
Multiverse Chat Room

Flower_bastard · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

New Life

In the void you can see a bright light flying around trying to find out where it currently is, this is our Mc Kuro Sora.

"W-where am I and what happened to me?" asks Kuro

"You are in the Void my child." answers a voice

"W-who are you." asks Kuro with vigilance

"I am what you call R.O.B or the creator of the Multiverse and to what happened see for yourself." says R.O.B after a while Kuro sees visions of what happened before he died.

He was walking to the grocery store while reading a Fate/stay night fanfic when he saw a child walking on the street without realizing that a truck was driving towards him as the kind person Kuro was he decided to save the child but as he saved child the truck hit him and as his last minutes passed he said to the crying child:"Come on kid you are a man so stop crying okay?" The child nodded

"That's good." said Kuro with a smile before he died.

"So I'm dead but why would saving a child make me meet you R.O.B?" asks Kuro

"That's because the child you saved is my child and that's why I decided to give you two wishes and I'm gonna send you into a world that is as modern as your original world." says R.O.B

"Okay then first I want the ability to travel to other worlds." states Kuro

"That wish can be granted but I need to modify it a little I can give you a Multiverse chat room wich can invite other members and you can go to worlds with quests that the will of said worlds give and you can go to the planet of other members and the worlds you visited with cp (chat points), I will also send a message with what you can do with cp and other functions that I'm gonna implement is that okay? " asks R.O.B

" Yeah. " says Kuro

" Now your second wish. " says R.O.B

" My second wish is the bloodline of a leviathan." Kuro says

" Granted now have a great second life. " says R.O.B as blinding light descends and Kuro's soul dissappeares.