
Multiversal USA

Reborn in the 30s Arthur Pendragon uses is gifted abilities to end WW2 with advanced technology. But with the war over a discovery is made, Nazis cracked dimensional travel and poked hole in the Fabric of reality. Now, portal are opening all over the world allowing everything from Dinosaurs to Roman Legonaries on to Earth. Wose the portals can open to fictional world like Wolfenstein, now with orders from the president our Genius inventor must protect the Sarth from what comes through the portals. Can he save the Earth from Other realities or will the Soviets using kidnapped Nazi scientists destroy the Earth themselves.

Damon_Jager · Others
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4 Chs

Ch-1 Orders from Truman

March 1945

Looking over some technical documents for all in one construction vehicle looking up as I headed a noise see Oppenheimer walking by looking shaken, give the man a nod mildly experated at his dramatics my inventions had killed just as many people as he did hell I helped get the Manhattan project finished ahead of schedule.

"Mr. Pendragon the president will see you now." I give the young lady a nod and wheel myself into the Oval Office the first official time I have entered the office but the first with Mr.Truman taking office.

Truman standing up from one of the couches moving to shake my hand with a smile on his face, "Arthur it's good to see again!" Truman and I had become not friends but acquaintances during the war as I directly reported to the president with my more esoteric developments.

"Good to see you Mr.President, I take it Oppenheimer is being dramatic again?" I say wheeling myself beside the couch and jumping myself to a more comfortable position.

Truman just shakes his head at my comment and pours both of us a glass and begins closing the blinds of the room meaning what is being said is classified.

"Said something about having blood on his hands, bah the coward I gave the order and didn't fly the bomber." He finished closing the blinds of the room and pulled a file from his desk and sat In front of me. "You helped build the thing and hell your contributions directly lead to a faster end to the war."

It was true upon being reborn in the 30s I dedicated myself to pushing the technology level of the USA to get ready for the coming conflict, Helicopters, Jet Aircraft, and even proto-mechs which directly lead to the war ending several months earlier and the Americans taking Berlin.

"I did my Duty Mr.President that is all, if it just so happens to make you quite wealthy well what can you do, speaking of that I'll be submitting a vehicle that will help with reconstruction in Europe." I shrugged my shoulders at the statement as it was also true I now had more patents in my name than any human being on the planet as the allied nations were using my inventions like my construction mechs to rebuild Europe.

"I'll look them over later but a situation has arisen in Germany." Truman hands me the file, which has a classified stamp across the top which I ignore and start to read. "When the 101st Airborne landed in Berlin they were tasked with locating and capturing Hitler in hopes of ending the war before we had to level the city.

When they located his Bunker the coward had killed his family and himself but he didn't destroy any of the top secret documents.

All of the Nazis so called "Wunderwaffe" plans and reports most of it garbage or behind what you and your department have. What we did find was a report on a secret laboratory in the Czech mountains studying dimensional travel, by this point the city was ours as most of the German army was kids."

Truman took a sip of his whiskey and pulled a series of photographs of the base that was taken after its capture, it was a repurposed castle from the 15th century while also letting me take in the absolute madness of that idea.

"A team was sent to secure the castle before the Soviet could as they were pushing through the German occupied Poland with abandon, by the time the team arrived the place looked like it had been blown up.

Upon investigation it seems the Nazis experiment went wrong and the device malfunctioned sending a chunk of the castle to another dimension, the scientists fled and we now know they were captured by the Soviets."

Truman handed me photographs of the various nazi scientists being loaded up into a Soviet truck and presumably headed for Moscow.

"We also now know that the experiment had side effects portals to various dimensions and time periods appeared around the castle... at first." Truman said the last part with an angry sigh and drained his whisky.

"Some more portals have begun to appear all over, as we have reports of events in France, Britain, and now the USA. Thankfully these events are normally only a second long and none hostile things have arrived."

The next series of photos are weird, a five foot circle of jungle appearing in the Black Forest, a Mammoth corpse with spears sickening out in Algeria, and lastly a Roman Legionary shot dead in Northern Italy.

I look to Truman already knowing what he wants, "I know you were planning on leaving the service with the war over but I need you on this, the SSR is now a permanent department of the Federal government.

The Gate will arrive from Germany in a couple of weeks to the main SSR base in Washington, here are the technical documents we recovered about the Gate." Truman handed me the last of the documents which I didn't read yet and just looked at the man then sighed.

"Alright Mr.President, I'll do what I can but I need less restrictions on this, no more rations and political squabbling over a gram of aluminum and I get to work on my projects the Soviets got most of the nazi scientists and the sympathizers here so I expect them to have a bomb soon and developing what we used in the war, we need to keep the advantage." I firmly said to the president as I wanted to go into the private sector and focus on space and stay ahead of the Soviets.

