
Multiverse Collision

Shonpufi · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

[7]-Fun Ended

'Run!' was the only word in momos mind.

No matter how many traps she lays or twist and turns she takes, the sound of his steps are always right behind her.

'Damit Eric, why do you take your role so seriously!' she cursed in her heart.

And we're did he even get that cloak and lightsaber?.


Hearing his steps getting closer Momo kept running until she finally found the stars and made it to the floor just below the bomb.

wait... I don't hear him anymore

Momo just realized that the sound of his footsteps disappeared.

She quickly stoped and looked around to see a dark and empty hallway.

Did I lose him?

Hoped Momo in her mind but that shouldn't be the case since Eric has manipulation over space. He could probably just phase through the walls or something.

"Indeed" spoke a deep voice.

Chills spread down her spine as she heard the voice behind her. She was about to quickly start running but Eric cought her by the neck and lifted her up into her air.

Momo started to struggle in attempt in breakig free of his grip but that was to no avail.

"How pitiful, to be running away from me like a scurrying rat. All those traps, all those strategies of yours are but mere speks of dust in my eyes... But they have their value"

"Now then Momo I shall ask you once again and only once... Join me and I shall give you as many dark side cookies as you want!" he asked but by his tone it became more as a command.

Momo only looked at him in disgust and stoped attempting to release his grip from her neck and punched him square in the cheek of his mask.


Releasing her from his grip Eric stumbled back a step, he looked at her with a grin under his mask.

"Good that's very good Momo let that anger fuel your strength."

Lifting up his lightsaber he swung it down at her until it stoped right infornt of her face.

Momo closed her eyes prior when she saw his swing but she never felt any pain coming. Opening her eyes she saw Eric taking of his helmet and put away his lightsaber.

She became confused until-

"Alright students that time, good job everyone!. Now come back to the monitoring room for your scores. Also Eric, if you could bring back Young Todoroki from wherever you sent him" said All Might through the speakers

From the viewing room-

"Woah...Eric is way to good as a villain" Kirshima couldn't help but comment, his words broke what seemed to be an awkward silence that filled the room.

The students of 1-A and All might have been watching the fight from the beginning And they have to say that it was quite one-sided considering the fact that both Yaoyorozu and todoroki are recommendation student.

That means that the person has a really valuable quick or that they are strong enough to be one.

But Eric?, he played around with them both like they were children. He even had time to play villain when he could have captured both on the spot.

The door to the room suddenly opened as a grinning Eric, Sad Yaoyorozu, and a very disheveled Todoroki walked into the room, Denk was in the nurse office recovering.

"Yo what's up guys" said hi Eric with a smile.

"Dude you where so scary!, it was like as if I was watching a scary movie or something" exclaimed Kirshima.

The others nodded as they felt the same way, the suspense of him chasing Momo really made it feel like a horror movie.

"Hahaha good job young Eric, and as for young Todoroki and Yaoyorozu...could you tell me what you did wrong?" Asked All Might

The sad Yaoyorozu was the first to answer "We came in the building without a plan, we severely underestimated our opponents and we let our guard down letting ourselves be caught incredibly easily" replied Momo tough she looked at Todoroki.

If he had atleast LISTENED! to what she said in the first place, they would wouldn't been beaten so easily.

"Good job Yaoyorozu, Yes young Todoroki was to confident in his abilities thus him letting his giard down completely. I have to say I'm disappointed in you but I hope you do better and go PLUS ALTRA" Said All Might in a teacherly manner but soon changed I to his super hero character to encourage them to do better.

Todoroki only clenched his fist in anger, not at Eric but at himself. He was mad that he wa beaten so easily by him, but he couldn't blame no one but himself.