
Multiverse Collision

Shonpufi · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

[1]- Is that a sword?

"Dam, well that fucking sucks" I had just finished final fantasy 16 and I have to say that the ending was shit. The game's story is great the music is awesome, and the powers are cool.

But the ending was horrendous, like how are you going to kill every single character at the boss fight and couldn't have waited a bit more before turning himself to stone for the world.

He could have a least returned home and said bye or something, it might've been hard but it's better to say what you have to say than never to say it to the person. Clive was also starting to get into a serious relationship with Jill.

with a sigh, I put down my controller on the desk in my room and turned off the PS5. As I was about to put some Netflix and chill, my mom called out to me from the kitchen.

"Hey Eric, take out the trash!"

with a groan, I bounced off my bed and went to the kitchen.

I live in a two-story apartment that has three rooms, a living room, and a kitchen. quite standard but I'm quite happy with it.

And although I am eighteen and just finished high school I still live with my mom and my two little brothers. I will be attending community college to become a radiologist so what's really the point of going to a big college when you have one right near you and costs less?

As I finally reached the kitchen my nose was pleasantly attacked by the smell of chicken, no, Korean chicken.

"Hey Eric take out the trash or you won't get any chicken, and yes it is the Korean chicken that you like," she said as she threatened me.

"Geez no need to threaten me with chicken even though it works" I joked making her chuckle.

Taking out the trash bag from the bin, I walked outside the house and went downstairs since my apartment was on the second floor. I walked for a bit until reaching a small wall of steel which was the room where everyone in the apartment complex throws their trash in.

Opening the door I was met with the horrendous stench of the trash.

"Ugh better hurry up" I groaned as I tried to hold my breath.

I quickly ran in threw the trash in one of the trash bins and turned around to leave until something caught my eye

"A sword?"

Near the entrance, there was a huge sword or buster sword leaning to the wall. It was a glowing red in color around its edges and looked futuristic.

"Woah isn't that judgment of Shamash, wonder if someone threw it away. The thing looks realistic as hell."

Seeing that it was here in the trash, I assumed that whoever put it here didn't want it anymore, Hehe I'll take it then.

As I reached out to the handle I tried to pick it up but the thing was too heavy.

"Damit no wonder they threw it away, you can't use it if you can't carry it."

No matter how hard I tugged it up it wouldn't budge.

"Sigh what a pit-"

Pitch black.

That was all I saw.

From where I was trying to grab the sword I was now in a pitch-black room in an ever-expanding darkness.

"What the hell"

What the hell is happening? Well, screw it.

I started walking forward


An hour later-

I've been walking for god knows how long and I've seen nothing but pitch black.

Sigh, maybe I need to walk backward or do something special to leave here?

Hmm, something is touching my foot.

Looking down I saw creepy dark hands coming out of the ground.

Taking a step back out of their range I waited to see what happened.

At any second I was ready to sprint and run the other way but this is the only thing I've seen different from walking all this time so I'm curious if this will help get out of there.

As the hands finished crawling out of the floor, they started to push out themselves until a single humanoid of darkness came out from the floor in front of me.

Knowing that this wasn't a good sign I started walking backwards to keep my distance but she looked at me and spoke "useless".


Did this bitch just call me useless?

As I was in my thoughts of anger, I didn't notice until it was too late that I was surrounded by dark humans.

Shit I should have paid attention!

One by one they all started to speak and overlapping their voices.


"Kill yourself

"Human waste

"Your life is useless"

One by one they began to insult me and started to shape their dark bodies into human-looking ones

Friends, family, acquaintances.

These shadows took on their form and kept talking shit.

At one point it started to get so annoying that I closed my ears with my hands but it was to no avail.

Suddenly they stopped talking and I looked around in confusion until I saw a beautiful woman with long red hair walking towards me.

As she reached me she spoke "Human, don't waste your pity full life living, so give me your body and I shall give you eternally rest"

... Does this bitch think I'm stupid or something? All she did was insult me to annoyance, does she think this is enough for me to give up on life?

"Answer me huma-"


With a charged-up punch, I gave a nasty haymaker to the himeko wannabe in front of me

"Ugh!, you dammed human!. I am the hershers of fire obey my command and give up your body" she commanded as she raised her hand to the air.

Behind her appeared hundreds of fire storms ready to trample me.

Though she didn't know that I am someone who watches anime regularly

I know what type of mind games this hersher is playing.

With a snap of my fingers, the fire storms disappeared and I wrapped up the himeko hersher of fire in chains.

If I remember correctly in the previous era of honkai impact, there was a version of himeko that worked at Moth where the flames chaser worked in also.

But sadly she turned into the flame hersher and was eliminated.

Her hersher core was then used to create judgment of Shamash for Kevin to wield.

Wait does that mean the sword was that real thing?

"Puny human don't you dare ignor-GUHH!!" As she started speaking again, I just punched her in the stomach. The reason she's so weak is because we're probably inside my mind or something.

That could also be the reason why she was trying to get me to give up my body even though it was a very shity attempt.

Looking down at her pained figure I spoke "Listen here hersher, besides being really really bad at manipulating someone that doesn't have anything to manipulate. You also dared to try and do it in my own mind, and for that you shall be punished."

Focusing my will in this place, I created ten big brolic black men in thongs.

"!!?" The hersher tried to run away but they had already grabbed her by her clothes and yanked her.

"H-hey wait we can talk about this please," she said in a pitiful tone, it seemed like she knew the purpose in why i summoned them. Is quite the funny thing.

I snapped my fingers and the men stopped moving.

"First take me out of here and then we can talk" Nodding at my orders I was brought back to reality.

I opened my eyes and I was still in the same position I was when I was grabbing the sword.

'is this good enough' spoke a voice in my mind.

"Yup, it's good. Anyways how did you get in this universe, I'm pretty dam sure you don't belong here" Now that I know that fictional thing are real, I'm starting to feel kind of nervous. What if Aizen ends up here like this sword did or someone even more dangerous?

"... I don't know, My core was originally being experimented on by some psychotic green hair bitch and then I appeared here."

Green haired bitch?

Oh, she must be talking about Mobius.

"I see, if that's the case then what are you going to do now"

"I shall wait for the next foolish human to attempt to pick me up and take over their body" she answered honestly without any shame.

"Why would you tell me your evil plan?"

"because it doesn't matter if you know since you can't even pick me up and hide me awa- wait what the hell are you doing stop this instant!"

As she was giving her evil speech, I started to touch around the handle to see if I could turn the cleaver back into its two-gun form. After a few minutes, I couldn't find anything and gave up finding a secret button on the handle.

"Heh human, I don't know how you know about my other form but it will be impossible for you to do-Eh?"

Geez she's annoying.

Anyway, if there ain't a physical bottom then it means that it is a mental button.

Mobius probably added some feature in the sword that picked up brainwaves and changed according to the person's thoughts.

Sounds like some bullshit but considering the technology they had, it isn't entirely impossible.

putting both hands on the handle I tried imagining the sword becoming two guns. The Hersher of fire kept screaming in my mind telling me to stop immediately but I ignored her.

Immediately the cleaver started to shift into two guns on both my hands.

"Can't carry who what now" I teased the Hersher as she started to yell at me in frustration.

With a grin on my face returned home, although I did have to hide Judgement of Shamash under my clothes since the guns looked too realistic to be called a prop and my mom would also ask me where I got it from.

I cant just answer with an 'Oh this? It's just a weapon that could destroy the world and I found it in the trash'

I Definitely wont do that