"Done Arthur, with the war over expect a lot of goods heard your way, as for the politics this will be top secret and the nations owes you Arthur your body armor probably saved their sons a thousand times." Truman stands up and parts me on the shoulder and moves back to his desk and looks over the Construction vehicle I developed. "I'll send the first one of these your way too Arthur I think you may need it."

I hop back over to my chair and give him a goodbye and head for the car waiting outside.I needed to get back to Washington state and prepare to start my own Stargate command.


Rails was in its second golden age in the USA with my help, to transport supplies from across the country relied heavily upon rail as the highway system was still being proposed to the government.

Using a new type of steel alloy and a jet powered locomotive, now a trip that would normally take three days is now one and a half. Currently it's only being used by the military but civilian use is expected to start soon.

This gave me time to plan on how I was going to manage this gate program as looking over the photos with my ability gave me some ideas of how the portal is supposed to function.

It is supposed to act as a controllable gateway to various dimensions and times, from what was recovered it seems the Nazi plan was to contact a dimension where they were winning to get support or at least technology.

Thankfully they failed and I could see where in the construction that didn't the equivalent of letting rats loose to chew on the fabric of reality letting things through.

Based off the Portal Events that have been identified and cataloged they are getting worse, a new event in off the coast of Florida where a Tylosaurus was seen dropping into the water from about 20 feet in the air and a Navy ship just so happens to see it occur and still under war time orders they shot and killed the creature.

It is also being shipped to Washington to be examined, but this showed that this can cause some issues on a large scale as this one creature would devastate the local ecosystem.

Which gave me my first task which is to first identify any portals open or areas that could open in the USA, then develop a way to prevent portals from appearing.

There is also the problem of using the gate itself as a video reel of the experiment that failed showed a glimpse into another dimension that I recognized.

Wolfenstein, a dimension where the Nazis won using advanced technology we got lucky as with their failure but it also presented opportunities.

Because if it could open to their it could open to others across fiction, Fallout a would jump the USA to unbelieve head start in nuclear science, laser and plasma weaponry, practically almost every field of study.

Or something like Outland, a group of about 500 college students and civilians in a world where Yellowstone erupted in 2015 killing off most of the Earth and a group of students fled to another dimension.

Just to name a few, but I needed to work in the portal working and teams established to explore portals and gather tech.

*Knock* *Knock* The door to the shared cabin for officers opens as I close the classified documents on my table, as one of my chosen men to work with me enters the room.

Felix "Shotgun" Sparks former Commander of the 157th Infantry Regiment, following behind him Samuel Coldfoot a Native American man who served under Felix throughout the war.

I give both men a smile and shake their hands, "How are your men settling in Commander?"

Felix was a much happier man than he would have been in the normal timeline as almost all his men survived the war, the only commander to not lose a man the entire war.

"Fine Sir, a lot more comfortable than the train back in Europe that for sure." He sits at the table in front of me and glances down at the classified documents for just a moment.

Coldfoot sits beside him, his large frame taking up most of the table, giving a curt "Sir."

I just give him a smile, "It should be I put a lot of work into getting it comfortable and economic for troop transport. But never mind that what have you both been told about our assignment with SSR and please be honest with me."

The two men look to one another having a silent conversation, and Felix leaned forward "Not much, just that it will be a long posting and that they suggest that we move our families to Washington when space becomes available."

I look to Coldfoot who nods in agreement, "I apologize Commander, Major Coldfoot but did either of you read comic books?"


After a couple hours of explaining, diagrams and drinks I eventually get them both to believe the whole situation.

"By god…." Felix leaned back into his seat sipping on a glass of beer that one of the men brought for the officers Coldfoot just sat there contemplating the information.

"Yes… but you and your men will be equipped with the most advanced technology and equipment I and my team can build: Mechs, exoskeleton, armor hell, maybe even a jet pack if I can finish the design." Coldfoot who had become an avid comic fan over his time in the military as they were parts of the entertainment package they would send over.

"Mr.Pendragon can you make supersoldiers like Captain America?" He asked seriously and with some hesitation as he knew how dangerous that information would be.

"Hypothetically….if I did have some theories about making them I wouldn't currently unless the political situation all over the world changes." I give him a long and hard look, a Captain American style super soldier would destabilize the already tense situation in Europe with the communists already getting cold as they want parts of Poland and the USA isn't backing down but they are not ready for a prolonged fight again.

"Now, back to the situation at hand. I plan on developing five man teams for gate exploration or interception for the less serious events.

And yes exploration teams with the Soviets capturing the scientists that made the gate and I guarantee they are already building a new gate, so the president has tasked the SSR to explore, gather technology, and even rescue missions.

In addition to our main task of taking care of Portal Events all over the USA, I told you about the dinosaur off the coast. Imagine a group of raptors or sabertooths appearing in some town."

Both men understood how this technology could revolutionize the world and its military applications; they also saw the glimpse of the Nazi ruled world.