
Multiversal Anime Group Chat: A Journey Across Realms

One day the Supreme God woke up and choose violence. That sums about the summary of this fanfic.

Kuroki_Shishiro · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 6: It isn’t so bad after all

(Authors Note:

Dual Chapter today as I don't like leaving the last chapter as a cliffhanger.

If you haven't drop the congrats to me I guess.

My updating schedule will be Mon-Fri, 5 chapters a week.

So, Here is a trade offer,

100 power stones = +1 chapter to be released on Saturday.

250 power stones = +1 on Sunday.

500 power stones which I don't think is possible but if it magically happens the +1 again on Sundays.

Also if you like the story thus far, consider dropping a review, the front page is empty and sad.)

(Dante POV)

[Weakest Class: Oh, um, I'm not really sure what to say... Honestly, I'm feeling a bit nervous right now. I do get what you're saying, though. I've read fanfictions too, so when I saw this Group Chat, I kinda had an idea of what it meant. But, um, Dante-san, if it's okay to call you that, I understand. And don't worry, even though I'm feeling a bit shaken, I won't start having an identity crisis over this. I've read enough to know that I'm me, not some fake character with a prewritten fate by some author out there.]

[Sister Finder: "While I may not have fully grasped the description of your mission, I did understand the essence, and Hajime's words have provided me with the answer I sought. It's a matter of questioning our reality, whether we truly exist, or if we're merely actors following a predetermined script. Remember when I mentioned the peculiar planet Lumine and I encountered during our travels? The concept of the Imaginary Tree raised this very question. And the conclusion I reached then remains unchanged: I am myself, and I shape my destiny. No external force dictates my story; rather, it merely narrates the journey I embark upon."]

[Sister Seeker: Honestly, I'm feeling pretty lost right now. I don't really get what's happening. I'm just going off of what other people are saying. Are they suggesting that we might not be real? I'm not entirely sure what that means, but I can tell you one thing: I know I'm real. I'm living life on my terms, doing what I want to do. Sure, fate and destiny might be real concepts, but at the end of the day, I'm the one making my own choices. No one's forcing anything on me.]

[Elder Sister: Ara, this situation is rather perplexing. While I admit I'm a bit confused by the topic, based on the responses of others, it seems you're suggesting that the mission you'd rather not do involves sending us something called 'source material,' which supposedly contains our future destinies, correct? If that's the case, does it imply that our futures are predetermined? If so, fear not. I've heard of magic capable of peering into the future before, and I know for certain: the future isn't set in stone. We have the power to change it. So go ahead and share that 'source material' with us, finish your quest, and defy the cataclysm looming over your home world.]

After reading the group chat member's replies, I felt like a weight from my shoulders disappeared.

"Looks like my little motivational speech isn't necessary anymore. These guys are something else, got some real guts, especially Aether. Talking like some wise old man. Yeah, I'll admit, the reason I was so reluctant is divulge the source material was mainly because the main character was acting all childish, lost in their own fantasies, and not really capitalizing on the advantages they have. I ain't like those MCs, just gotta step up and do better, I suppose." With a gentle smile forming on my lips, I quietly murmured to myself.

[Admin: I got to say, you guys have real guts. Especially Aether, I particularly like this quote "No external force dictates my story; rather, it merely narrates the journey I embark upon." Sounds so wise and manly.]

[Sister Finder: Heh, I appreciate that you appreciate my words. It appears you're doing well now, Dante. May I address you as such? Referring to you as 'Admin' seems rather improper, considering we'll be comrades and friends from this point onward.]

[Elder Sister: Dante-kun, though our time together may be brief, I already see you as a friend. I just want you to know, if there's anything weighing on your mind, don't hesitate to share it with us. After all, that's what friends are for, right?]

[Admin: Heh, spoken like a true Fairy Tail mage that specializes in the power of friendship, huh, Mirajane.]

[Elder Sister: Ara, you seem quite knowledgeable, Dante-kun. Now, I must admit, I'm really intrigued about this 'source material.' You even knew I'm from Fairy Tail. How intriguing.]

[Sister Seeker: Yeah, where's the source material? I'm antsy to know about my sister's whereabouts.]

[Sister Finder: Indeed, though it's only been a short time, I already find myself missing Lumine deeply. Any source material that could shed light on her whereabouts would be greatly appreciated.]

[Weakest Class: Dante-san, please tell me there's a way for me to return home. I don't really like this Tortus place very much. Even though I'm an Otaku, I really love my parents, and a world without them just isn't the same.]

[Admin: Wait a sec, I am downloading all the source material I could find.]

With that last message sent my hands are rapidly clicking and downloading all the stuff I could find.

[Admin: Anyways, to answer your questions and to give a somewhat spoiler that would make you guys feel anticipation, I would say some stuff.]

[Admin: First, Hajime, yes you will be able to go home. And oh boy, you're gonna love it.]

[Admin: Aether, your story is not yet finished and will probably never finish because of the Cataclysm but I will send you the videos recorded by players on your source material. All I can say is that you will see Lumine in about a year or two but she is on a different side, to be honest with you she probably knows you are looking for her, she is simply avoiding you for one reason. You guys got separated for like over 500 years ago, for some reason you simply woke up right now but Lumine has long been active in that world. She wanted you to experience Teyvat yourself before you guys talk again later so you could understand what the hell she has been doing]

[Admin: Ayato, all I remember is your sister left to protect you. You are being used as a blackmail material towards her so you need to get stronger in order to free her.]

[Admin: Mirajane, I know this is surprising but, Lisana is alive. No, I am not kidding. You will see later when you get the source material. I am recommending you buy an x64 or x120 Gale-force reading glasses and read through the manga and not the anime to get there faster.]

[Admin: Anyways, here are the files.]

[Admin sent Arifureta Anime and Webnovel]

[Admin sent Genshin Storyline Videos]

[Admin sent Asterisk War Anime and Novel]

[Admin sent Fairy Tail Anime and Manga, Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Manga]

[Admin: Hajime your source is Arifureta, Aether Genshin, Ayato Asterisk War, Mira it's obvious. BTW if the end of the source is not finished it means it is still ongoing and will probably never finish because of the Cataclysm. Anyway, I'll log out of the chat now, enjoy your source material, and let us chat once again tomorrow.]