
Multiverse: A Shota's Adventure towards Godhood

You know the drill. ROB Cliches and stuff, however... This time, it is a story of a mundane 10-year-old boy from a mundane world called Earth. Despite not knowing who his parents were... I know, I know... You may think that it's another orphan and stuff but... He was still able to live and feel familial love from a loving, overly doting, and sometimes crazy Onee-chan who is a cop. Discovering the joys of anime after being introduced by a friend from school and being spoiled rotten by his Onee-chan every day, he thought his life couldn't be any better. Until... Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this fanfic except the OC's. All rights reserved to their respective owners! [Author's Note: I'm not a professional nor a good writer. The plot may suck but meh~, I don't care. I write how and what I want. English isn't my first language and my vocabulary may be lacking. So to the perfectionists out there, you have been warned. Also, this is just a new idea of mine after my DanMachi Fan-fic. Been stuck on that book at the moment and decided to write this since I was inspired by an idea.] Additional tags: Multiverse, Slow pace, Incest, Martial Arts, Shotacon, Lemons...

Pie_Daddy · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

Noon soon came and Shotaro, who was behaving listlessly after learning about what his system had told him was-

dragged by his sister to the dining room before finishing up the food she cooked for her and her brother.

And although his thoughts were still occupied by the information from his System, he shook his head and decided to think about it later before taking a seat, leaning his head on the table.

"Ayame-nee, how did you know that it was already noon?"

He asked his sister who was currently busying herself setting up the table after wondering how she knew what time it was when he didn't even see any clocks around him.

"... and besides, it's cloudy and currently snowing outside. Surely you can't tell the time just by seeing the sun's position outside.", he continued after a brief pause.

Truth be told, he was even wondering why he didn't see any clock or any gadget that could tell the time when the house was fully furnished with modern and traditional appliances and furniture.

'Perhaps, she saw a clock somewhere when she was exploring the house...' he thought after realizing the possibility.

Hearing her precious brother's question and upon finally setting the dishes she prepared on the table, she turned to him and smiled before taking a seat across the table, facing him.

She didn't answer him right away but just maintained her charming smile at him before...

"Ai-chan, my Shota-chan wants to know what time is it."

She said and spoke to 'someone' she referred to as Ai-chan which left Shotaro puzzled since as far as he knew, he and his sister was the only ones who got transmigrated.

But his thoughts were soon interrupted when he heard a loud, crisp feminine voice akin to a little girl, presumably about younger than him...

[It's currently 12:00 PM, Mistress.]

This caused him to turn his head from side to side thinking that there was someone in the house aside from them.

"Fufufu~ come, Shota-chan. Let's eat first and I'll tell you who she was afterward."

She called out to him when she saw his brother who got off of his seat and began walking around with a puzzled expression...



'Haaa~ as always. Tea made by Ayame-nee is delicious.'

After a hearty meal which made both of them realize how hungry they were, the siblings were currently in their living room enjoying a cup of tea...

"So that was your 'System' speaking after all Ayame-nee.", he said to his sister after being told by her who or what that voice a while ago was.

"Fufufu amazing, right? This house is bound to Ai-chan. She's like the AI who is in charge of everything regarding the House and my well-being. Also..."

Ayame explained most of the things to her brother about her 'System' after she explained about their home.

She talked about what 'Ai-chan' can do, her functions, points, etcetera. Of course, she omitted some things she decided to keep to herself... at least for the time being.

However, in the middle of explaining, she would sometimes say some things in a whisper-like manner and would blush from time to time which hadn't gone unnoticed by him...

'I can't let him know about what my System is called and how it operates... Kya~! how embarrassing would it be if he knew? I also don't want him to think badly of me.', she thought to herself.

"What's wrong, Ayame-nee?"

Shotaro asked after seeing her sister's blushing face and was in a daze. And when she finally snapped out of her thoughts...

"Go-hum!... N-nothing."

Ayame hurriedly composed herself after clearing her throat, denying the fact that something was indeed wrong... or at least, something that was bothering her.

"What about you, Shota-chan? What does your 'System' do?", she asked while picking up her teacup before raising it against her plump lips redirecting the attention back to her brother.

"There isn't really any difference. Mine has the same functions as yours except it doesn't really communicate verbally but by showing texts on the system's interface..."

Ayame just nodded at him and calmly enjoyed her tea when she suddenly thought of something. And when she wanted to confirm her suspicions, she asked...

