
Chapter 12

I sit on the ground and see my work is done.

"Mister Jeremy!"

I can see Harry run toward me with a worried expression on his face.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Harry. Don't worry. Just a little bit tired because of the amount of mana I used."

He nodded his head and sat next to me. While we are sitting on the ground, I can see Albus Dumbledore walk toward me and says.

"Can I ask what to do?"


"No. Voldemort."

"Voldemort? That's his name? Well, I banish him from the land of the living. Sadly, he has a lot of Phylactery around the world and cannot kill him for good. At least he cannot get resurrected back to the living world."

"What do you mean by that?"

"He will live but he cannot get back into the living world meaning that he cannot get a physical body and can only go around the world as a wraith."

"What happens when he tries to get a new body?"

"Possession? He cannot do that. There will be an invisible barrier so he cannot get inside a human. Creating a new body? Once he enters the body, the body will melt, and his soul will be ejected. If he already possessed someone and the said person willingly accepted him, the carrier would feel an intense pain before his magic dried up and the soul ejected out of the victim's body."

I can see Dumbledore wants to say more, but before he can say something, a short and ugly creature appears in front of us.

"Headmaster, sir! Professor Quirrell is screaming"

"Where is he?"

"In his room, Headmaster sir!"

I get up from the ground and follow Dumbledore to the castle. Harry and the other professor follow us to the castle, and after a few minutes of walking, we arrive inside the DADA professor's office.

I can see Quirrelmort screaming on the ground.


I stop Dumbledore and the others just in time for a cloud of black smoke to appear from Squirrel's mouth. A second later, the cloud of smoke changed shape into a face.

"Dumbledore! I know it is your doing! It looks like I underestimate you! You lure me in here to purge me! However! I'm Lord Voldemort! I'm an immortal! I will be back!"

Before we can do anything, Voldemort flies away from the castle.

"And it looks like the ritual is working. Sadly, it already has a victim."

I kneel next to Quirrell and check his pulse. Still alive, good. I take out five Ofuda and let them circle above him. A few seconds later, his pale complexion starts to regain color.

"He should be waking up in a few minutes. However, I cannot give back his control over magic. He still has his magic core, but it has gone inert."

"I see. I know there is something wrong with him after he gets back from Albania but I never thought he would willingly give his body to the dark lord."

Is that a real sadness in his eyes? Huh. Does that mean this world is not some kind of AU universe that makes him evil or something? That's good, I guess. That means the only reason why he needs Harry to die is because of the Horcrux inside his head.

He did not want Voldy to possess Harry and use his body to be even more powerful than before because I can feel that Harry's magic core is huge. Not as big as the other professor, but it is getting there.

"So, what will you do now, Headmaster?"

"I will visit St. Mungo. I will tell them that Quirrell wants to try to do some ritual but it backfired and now he is a squib."

"I see."

I get up from the ground and look around for a few seconds.

"Well, if there is nothing else, can I bring Harry with me? I want to teach him more about Onmyoudou. Today's lesson is about the five elements."

"Oh! Oh! Oh! You can use my classroom, mister Jeremy."

I look to the side and see the half-goblin professor jumping up and down in excitement.

"We can use the empty charm room for your lecture! It has nothing to do with how I want to hear your lecture of course."

I chuckle a little and shake my head. I look at Harry, who nods his head in agreement before saying.

"Very well. Lead the way."

~A moment later~

It looks like I have another student to teach. I can see professor McGonagall, professor Flitwick, professor Babbling, and professor Vector. Unfortunately, Dumbledore cannot attend my lecture because he needs to take Quirrell to the hospital and explain how he became a squib.

"Alright, let's start this lesson with a question. Can someone explain to me what the Five Elements is?"

"Oh! I know this one. It came from ancient Greek that five elements are the foundation of the world."

I nod at Filius' answer and say.

"Partially true. Anyone else?"

This time it was Harry who raised his hand.

"It was not the Greeks who discovered this but the Chinese. It originated from the east before spreading to the east and further east. The five elements originally consisted of Fire, Earth, Water, Wood, and Metal. However, a new kind of teaching appears in the other part of the world when they discover another element that they call an Aether or Heavenly Energy if we go by the past name."

"Perfect answer! The five element teaching is the foundation of all magic."

I can see Septima Vector, the professor of Arithmancy, raise her hand.

"How can you say that? Arithmancy is the foundation of all magic."

"That is true to some extent. However, even without Arithmancy, we can still cast magic or create magic if we understand the five elements."


"Because each element can be used as a branch of magic in the modern day. Let me give you an example."

I draw a pentagram with the five elements on each point of the pentagram.

"This is Wu Xing or the Five Phase. Let's start with the fire, shall we? Fire is the foundation of charm. Fire can be molded into many things as long as you can control it, just like how the charm works. Charms also get their color from bright fire elements that catch a lot of attention. There is also the saying that Fire is the first gift of humanity from the gods that can be used for a lot of things. Take here for example."

I take an ofuda and activate it.

"This is the fire I created using my Ofuda. Now, let's see what it can do, shall we?"

I throw my fire at Harry and reduce the temperature.

"A warming charm."

I take it back and throw it at the door. I solidify the fire and ensure the temperature will not melt the lock. A few seconds later, the lock of the door opened up.

"An unlocking charm."

I take the fire back and manipulate it to become invisible before wrapping the book around the table and then making it float.

"Floating charm. There is also a lot of lifestyle charm coming from this one element. Because of this reason, Fire is very versatile and can be used for a lot of things. It can be used as an attack spell but it also can be used as a supporting spell."

Seeing grown-ups writing what I say is weird. I know many old people are still in college, but this is the first time I have seen them write what I have been saying instead of lecturing me for daring to teach them something.

"Now, let's get to the other element! Earth! Surprisingly this element is for potion. How? Well…"


It has been a rough couple of months for me. I lost my job, my house, and even my laptop. I'm broke and live from one paycheck to another.

I had a new job coming up, but I did not have a home to sleep. Right now, I'm sleeping inside a mosque that is kind enough to let me sleep as long as I take care of the place.

I'm writing this on the phone, which I only have with me after I sell most of the things I have to survive.

Please help me get enough money to pay the rent for a small house.

You can visit my Ko-Fi page (ko-fi.com/ryusenka). I will try to post regularly in two or three days. Every penny that is worth donated is mean a lot to me.