
Heaven's Tower

{Ren POV}

We returned after the incident. Nanika took a form of 13 or 14-year-old girl so as to not draw any unwanted attention. Alluka and Nanika got along really well. Alluka seemed to have a part of Nainika's power left behind in her. She was able to only use a part of it but that was enough to allow her to walk unhindered in this world. A week has passed now and gene was able to open 3 doors. While I was thinking of a way to train her, "How about Heaven's arena? That's a pretty good place to train." suggested Kile.

"Sure, we'll also be able to make some money," I say. I guess it is as good as a time as ever for that. "What's Heaven's arena?" asked Gene. "It's a 1v1 battle style institution. Yorknew is just south of it." Yorknew is the place where we had decided to meet up with Kurapika and Leorio in six months.

"It took us 4 hours by airship to get there. Look at the line! They're all here to compete here, huh?!" Said Gene surprised. As we walk, Kile began to explain the basics of Heaven's tower. "Don't worry about the rules, just knock them out! That's it. The Higher we go, the more money we earn. All in all, a true Mecca for fighters." said Kile enthusiastically. She is so cute when she's smiling… "Wow, Kile you know a lot about Heaven's arena!" said Gene. "Yeah, My dad left me here penniless when I was six and said I had to stay till I reached the 200th floor…" said Kile as she looked down. She suddenly held me and said, "Doesn't matter now as I'm happier than ever now!😁" Hearing this, I give her a peck on her cheek and smile.

"So Gene, guys like Hisoka are found much Higher up. There's no time to waste," said Freya bringing us back to the task at hand. "Alluka, restrain your power and only tap them, otherwise you might end up killing them," I told Alluka at which Alluka just showed a confused expression. The first floor was a joke, we finished our matches in one strike. This surprised the audience to see a bunch of brats beat up grown men so easily. That was especially true in Alluka's case. I the beginning we were getting cussed for how we could allow such a little girl to fight but when she sent her opponent flying with just a tap, they all just shut up. There was this one other kid who was also able to one-punch other contenders. He was probably Zushi, the disciple of Gene and Kile's to be nen-master. We all were directly sent to the 50th floor.

"The building is divided into 20 10-floor divisions up to the 200th floor. Which means, that a fighter who wins on the 50th floor advances to the 60th floor and if one loses, He/She will go down to the 40th floor. You will be given a room when you reach the 100th floor." explained the lady in charge of leading us to the lift. As we got out of the lift, we are created by the other Kid who was able to one punch his opponents on floor 1. "My name is Zushi!" he said while bowing. We introduced ourselves to him. As we made our way to the waiting area, "I watched your matches! You guys are amazing!" praised Zushi. "You're also pretty strong for your age." said Freya. "Thanks! I'm here to improve! What school are you from? I study Shingen-Ryu Kung Fu!!" said Ryu striking a pose. Chuckling at the cute actions of this 6-year-old, I say "We're independent". "What?! Self Taught warriors! I am certainly inadequate," he said bowing once again. He is probably the most courteous 6-year old I have ever seen.

"Zushi, you have done well!" said Wing (Zushi's master) as he walked towards us. Wing asks us some basic questions as we make our way to the waiting area. Not long after we reached, our first match was announced. It was between Zushi and Kile. It would be an easy win for Kile unless Zushi uses his nen but even then Kile will probably beat him. "Meet me in the 60th-floor lobby, it won't take long said Kile nonchalantly as Zushi could only put up a broken smile seeing her confidence.

Kile flashed behind Zushi, chopping him on the neck like she did to her first opponent. Zushi falls as kile says, "Sorry, I plan to stick with that move till floor-150." says Kile as he starts to walk away. Surprisingly, Zushi gets up and gets back into stance. This surprised Kile as she didn't expect this. The referee awarded 2 points for a clean hit. Kile repeated the same move but with more force this time. Even after this, Zushi simply got up. He got into a stance, releasing his aura. Sensing something similar to what she senses around her brother, she jumped back. "ZUSHI!!!" yelled a furious Wing at which Zushi deactivated his nen. Kile had no Idea of what it was but still ended up winning the match.

Our matches finished before Kile's so we went to the 60th floor and waited in the lobby. "Kile, here!" yelled Freya as we spotted Kile. She seemed a bit preoccupied as Freya asked, "So, what kept you?". "Zushi proved challenging… He is talented and very promising but he's nowhere near our level. I walked all over him yet I couldn't KO him. Then he assumed a new stance which gave me a bad feeling like my brother. If it's a technique, I can't figure it out… But it is definitely bad news." said Kile seriously. Noticing this serious atmosphere, "You are so cute when you are serious!" I said pinching her cheeks making her bright red. "Don't worry so much. This world has this thing called nen. It allows you to all sorts of things." I say, explaining the incident. Kile looked up and said, "Ren, can you teach me to fight like you do… I don't want to be a burden to you…"

Ren- "Don't worry Kile, you'll never be a burden to me. I will give you powers most suited to you but only after you learn nen and further strengthen your body. And about learning nen, don't worry you'll get a master soon."

I just smile as I hold her hand.

We reached the hundredth floor in no time and we finally got our rooms. While we were going to our rooms, we ran into Wing. He introduced himself as the person in charge of teaching us nen and how learning nen was the last step of the Hunter Exam. He told us the basics of Nen though he just gave us a few hints. I guess he doesn't know that I can use nen. Whatever, I guess I'll just teach them nen. I call everyone into my room. I use my aura to awaken Gene, Kile and Alluka's Nen. This worked brilliantly but Alluka's nen had a strong demonic yet calming aura, pretty interesting. We slowed down the pace of our advance from here as I teach them the basics of Nen. In a month, they had mastered Ren, Gyo, Zetsu and started working on their Hatsu. Kile was a Transmutor, Gene was an enhancer and Alluka was a specialist. When I conducted the Leaf test for her, The water and the leaf became a mixture of light and darkness. Her aura Itself was mostly bright white with some darkness in the mix… Her aura was a fusion of Ki and aura so she was able to use her aura and use Ki attacks. But there is one downside, It is hard to control.

When we reached the 200th floor, we were greeted by a strong bloodlust, Hisoka's aura. As we went to the reception to register, we came across Hisoka sitting and blocking our path while using ren. We all just walked through ignoring him earning an eerie smile from him. When we went to the reception to get our rooms and reward money, we came across these 3 nen users. They were probably rookie crushers but we were confident that we could beat them so we registered. In the next week, we had our matches with them which we won effortlessly. I continued their practice for 2 more months before registering for our next match. We all got some fodder with the exception of Gene's opponent. It was Hisoka.

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