"By the way, Shota-chan. What's the name of your System?"

"Oh, mine's called 'L.E.S.S'or Lus-..."

Hearing his sister's question, Shotaro thought nothing of it and responded right away.

But upon realizing that he almost blurted out the thing he decided to keep to himself and not, under any circumstances, he'll let his sister know about it,-

Shotaro abruptly covered his mouth with both of his hands while dodging her sister's gaze on him, adamantly refusing to meet her eyes...


Ayame asked with a questioning look, but at the same time, she was thinking about something and was internally hoping that her thoughts better be wrong about it...

'Haaa... I hope it's not the same type as mine.', she sighed but still fixed her gaze at her brother's now blushing face.

"Ah- Ahahaha... well, It's nothing reall- Can you not ask me about it please, Ayame-nee?"

Responded Shotaro awkwardly but ended up giving her a puppy eye, hoping that it would convince her to drop the subject for the time being.

'Kyaa~ how adorable... even more than before. Awee~'

Seeing her brother's pleading face, she couldn't help but squeal inwardly causing her inner bro-con behavior to leak out once more...

"Hee~ you really don't want me to ask further about it?", she asked teasingly while squinting her eyes at him.

"...Yes... at least for now.", after a brief pause, he responded blushingly while still dodging his sister's eyes.

Seeing him repeatedly nodding his head while showing his uneasiness on the subject, Ayame didn't press him anymore. Besides, she also hid something from him...

"Okay~ but Onee-chan wants a hug and a kiss here...", she said and opened her arms wide while also looking to the side, presenting her cheek to him...



After spending the whole afternoon with his sister talking about some things which eventually led the both of them to fall asleep in each other's embrace on their living room's couch,-

Shotaro is currently inside his room's bathroom after being told by his sister as soon as they woke up to take a bath while she prepares dinner...

[Yes, Master?]

"Please open the novice package.", said Shotaro, thinking that it was the perfect moment for him to see what he'll receive from the novice package.


Inwardly though, he was extremely excited about what was inside the package. At the same time, he was a bit nervous...


'I hope the goodies inside it are cool and not...', he thought but couldn't help but worry about the fact that it might contain perverted things...

[Extraction completed...]

[Congratulations, Master. You've received the following:

Qty: 1 - Basic Status Enhancement Pill

Qty: 1 - Practice Weapon Ticket

Qty: 1 - Weapon Ticket

Qty: 1 - Battle Clothes Set

Qty: 1 - Breathing Technique Ticket

Qty: 1 - Bag of Low-Class Senzu Beans]

[All of the items are extracted from the package to the system inventory. You can check it at your own convenience, Master.]

Upon seeing the items he got from the novice package, Shotaro, although a bit disappointed that he didn't get any cool skills, was nonetheless happy for what he got.

He wanted to ask the System for some information about some of the things he received especially the basic status enhancement pill. But before he could...

[Congratulations, Master. You've received a Mystery Package...

Qty: 1 - ???

Would you like to open it?]

The system interface appeared once more in front of him. Notifying Shotaro about a Mystery Package he just received...

'Is... Is thi- Is this what I think it is!?'

As soon as the System's message appear in front of him, his eyes widened while his mouth was agape.

'Since the system didn't specify what the package is, is this the Legendary Package from those Fanfiction novels I've read before?'

Shotaro's excitement had risen within him once more and couldn't help but think about those fanfictions he had read before-

in which the MCs received a mysterious package that contains Godly Bloodlines, Skills, Magic, and Artifacts.

As soon as he woke up to reality from his own wild imaginations, Shotaro sees the System's interface with the texts in it...

[Would you like to open it now, Master?]

And not a second thought, Shotaro exclaimed, "FUCK YEAH! OPEN IT!"

Unfortunately, his enthusiasm and rising expectations would soon plummet again.



[Extraction completed...]

[Congratulations, Master. You've received the following:

Qty: 1 - Ugly Bastard's Oversized Manhood

Qty: 1 - Ugly Bastard's Oversized Balls

Qty: 1 - Ugly Bastard's Sexual Stamina

Qty: 1 - Ugly Bastard's Semen Bank

Qty: 1 - Kama Sutra Full Volume

Qty: 1 - Euphoria Touch]

[Auto Integration...]

[Ugly Bastard's Package and Euphoria Touch have been successfully integrated into the Master...]

This chapter will be followed by a bit of time skip.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Pie_Daddycreators' thoughts