
Multiverse Casanova

Come and get your daily dose of Guilty Pleasure. No story here only smut. Only Smut! Only Smut! Only Smut! Only Smut! Only Smut! Only Smut! Only Smut! Only Smut! Only Smut! Only Smut! Warning: Only for cultured men! Boys can suck a lollipop! Thats all!

Guilty_I_Am · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Talk With Father-in-law

Before I depart for any other world, first I want to know what time period I am.

I closed my eyes and started spreading my divine sense. After ten minutes, my divine sense covered the whole Primal Chaos.

Come to think of it, [Super Duper Sage Mode] informed me that Ancestral God was alive, how come I couldn't sense her? Is she not in Primal Chaos? Whatever I will think about it later.

Much below the Realm of Gods, I focused my senses, to a small star.

More precisely to the Blue Pole Star!

"Hmm? Let's see what's going on here."

Since I didn't know Yun Che's or any of his harem's energy signature, I have to manually search for them. Let's start at Blue Wind Empire.


In a giant cave, a dragon's eyes suddenly snapped open. It was the remnant piece of Azure Dragon.

"What is this energy?" Being hailed as Head of divine beasts and the strongest True God, Azure Dragon knew of quite a few Creation Gods energy signature but the wave of energy which passed by him for an instant was something he never came in contact with.

And the weird part was how he was a little scared of it, even though the sense was never hostile or particularly aimed at him. Just the sheer strength was enough to scare him!

"How can this be? It's good that whoever it is, it's not hostile towards us otherwise we would already have perished!"

While he was about to calm down and enter his sleep again suddenly he heard a never heard voice in his mind.

"Yahoo! Father-in-law!"

"F-father-in-law? Who are you?" Azure Dragon roared. Even though he knew this person was the one who spread his divine sense earlier, nevertheless, he still has his pride as Head of Divine beasts.

"I am your son-in-law. I married your daughter some time ago."

"What? But my daughter is sealed!" Azure Dragon although had a doubt but it was slowly clearing.

"Yeah. But I helped her break that seal and now we are happily married."

"...what about 'it'?"

"Oh, you mean Ancestral Sword?"


"Right now it is in my hands, your daughter said she will keep an eye on me so I don't use it for bad purposes. Honestly, she worries too much. Typical of woman."

"You are seriously insulting a daughter in front of her father? YoU, dO yOu NoT wAnT tO lIvE?" With his roar, the whole Blue Pole Star started shaking.

"Anyyyywayyyy...So you can sleep easy, father-in-law. Hold up, I will send you a recording of our marriage." Ikemen didn't retort since he called that one on himself.

"..." Azure dragon thought: 'isn't his person too talkative? But if he really did save her, then I can rest easy. Let's wait and see if he really did marry my daughter.'

After some time a set of memories came to his mind. In that, he saw his daughter kowtowing with a handsome man.

"Thank you. It's been so long since I saw her. I believe you." After replaying the memories a few times, he spoke.

"But... I should warn you not to ever make her sad, otherwise, even if I am dead, I will still haunt you!"

"Fine! Fine! Geez! If you had stayed alive for some more time, you would probably have been able to see your grandchild."

"What? Is she pregnant?"

"Not for some years."

"...you are not a good thing. Seems like my daughter feels into wrong hands."

"Don't sweat the small stuff old man, I will take care of her. See ya!" With that, the connection cut off.

In the silence, Azure Dragon thought. 'The mission I gave to Yun Che has already been fulfilled, sigh! Well, I am happy for my daughter.'

"Live happy, my daughter."