
Multiversal Elden Ring Mercant

What happens to an obsession once someone dies? Some may fade away, some may eat at your soul for all eternity. Some, however, are so strong they can warp reality itself. A man obsessed with Elden Ring to the point of challenging this universes laws, what kind of story would that be I wonder?

Theon_Bennit · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Update on Chapers

Yo,author here. So the reason there have been no chapters this week is for two main reasons. I've been super busy at work cause of the holidays (my department only has 2 full time people including me) and my shifts are 9 hours. Consequently, I got a nasty cold and have been pretty sick. Thankfully, I'm feeling much better and chapters should resume tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks for your understanding and patience.