
Multiversal Rider Adventures

Whoever wins in the DGP-X shall become the God of Desire, and he shall get three wishes. ..... Azuma Jin, the son of the previous generation rider, Azuma Michinaga had succeeded the title of Buffa and embarked on an arduous path to win the DGP-X and restore the balance of his universe. And he succeeded! He became the God of Desire and used one of his wishes to restore his universe to what it was before. But nobody expected that he had a much deeper secret that only the higher ups of the DGP knew. Azuma Jin, was in fact a reincarnator... And an avid fan of anime, novels, manhua, movies, and most of all Kamen Rider. so he used his last to wish to fulfill his dreams of exploring the myriad worlds, accompanied by a way to obtain all the Rider Systems. Will he make friends along the way? Or perhaps enemies? So stay tuned and follow his journey towards the cosmo's. ____________________________________ World's he visited in: Sololeveling-(Current world) ????? ????? ????? I'll let you vote which worlds he goes at a later date~ ____________________________________ Rider system Obtained: -Mirror Deck(Blank)(SIC)(Ryuki template) -?????

LazyWriterZ · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4:The Lizards

"Woah! So this is how a gate looks in person!" I marveled upon the big blue spiraling gate as me and Jinwoo got down from the taxi. 

Although the gate is a bit far away, and the whole area around it is covered by blue tarps with a few warning signs here and there, I could still see the spiraling blue gate inside. 

In front of the gate is a group of people who are getting ready and awaiting the start of the dive. 

And once we walked near, the people immediately noticed us and one of them beckoned the two of us. 

"Hey, over here!" A burly man wearing black t-shirt and brown pants greeted us. He has a long sword, and shield strapped on his back as well as a short dagger besides a mini bag hanging in front of his belt. 

He's wearing various protection around his arm, shoulder, and both his legs which looks to be frequently used due to the scratch marks littered in it. 

Behind him are a few average looking guys wearing their gear, the two nearest seems to be an assassin and a mage respectively as seen from their outfit. 

"I'm Hwang Dongsuk.What's your name you two?" He introduced himself, shaking mine and Jinwoo's hand consecutively. 

"I'm Sung Jinwoo"

"Seung Woo-jin" 

"You said that you two are E-Rank, right?"Dongsuk asked, and when Jinwoo confirmed, Dongsuk nodded. 

Suddenly, one of the members, the assassin with brown curly hair, exclaimed "Wait! I know you! You're pretty famous,  What was your nickname again.. The weakest hunter of the planet?"

And the guy beside him, the mage with a black neck length hair man, laughed, wheezing from what he heard. 

I frowned seeing this before I finally remembered who these guys are. 

They were the people who Jin-Woo first killed because they left him and Jinho in the boss room. 

So that must mean this portal leads to the ant/spider's nest full of mana stones. 

And speaking of Jinho, he's currently talking with another member of Dongsuk's squad. 

Oh, he noticed the two of us and is coming right here. 

I look at Jinwoo who's finalizing the contract with Dongsuk and walked towards him and wrote my signature in the paper without bothering to read it because I know what will happen afterwards. 

Anyhow, this confirms it, I'm still in the early stages of sololeveling world's story

"Hey, I guess the three of us are here just for the headcount"Jinho said. Jinwoo and I looked at him, who's fully stacked with fancy equipment as he introduced himself. 

"My name's Yoo Jinho. I'm 22 years old and my rank is D. I'm not a member of this Strike Squad either. I'm only here because they recruited me just like the two of you"

He voiced with a proud and twinkling smile. 

"YO! Seung Woojin here! 19,and my rank is E" I replied, similarly mentioning my rank. 

"Maaan, you've got some amazing gear there man! This must be expensive right?!"I inquired with full interest as Jinho's gears are a hundred or even a thousand times better than Dongsuk and the other's gear. 

"You've got good eyes junior! My gears are in fact very high quality and of course expensive" Jinho proudly stated, as he put out his chest and had his chin facing the sky. 

Meanwhile, Jinwoo is talking with Dongsuk so I'll let him handle that while I continued talking with Jinho. 

Suddenly, the previous mage called out. 

"Dongsuk, that's enough. Let's get going. "

Which was followed by the words of the brown haired assassin who voiced. 

"Yeah, we're gonna be doing all the fighting anyway! No need to explain every single detail to them."

Dongsuk solemnly nodded, and I looked at this with a poker face, fully knowing what will happen in the next few hours. 

"You two said you were E Rank right? I'll protect you"Voiced Jinho on the side making Jinwoo laugh awkwardly


As we stepped inside the gate, we were met with an eerie and dark place. 

Dongsuk asked the mage to light up the way, while all the members stepped inside. 

Jinwoo and I are both carrying bags filled with tools like pickaxes and shovels while Jinho carried his sword and shield. 

