
Multiversal Adventure?

A life of mediocrity. Dying normally and fading after the passing of a long time. It always bothered me whenever I thought about it. I want to be remembered, to leave a mark in history and not fade due to the passage of time. I died once and in this life it will be different. PS: The cover is not mine, don't sue me.

VerzVerx · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

C17 Killed Again

A/N: Thank you for reading this Fanfic and supporting the author! Special thanks to Che3na who did not stop supporting us! Now, let's read the chapter!


"Do you have time to talk, Mr. Johansson?" Alexia asked with a polite smile.

She still doesn't know his objective so she doesn't necessarily need to show any hostility. Who knows what his orders from the superiors are.

Mr. Johansson was surprised but he smiled as he asked, "What does the young miss want with this humble old man?"

"You know that I am a straightforward person, right? So I will ask you, are you a spy sent by the US to keep watch on me?" Alexia asked.

Her straightforward way of asking slightly stumped him. He then chuckled and said, "I didn't expect you to just ask me straight to my face, young miss."

"Just answer." Selena glared coldly at the old man.

"What a feisty little lady! Hohoho, well, to be honest I do keep tabs on you and was tasked to keep you safe. But what can I, a senile old man, do?" Fredrick smiled as he said.

"I dunno~ Like report to the US military and FBI?" Alexia smirked as she said.

"Hahaha, you're right! Although I myself is rusted and can't protect you, others may be another case. We don't want to harm you miss, please understand that." Fredrick said.

"Hmm~ Well, it seems like you really have no intention of doing that. Not that you'll be alive if you ever attempted to..." Alexia said as she motioned her hand across her neck.

"No, no, no, young miss. How can I do that?" Fredrick shook his head. "Is there anything else?"

"Nothing else. Now, if you'll excuse us." Alexia said as she strode away.

Seeing Alexia's fading figure, Fredrick went inside his house and locked the door. He then took an old Morse code transmitter below his bed and sent a message.

[ ... .... . / -.- -. --- .-- ... ]

" * * * "

"Why?" Selena asked Alexia.

"Hmm?" Alexia looked at her and she said, "He didn't have any harmful intentions. Besides, if he really is sent to protect us that will be better."

Selena nodded in understanding. They continued to walk towards the mansion in silence. But while walking, the phone in Alexia's lab coat pocket vibrated. She took out the phone and she saw Amadeus in the phone.

"Alexia it's urgent! Those two are heading towards Old Fredrick!" Amadeus yelled.

Alexia's eyes widened as she turned back and said to Selena, "We're going back."

Snucking the phone back to her pocket, the two of them hurried back.

" * * * "

Meanwhile, on Fredrick's side, he just finished communicating with his superiors. He put the transmitter back before he sat down the bed and sighed.

"Superior's orders my ass. 'Don't question us' my ass," Fredrick grumbled under his breath. It looked like he didn't have a great conversation with the higher ups.

*Knock!* *Knock!* *Knock!*

"Coming!" Fredrick yelled as soon as he heard someone knocking at his door.

"Who is it this time? Can't they let this old man relax?" He muttered in annoyance.

He opened the door and saw two young men. These two were familiar to him as he sees them everytime he goes out by the gate this past week. They were the new employees tasked with cleaning the hot spring.

"What is it, young 'uns?" He can't think of anything that they would want with him. So he asked them straight.

Hearing him, the blue eyed young man smiled faintly as he said, "There was just one little problem in the garden, old man. Unwanted weeds started to pop out."

"Weeds? I'm the gardener, just leave those things to me. I'll handle it later." Fredrick dismissively waved his hands at them.

"It seems that you don't understand."


"Kgh—! You—!" Red blood dripped and stained Fredrick's brown shirt. He was stabbed in the abdomen by the black eyed young man and he didn't even have time to react.

"Who are you?" Fredrick asked, his face twisted in pain.

"An old dog like you don't have the right to know," the black eyed young man whispered in his ears as his eyes widened in shock. He drew his last breath in the hands of a cruel soldier.

The black eyed young man then looked at his brother and said, "Schügel, where will we dump his body?"

"Use the acid they gave to us, you idiot." Schügel closed his eyes and sighed in frustration.

"Oh, right!" Schubert had a look of realization on his face as he reached out his hand and took a glass container from his pouch.

He then poured the contents of the container at Fredrick's corpse as it then slowly melted. As the two watch his corpse grotesquely melt, Schubert said, "You're really smart little brother. I almost forgot about it."

"That's because you had a brain the size of a pea," Schügel said sarcastically, "Let's get out of here before someone sees us."

Schügel walked away and Schubert immediately followed behind him. But he's still not that far away when he was suddenly frozen in place. He felt a cold sharp feeling on his neck as blood slowly dripped down.

"Wha–?!" Schügel didn't know how did he get bound without his knowledge. But just when he was trying to move, a voice sounded behind them.

"If I were you I wouldn't want to move right now."

Schügel looked behind and he had an unbelievable expression seeing her here. "Why are you here? You're supposed to be at the port right now!"

Alexia frowned at his words. Based on what he said he knows their general behavior and schedules.

"Kghuagh—!" Alexia unknowingly tightened her threads at his words, making the two of them choke.

A scary sight where two grown men were suffocating as blood flowed from their shallow wounds. What made this sight even more scary is the weird smile Alexia is wearing right now, with bloodstains on her lab coat.

"Who are you people?" Alexia loosened the threads a bit enough for them to speak and asked coldly.

Schügel chuckled as blood flowed down his lips, "You're not getting a single damn thing from me."

"Alright," Alexia sighed and she released them from her threads making them slump on the ground.

The two looked up in disbelief as they expected that she would immediately kill them as soon as he said they're not going to get anything from them. But they would know immediately that their assumption was right.

"You have no use for me then" As soon as she said these bone chilling cold words, her threads sliced the brothers into countless pieces.

Looking at the flesh pile, Alexia said, "Selena clean this disgusting thing up."

Alexia then took the phone from her lab coat's pocket and ordered Amadeus, "Find every information about those two, don't let any slip by."