
Multiversal troll (Dropped)

Cliche death ✓ Gets wish ✓ Reincarnated ✓ . . . But . Fuck . The . Plot . . Unless it's beneficial of course. Disclaimer: all characters belongs to their respective owners, I only own my OC. . . . No Harem.

Apathy_Personified · Anime & Comics
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CHAPTER 5. Plans and choices

{ Sorry for bad grammars }


-----[3rd POV]-----

'I died, right?.' Thought the soul who was currently in the foreign souls not tethered to the world goes.


[System downloaded.]

[You got a message.]

[Open message: YES or NO.]

Scott's spiritual eyes widened in horror.

'Oh, no. No no no...I never asked for a system!.'

The system urged: [Open message: YES or NO.]

-----[Ist POV]-----

When I died again, I thought I would just have to wait till current body reformed. Why is there a system panel in front of me?!!!.

If someone asks why don't I just accept the system, I'll tell them fuck you.

Everyone knows systems are nothing but slave drivers. They give rewards for their missions but, most systems also add death and destruction of your life to every little mission failed.

Take a look at this; Abomination is currently rampaging in New York....

Mission discovered: [Punch Hulk or Abomination in the face.]

Time limit: [20 minutes.]

Reward: [One random ability.]

Punishment for failure: [Death.]

Punching Hulk or Abomination is straight up death, not to talk of when both are fighting each other.

Why will I do such kind of mission for some random ability. Its like telling a guy that saves money for two years to gamble with it for a chance to win twice the amount.

Systems just gives extreme missions for unknown rewards.

Calming down, I just looked at the system option and click Yes mentally. My abilities are independent of the system, so...

There's no loss for me, I just don't want some voice to stay in my head for all eternity. I don't know how protagonists of novels stay sane with a sassy and bitchy voice in their head.

The only A.I I want in my head is JARVIS's kind.

Seeing a new screen open, I just read the message.

[Hahaha.....You should have seen your face. Thank me I saved the picture of your expression in my collection.

Anyways kid, it ain't a system. It's just a status page with your details and abilities.

It also function as a switch when using your abilities. Which means you can activate and deactivate your abilities.

The effect stays though.....

Also, I transmigrated you because I peeked into a desire you once had but have forgotten. You wanted to transmigrate to the beginning of the first world you go to.

Whatever you want to do is none of my business...therefore this will be the last time we'll chat....

P.S: It's Marvel, you just have to find out which one.


Seeing the message made me sigh in relief.

Now that I know I'm at the beginning of homo species, I couldn't help but smile. The message also made me remember a plan that I once had when I was still alive in my first reality.

Like I said before....I love reading novels. One day I just had a lovely idea about what I'll do if I had powers.

Now all I have to do is wait for my body to reform, since I haven't created any ability.

----- Fifteen minutes later -----

Welp, it looks like I'm back to earth.

Looking back I feel that there was no need for me to check my appearance through the water.


I'm so dumb.

Alright stop thinking about that.

First things first, i need a cave to stay in and strength to take ownership.

----- [ 3rd POV] -----

Deep in a cave with an unusual amount of light, a figure could be seen sitting on the damp floor of the cave.

The figure turns out to be a young man with transparent blue eyes, a hair mixed with white and blue, blue tattoos on his face and body.

He's currently looking at empty space with his face blank.

----- [1st POV] -----

Looking at my status, I couldn't help but sigh.

I'm pretty weak.....

But not for long, hehehe.

Now second thing second.....

[Enhanced Physique created.....]

Ability Description: [The user's physique is always in a state of elevation. When fighting against opponents of higher strength, their physique will adapt to that of the opponent.

You have to win with skills though...]

I know, I know. Why not just create an ability that will give me the strength of hulk?.

Well, I don't like people that just use brute strength to solve everything. I'm not going to be like them, and I won't depend on my ability too much.

Why?, You may ask.

Take a look at Saitama, you'll know why

If I grow too quickly, everything else will be boring.

I know that there are so many dangerous universes and planets, but it's not like they are running away.

I just created the ability to kill the resident of this cave because they are currently out doing whatever they do.

After that, I'm starting my pl~


Feeling a chill at my back I quickly dodged to the side. Thank you [Enhanced physique] I do not want to be food again.


Snapping my head towards the direction of the sound, I saw a sabertooth tiger looking at me with hunger in it's eye.

Ha... looks like it's hunt didn't go well.

Smiling and stretching, nails on my hands and feet started growing out and transformed into claws due to the ability [Adamantine claws] which I created on my way into the cave.

Seeing my shining and long claws, it grew a bit wary due to instinct, that was until it's hunger took over its instinct and it rushed towards me.

