
Multiversal Congruency [Stopped]

— “I see you gather before me… hungry… terrified… Clutching your grimoire to your chest. God of blood and killing Khorne has marched his legions into our worlds… Laid devastation to every living from here to the Dragon Mountains. Rabid and ravenous, he bites and bites away.” “Magi of the North, you stand at the precipice! Your heralds have failed you, so now you turn to the sleeper! And yet you do not heed? You do not kneel to dust your heads with husk? Instead you wail, ‘Why have the heralds forsaken us?’” “We must look into the trails we failed not long ago! In a time past, our world intertwined with another through an upheaval scholars call the Second Conjunction of the Spheres… The heralds allowed unholy forces to slip into our domain. The offspring of that cataclysm was the nefarious force called mana…” “Yet we did not banish it, instead studying the vile arcane for our own power and wealth! And the mythic at our door… the unholy relics of this Second Conjunction? …the devourer…the primal beast…the daedra? Did we raise our science and magic against them? Or have we laid this burden on others?” “On so-called demon slayers… Stray children taught the ways of foul breathing, their mind mutated through blasphemous technique. Sent to fight mythic though they could not distinguish good from evil. The flicker of humanity long extinguished within them.” “Yes, their numbers have doubled through the years. Many still roam our lands, offering their bloody work for mere satisfaction. To this day they shame us with their very existence! The North bleeds, flogged by war. The battles are the herald’s whip, chastisement for our corruption! And let us not forget the terrors, the heart of darkness from beyond our world! The ancestors roamed through our minds with every cycle of the moon!” “The narrator twisted our children into the lands unknown! Some say he is the harbinger of the third Conjunction! Can we chart a course back into the light? Will we find the strength to banish the demon slayers from our country? Unite around the blue color of the Eternal Madness?” “Nigh is the Time of the Wand and Guns! None will fight this war in our stead! Nigh is the Time of Swirling Stars!” — This is not a Witcher fan fiction per se, but rather a story that initially features elements from The Witcher. — In this story, the dark tag means it’s genuinely dark, and the harem tag means it’s like the old-school harem, where women are objectified. — Don’t expect too much lore and detail in each fandom, because their past history is long gone. This means that everything from their characteristics, way of speaking, traditions, and culture is pretty much shallow at best. —

hexagonal_01_shape · Video Games
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205 Chs


Seeing Mai Shiranui, his meat cuisine with a completely different body entering the bathroom while wearing full clothes, Tian Xing spread his arms wide and said, "Welcome home, my dear."

As Mai Shiranui approached her most prized possession that she had always dreamed of, she suddenly felt that something was amiss. Looking around at the debauchery she had somehow become accustomed to, she frowned and asked the naked man before her, "Do you have any girlfriend or wife of any kind? I mean, not these useless dogs used as tissue. I mean a real one."

Amused by seeing all of his beloved ones looking at Mai Shiranui with resentment, which would probably not end well for her, as she wanted to become a stand in for his dominated wife, for the twisted reason of protecting her from being taken advantage of, Tian Xing made a frowning, confused face. "A real one? There is no real one, since they all are real. They are all my girlfriends and wives."

Looking around again, trying to find someone but to no avail, Mai Shiranui, after a while and without a single hair touching her prized possession, replied, "Sorry, I think I mistook you for someone else. If you'll excuse me, I'll leave and won't tell anyone about the Heavenly Star Dao World or what you did inside it. If not, then I can only fight you to the death, since I came here not to have my belly swollen like that, and not to advance my Fighting Dao, but to find my two eternal masters, especially Laritla."

Seeing her point at her previous body and hearing her almost accurately guess his wife's name, Tian Xing, amused, said, "It's okay, Luo Mei. I won't hold you prisoner here. Go now, live your life to the fullest, and find your own Dao Companion. Life is too short to be obsessed with the illusory distant past."

"Sure, sure, whatever you say, greedy bastard. Tsk, tsk, one isn't enough, and yet you want all the best of us. Lustful swine is truly just like a swine. Pig can't even hold his pants down for a moment, moving from one itch to the next… Disgusting lecher…"

Eyebrows twitching, still unwilling to accept the last part as truth, Tian Xing snorted and decided to give her another two tests. Comforting himself with the fact that, even if it were true, he still had so much property and wealth that he could do whatever he wanted, unlike the truly righteous who could not engage in such activities. So nodding to himself, because he at least had this kind of twisted freedom, he made her subsequent twenty thousand lives full of menial hardships, as her indomitable love was already there to begin with, with no need to add extra temptation of Dao Companion.

Waiting once again for his wife's favorite dish to arrive, Tian Xing saw a different person but still with the same vibe of sexy vulgarity, pure and without blemishes. Sadly, even though he liked to turn the dark mode on again, she was not his property to begin with, so he could only hold his pants down, to avoid being a disgusting lecher, like Mai's previous ten thousand reincarnations had said.

"Barita, my love, I mean, my pet. Is that you?"

Giggling at her master's flustered expression, Margarita nodded. "Yes, master. This pig of yours is Barita. So can I be showered with love and kisses? It has been such a long time since this slave has received your kind of rough attention."

Walking closer, wanting to dominate her pet whom she missed after such a long time, Mai Shiranui stopped and frowned, sensing something odd about the situation. Drawing her hands back just before trying to tug at her hair, she turned around instantly and left the place, as it seemed pointless to have her pet when what made her pet important was already gone.

"Master! Where are you going?! I'm here, aren't I?! If master doesn't like me becoming a pet, then I can still be your lover, you know!"

Stopping at the words of the love of her life and shivering unknowingly since it was what she desired the most, Mai Shiranui turned around to see Barita walking closer, someone she somehow felt connected to. Looking around, trying to find someone, she took a step back, not wanting the lady to touch her.

"Lady, I think I might have mistaken you for someone I am dearly devoted to and in love with. Could you tell me a little bit about your background? I want to know if someone you know might be my eternal master and my eternal matriarch."

Appearing confused, Rita replied, "But I am your eternal matriarch, am I not?"

Pausing, Mai Shiranui shook her head. "No, you are not. My eternal matriarch would immediately make me her object of torture when my eternal master is not around. Also, I don't see you being upset when I want to tug at your hair. There are no exhilarating, cheating emotions that I can feel from my own dominator, eternal master, nor are there shame and humiliation, cuckquean emotions from you when I want to become your dominator."

Amused because this reincarnation of Mai Shiranui was able to guess the truth about her desires, Rita listened as her favorite continued.

Looking at Barita strangely, Mai Shiranui said, "Moreover, I feel like you are not someone who needs consoling and comforting after I'm done violating you. My eternal matriarch is someone with a fragile heart who is repeatedly stabbed again and again by my eternal master, which my matriarch is addicted to for the feeling alone. But looking at you, I don't have this dark desire to possess you. To me, you are not someone who needs to be replaced or whose feelings need to be violated. So no, you are not my matriarch."

Chuckling, wanting Mai Shiranui to truly dominate her in body and soul, Rita nudged her master into the fate that she desired, asking, "Then do you want to replace your matriarch's place in your master's heart? Care to tell me the reason?"