
Multivers: Story of A Conqueror

Alex, an orphan traveler from Earth, with the knowledge about past, present and future of countless world came to Resident Evil and started the story of a Conqueror.

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Chapter 23: Attacking The Las Vegas Base

Another month has passed, during which time all countries in the world are finished, and there are not many people left in the world.

A week ago, the Umbrella Corporation reappeared, and now they are arresting people everywhere; as long as there are living people, they will arrest them to prepare for the experiment.

The special operations team led by Alice only saved a few people in the nearby cities. It took more than half a month to save a hundred people, which shows that the number of people who survived was pitiful.

Fortunately, unlike the movies, the earth has not been desertified yet, where deserts are everywhere and there are no plants.

Perhaps Alex's arrival caused the virus of the umbrella company to spread quickly, and the time was short. If the T-virus problem is solved as soon as possible, the earth may be saved; at least, it will not be deserted. As for the remaining people, there may really be very few left.


"Big brother, another plane is dispatched from the umbrella base in Las Vegas." The Red Queen appeared before Alex, who was basking in the sun, and said.

"Oh, have you found a survivor again, the Red Queen?" Alex said, taking off the sunglass and putting them on his forehead.

Pondering for a moment, Alex thought to himself: 'It has already been more than a week since the Umbrella resurfaced, and during this time, they have basically captured 98% of the surviving humans to be part of their experiments. Now, except for the Star-Town, only a few scattered survivors may have survived. Looks like it's time for us to move and take over this world.'

Making a decision, Alex got off the reclining chair, and while walking into the villa, he asked the Red Queen: "Where is Alice now?"

"Sister Alice is leading special operations forces with that Claire to search for survivors in Arvin City," the Red Queen replied after confirming.

"Hm," Alex nodded as a gesture that he understood before ordering the Red Queen: "Notify Alice to come back, saying that there is a task."

"Okay, big brother," Red Queen accepted Alex's order and quickly started executing it.

As the Red Queen was executing his orders, Alex was thinking about Alice. As the protagonist in this world, Alice leads their subordinates to rescue people daily, but it cannot be said that Alice saves people indiscriminately.

Alice will not be soft on some thugs, and Alex is very content with this behavior of Alice.

The thugs who died in Alice's hands this month are already two digits.

While walking, Alex thought of another thing and asked the Red Queen: "Queen Red, hasn't anyone appeared in the Raccoon City Hive yet?"

"Yes, big brother," Red Queen's projection which has been following Alex, shook its head and replied.

"However, I suspect that they may have already arrived there. The Umbrella has anti-satellite detection means. If it is a night operation and anti-satellite technology, I may not be able to find it." Red Queen said her assumption.

"Well, it is possible," Alex said, fully aware of Umbrella's means as they also use the same techniques to hide from them.

"Still can't get in the hive?" Alex asked, continuing the conversation.

"I can't get in. It's an intranet. I tried several times but couldn't get in. Unless someone brings my subroutine, I can crack it." Red Queen said while her projection made a helpless expression.

"... Let's ignore the hive. Now you are closely monitoring the base in Las Vegas. Let's take it first." Alex thought and decided to focus on the thing at hand.

After this, Alex met with Jill and started preparing for the attack on the Umbrella base.


Alice returned in the evening and immediately asked Alex what he was doing.

"Tomorrow, we'll attack the Las Vegas umbrella base and take it down," Alex told Alice about his plan.

"The base in Las Vegas; which Dr. Isaacs are you talking about?" Alice asked, remembering the details Alex had held beforehand.

"Yes, it's the clone I told you about," Alex corrected Alice.

"Okay, I'll take someone there tomorrow, and I've wanted to destroy Umbrella for a long time," Alice said as she finally fulfilled her long wait wish.

Seeing the excitement on Alice's face, Alex smiled and hugged Alice's waist, and said in her ear: "The Goddess of War, we have to prepare well."

"If there is anything to prepare, we can just kill it directly," Alice said nonchalantly.

Seeing Alice's confident attitude, Alex said with a serious face: "Alice, don't be careless; their bases all have self-destruct devices."

"Understood, I'm just talking." Alice looked at Alex, "How is the defense of the As Vegas desert base, and how many people are there?"

"I don't know. I'll go with you tomorrow. There is a scientific research base and a small cloning factory. The defenses are tight. We need to be careful; there might new types of zombies in there, researched by the clone."

"You pick two elite squads to go with us," Alex said, that now Alice has a special operations force of 500 people.

"Okay, I'm going to prepare now," Alice said, and after kissing Alex, she left to arrange her special operations team.


The next day, Alex and the others boarded the Quinjet and set off. Two Quinjet flew towards Las Vegas.

The Quinjet was personally designed and created by Alex after he successfully recreated the isotopic element of the space gem and the Arc-reactor.

Then using the Arc-reactor as the energy source, Alex designed and created the Quinjet that can easily reach the max speed of Mach 3.

Along the way, there are dilapidated cities everywhere, cars are parked in a mess on the road, some are still smoking, zombies are densely packed everywhere, and everyone's scalp feels numb.

Ten minutes later, according to the Red Queen's navigation, they were already suspended in the air near their destination.

Looking out of the Quinjet carpet, one can see a small wooden house surrounded by highly erected barbed wire on all sides, protecting this ordinary small wooden house.

Outside the barbed wire, there were black zombies, howling constantly around the wire.

"Everyone get ready, Quijet 2 clears up the enemies outside, and Quinjet 1 is ready to land," Alex ordered.


At the same time, the siren sounded in the Las Vegas desert base.

"What's the matter?" asked Dr. Isaacs.

"Doctor, the intruder was found outside, and they have now exchanged fire with each other," said an Umbrella security guard.

"Why did the enemy find out when they arrived at the base? What are you all doing?" Dr. Isaacs asked in anger.

"Sorry, doctor, we didn't find anomalies before; they may be hiding from satellite detection," the Umbrella security guard replied.

"Hurry up and organize a counterattack, and ask for support from other branches." Isaacs hurriedly ordered.

"Yes, Doctor," Seciruty replied and hurriedly left.

Dr. Isaacs turned and walked to his laboratory.

Here is the link to the Audiobook of this story on Youtube:

Link - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc3us9StiaOmC3im1OM0RpBujFKigi435


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