silva as he got information from Illumi.

"Well then, we don't have any business here, let's leave," said Zeno as he started to walk away. Silva followed him. An incapacitated Chrollo just smiled at seeing that his plan was a success. However powerful he was, even he wasn't strong enough to beat Zeno Zoldyck.

"Do you think that I'll let you go just because the Dons are dead," said Kurapika as he walked towards Chrollo. Just before he killed Chrollo, I said: "Kurapika, have you forgotten your promise to Hisoka!"

At that, Kurapika just froze. He had promised Hisoka to let him fight Chrollo in exchange for info on the troupe. "So what! You want me to leave him alone!" said Kurapika.

"No, I never said that… You know there are other ways to get back at him than Killing him. Killing him will only enrage Hisoka… Hisoka is just as strong if not stronger than Chrollo. You may not care about yourself but what about Gene and Leorio…" I said. This seemed to bring him to his senses.

He thought a bit before deciding to use his chains. He used it to place a few restrictions on Chrollo, namely, he must not have any contact with the troupe and he must not ever use nen again. If any of these conditions were broken, he would die on the spot.

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