Everyone but me and Jinwoo were confused about the lack of magic beasts and lights. 

With me knowing the dungeon beforehand and Jinwoo based on his experience. 

"Jinwoo, do some dungeon not have any magic beasts?"Jinhoo asked in confusion. 

But Jinwoo hushed him before closing his eyes. 

Not long after, he replied "It's not that there aren't any beast, they just haven't shown up yet" his voice solemn. 

"What lives in the dark in groups, and attacks when they see light?"I asked with a nonchalant tone. 

 suddenly a look of realization hit Jinwoo as he exclaimed "Insect-type beast!"

His words shook everyone as they started freaking out. 


"Are we inside of an anthill?!"

"stop freaking out all of you!" 

Voiced some members as they suddenly felt the ground tremble. 

"Shit! Sounds like they're closed!"

"this shitty dark environment! I can't see the beasts!"

"There are so many caverns! Where will they come out?!"

Their panicked voices rang loudly while the trembling became stronger by the second. 

"Dongsuk! Do you see anything there?!"Asked the assassin, his voice filled with anxiousness. 

"No, I don't see no shit!" Dongsuk replied, his body like everyone else's tensed bracing themselves for the inevitable combat. 

Seeing all these, I sighed before I tapped Jinwoo's shoulder and when he looked at me, I pointed upwards. 

Jinwoo's eyes constricted before he looked up and exclaimed. 

"Look up!"

Jinwoo's voice prompted everyone to look above and when they saw the marching ant looking beast they cursed. 

"Jinwoo! Woojin! Stay close to me!"Jinhoo exclaimed, his voice tinge with nervousness but he chose to worry about the two seemingly "weak hunters" 

*screech* the ants screeched as they marched down but everyone wasn't affected as they exclaimed. 

"Shoot them down!!"

"use magic!! "

"I'll agro them once they get down!*

"Fuck! There's to many of them!! "

*Fwoom!* *Bang!*

Once the fireball used by the mage hit the wave of ants, the battle officially started, as ants started to fall down from the hole above. 

"Over here you fucking bastards!"Dongsuk's loud voice which is affected by his skill taunt successfully got most of the ants' attention as they swarmed towards him. 

Seeing this, Dongsuk continued to taunt them "Come to daddy you bastard sons of a whore!"

And it seems that his taunt went so well as the ant beasts screeched loudly at Dongsuk before they charged at him, screeching. 

"Damage dealers! What are you waiting for?!" Dongsuk's voice reached everyone's ears as he shouted, and hearing this the dealers started their massacre on the frenzied ants who's sole target is Dongsuk. 

Some ants who were not taunted ventured towards the three of us instead but Jinho took care of most of them, unfortunately one went pass him as it skeeved into both Jinwoo and I. 

But a kick from Jinwoo solved it, as it flew back, it's legs shattered. 

The massacre went on until not a single ant was left, there carcass scattered across the tunnel. 

"Alright!Gather up all the essence stones! They'll be split among nine of us!" Dongsuk instructed, and by nine of them he meant him and his squad, and Jinho. Although I'm pretty sure they are not planning on giving anything to the three of us, me, Jinwoo and Jinhoo, even at the start these guys have decided that the three of us don't get to have any part in the loot. 

I of course was asked to help get the essence stones from the bodies of ants, while Jinhoo sat down on the ground panting. 

Meanwhile, as I helped collect the stones, my eyes wandered towards Dongsuk who walked towards Jinwoo and said. 

"You helped us a lot back there, How did you know that the magic beast were gonna drop from above"

Hearing this, Jinwoo flinched before his eyes turned towards me and our gaze met each other. 

I winked at him before I continued collecting the stones. 

"It was just… My Gut feeling" Jinwoo replied

"I see, you have good instincts. I'm glad things went smoothly, keep it up. But I hope your instincts doesn't pick up anything unnecessary" Dongsuk voiced solemnly, before he was called on by the mage,as he walked away. 

It seemed like they found a strange ant carcass so they checked it out,but I turned my head towards Jinwoo and shook my head. I decided to not help anymore for now. 

Meanwhile, Jinwoo, whose gaze never left Dongsuk, suddenly said something that only the three of us could hear. 

"Jinho, Your sword and shield are expensive, right?" He asked and Jinhoo nodded at his question and replied. 

"Yeah, my dad got it for me since this is my first raid"

Hearing this, Jinwoo solemnly uttered "I'm not too sure, but… I think the three of us should be careful"

I nodded in approval at Jinwoo, as others might not notice it but ever since they found that strange carcass, I felt quite a significant bloodlust coming from all the squad members and Dongsuk. 

And Jinwoo noticing this, albeit a little uncertain, is certainly quite a talent. 