Seeing something as tall as me running in my direction almost made my heart abandon me. It doesn't even matter if I'm strong now, I can't just get over my fear of big animals. I'm no cultivator protagonist that kills creatures and people calmly with no fear even though they just transmigrated.

Taking a deep breathe without removing my eyes from my target, I sidestepped immediately it pounced on me and slashed my claws at its belly.

I took a step back because true to the word "animals are most dangerous when the are cornered", it didn't even stopped to look at its injury, and pounced on me once again immediately after it's paws touched the ground.

But....I dodged once more and swiped at it. The cycle kept going on until the big cat took it's last breath due to bloodloss.

I stayed away from it for close to a minute since I Don't know if it has nine lives or not.

After I was satisfied, I concentrated on the blood on my claws and my soul just did it's work by analyzing the blood and storing it's Bio-data in wherever it stores them.

When the process was over, I received some sort of feeling which I guess is me being aware that the process is over.

I then made a mental command to modify my current body so I'll have everything the tiger has without changing my appearance.

Immediately after that command, I felt pain that I've never felt before all over my body.

I forgot to create pain immunity before the modification.

It took pure will and the thought of another creature entering the cave, seeing my body on the ground and eating me alive to prevent myself from fainting.

After a long time?, the pain just vanished. It might be seconds but it felt more like hours to me.

After resting for close to five minutes, I stood up and commenced my plan.


After five minutes of creating different abilities, my status looks like this.


Name: [Scott ??.]

Species: [Tiger-human hybrid.]

Energy: [0]

Physique: [City Tier]

Intelligence: [3rd level intellect]

Abilities: [Adamantine Claws], [Enhanced Physique], [Pain Immunity], [Hypnosis], [Echo Shadow Clone], [Spermites], [Biological mimicry].

[Pain Immunity: Make the user feel zero pain when activated].

[Hypnosis: Forcefully adds and delete memories of targets with low mental resistance].

[Echo Shadow Clone: The user is able to multiply just like Echo Echo from Ben 10 and can disperse like shadow clones from Naruto bringing with it memories.

Memory sharing is currently restricted].

[Spermites: They have different forms....

Normal Sperm: Able to fertilize eggs after sperm is release. Fertilization depends on the intent of the user

Nanite Form: When sperms are released into the body, they flow in to the blood stream and takes information about the host cells and DNA.

Information can be shared over long distances and psionically with each other and the user in the case of a host dying without transferring the compiled information of a line of gene.

Virus form: They multiply and spread to other bodies through sex and birth, taking with them information compiled until the user wants them.

Extra Function: They serves as trackers and means of escape for the soul of the user. In the case of the body being destroyed, the soul would be drawn and reborn through the nearest infected, thereby hiding their soul signature.]

[Biological Mimicry: The user is able to induce Self-Metamorphosis of any specie in themselves.]

-----Status End-----

Looking at my status, I felt satisfaction.

I know my current strength doesn't mean much since this is a Marvel universe, but it's not like I'll stay here till modern days.

My clones will do the work for me without me dirtying myself..... Looking at my clone i can't help but exclaim

I'm Goddamn handsome. Looks like GOD knows my heart.

The appearance I wanted is that of a white guy from a movie called "Ready player one" He looks so handsome that people will think he's like those Korean flower boy even though it's not true.

I know some people from my reality will ask "why did you choose to be white when you're black?."

Then I'll ask, "If you're choosing a new face in a new world, why will you give a fuck about color?."

Honestly, only dumb humans discriminate colour and races of other humans when we are the same species.

If aliens invade earth, do you think the world won't be united as one to either fight them or welcome them.

So to me it means nothing if I'm changing appearance.

Speaking of clones, twenty of them are standing in front of me with solemn faces since they have an inkling what I want to do.

---- [POV change] ----

" Alright, listen and listen very closely." Scott announced to the clones. Continuing, he said, "I want you all to multiply and go to the current continents in the world and fuck all female of every species."

Hearing the words spoken by the original, the clones grimaced, but couldn't say anything because he's still the original, all they could do was nod solemnly.

"You should he happy I sent you to the continents," Said Scott, "The next batch will be sent to the ocean to do the same, and we all know that we're more scared of the ocean due to gigantic creatures living in the ocean at modern times not to talk of this primitive age."

Hearing Scott's last words, the clones scurried away to do their work, leaving Scott to create the next batch of clones to do their job.

Ten minutes after commanding the next batch, Scott could be seen sitting alone in the cave.

'Which world should I go to next for my vacation until Marvel timeline reaches the modern age.

I need a world with technology and still have fantasy in it...'

--------- [POV change] ---------





I forgot to ask GOD for the coordinate of my first reality.




I wanted to kill some people.

Ladies and gents, I'm incredibly Petty.

Deal with it.






Comment on the world you want.

1. Shadow slave

2. Blood warlock: Succubus in the apocalypse