'eh? How did I in fact sense their bloodlust? I was just a normal teenager- Oh right…. It must be from the time at the DGP-X, I really need to recover the memories soon.. '


And so, all of us ventured into the deep tunnel, occasionally coming across some ant magic beast as well as their carcass which the group didn't kill. 

At one point all of us needed to take a break, so we did and me and Jinho continued our chat from before as we eat, while I let Jinwoo ponder about the things that will happen soon enough. 

And, although I ain't planning on fighting, the Mirror Deck that I obtained as a newbie gift from the system is already in my pocket, ready to be used anytime. 

After the break, we continued venturing the tunnel, and as we went through we stumbled on ant carcass more and more. 

The group started to get confused, and even doubted whether the boss was still alive. 

"Wait… Kyuhwan, bring the light over this way"Dongsuk called over the sole mage, Kyuhwan. 

Of course the mage followed and he let the mana light shine through in front. 

"Oh, My god"

What greeted us was a tunnel full of spider webs. Ant carcasses were sewn through the walls all covered by spider webs. 

"This must be the boss lair" one of them voiced and the rest nodded. 

"Get ready everyone"Dongsuk reminded and everyone got into their position before all of us continued walking toward the deep cave full of webs. 

But as we walked, blue lights suddenly greeted us and when we looked towards the source… 

"Th… This is…!"

"Holy shit!"

"We just hit a jackpot!"

All of them except me and Jinwoo were baffled at the sight of clusters and clusters of mana crystals growing in the walls. 

"These have less mana than the essence stones we get from hunting magic beasts, so they're dirt cheap, but… 

This many would certainly sell for more than an essence stone. And roughly calculating, all this would be worth over a billion won. "Kyuhwan the mage voiced with amazement. 

"Dongsuk, won't this make your little brother jealous?" suddenly one of his teammates voiced which Kyuhwan called out. 

"Don't mention him especially at a time like this"

Meanwhile, Dongsuk ignored the two bickering with each other, his eyes is all focused on the stones, most likely monologuing about his brother. 

Meanwhile, Jinho suddenly called my and Jinwoo's attention. 

"Can you two give me the contract you both signed, I'm an expert when it comes to this stuff" He voiced. It seemed that he intended to help the two of us. 

So Me and Jinwoo handed both our contracts before I decided to look around for the boss, and when I caught a glimpse of the boss, my eyes widened as the boss is completely different from the manhua. 

The boss is a pretty familiar figure for me as I have seen it countless times as I watched Kamen Rider Ryuki. 

The boss, Instead of the normally monstrous spider that they should have encountered turned into a dispider from the show Kamen Rider Ryuki. 

And as I questioned myself how this happened, I did not hear Jinho's conversation with Dongsuk and his squad. 

I stayed there frozen, stunned and confused the whole time, the only things on my mind were the potential repercussions of this monster appearing in this world, and if the other ones also now exist in this world. 

I was only awoken when I felt the whole cavern shake and stones started to fill up the entrance locking us out. 

So I looked there and sure enough the entrance was locked by rocks.

Jinho panicked, realizing the predicament the three of them were left in. 

Meanwhile Jinwoo, as stoic as ever, just glared at the entrance without saying anything. 

"Jinwoo, Woojin, what do we do?! 

The entrance is… 

Those bastards are trying to kill us! Trying to kill us over some mana crystals!!" Jinho's anguished and furious voice reverberated in the entire cave. 

Meanwhile, Jinwoo dropped his bag and walked towards the covered entrance without saying anything, glanced at the now awake spider before he looked at me, our eyes met once again but this time I wasn't in the mood for jokes so I dropped my bag as well before I jumped back away from the dispider. 

I sighed… I guess plans do sometimes fail whenever it counts, and it seems that I got the short end of the stick today. 

I reached inside my pocket, gripping the silver deck and taking it out. 

"Y-you two stand behind m-me..I-I'll do what I can t-to.."Jinho stuttered as he got ready to face the monster. 

But Jinwoo interjected, pulling out Kasaka's venom fang out of his inventory and Voiced "Jinho, stay put. He's all mine"

"Nope! I won't let you hog all the spotline alone, so… He's ours!"I interjected, my voice got the two's attention as I walked slowly towards Jinwoo. 

Gray armor draped my body, and a black and silver chest plate adorned on my torso, black gloves adorned in both my arms. A black and gray bracer covered my right arm while on my left arm a square shaped silver visor was attached. 

A helmet that looks like an ancient knight's with a gem in the forehead covered my neck that looked a tad menacing to whoever sees them for the first time. 

The two were surprised by my appearance, with Jinho even baffled as he tried to process the things happening right in front of him. 

"Now, let's go hunt this spider"My voice sounded, which woke Jinwoo up from his surprise as he nodded and answered. 

"Yeah! Let us defeat this guy!"