
Multivers: Story of A Conqueror

Alex, an orphan traveler from Earth, with the knowledge about past, present and future of countless world came to Resident Evil and started the story of a Conqueror.

Moon_Light_1126 · Others
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Chapter 20: The Awaited Moment

Hey everyone, I have uploaded the AUdiobook of this story on Youtube.

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It was midnight, and everyone in Alex's group had already fallen asleep except for Alex. He sat on a chair at the rooftop, sipping a drink, his eyes fixed on the system panel displaying a countdown with only 5 minutes remaining.

Alex was filled with excitement; he had been eagerly awaiting this moment for almost half a year and now the count-down to the birth of new space through the World Seed is coming to end.

The World Seed is an incredibly powerful and unique artifact in Alex's possession. It was granted to him as a reward from the system when he fulfilled the Achievement conditions of creating a foothold in the world. This seed possesses the ability to give birth to a new reality, and it is soul-bound to Alex, making him its creator and controller.

The World Seed operates through a sophisticated mechanism that involves absorbing the seven elements of fire, water, earth, lightning, air, light, darkness, and space/time from the outside world through Alex. This process is conducted in a way that doesn't harm the external environment. The more powerful Alex becomes, the faster the seed absorbs these elements, expediting the birth of the new reality.

Initially, when Alex obtained the seed, the system estimated it would take 50 years before the new reality was born. However, due to Alex's increased strength, it only took half a year.

So, there was every reason for Alex to be excited and happy.

As he continued to watch the countdown while sipping his tea, the moment it reached zero, the system notified him with a distinctive ding.

[Ding! Congratulations, Host! The World Seed has germinated, giving birth to a new reality with an initial space of 10 cubic kilometers.]

The system also provided some important notes for Alex:

1. The space of the world would increase with the introduction of new world components, such as living beings, plants, animals, bacteria, birds, etc., corresponding to their energy levels.

2. After giving birth to the new reality, it would continue to absorb the seven elements through the host, producing origin liquid with unimaginable effects.

3. All living beings entering this reality would be subjected to a loyalty contract with the host, which couldn't be cancelled. Those eligible to be familiars would automatically become the host's familiars.

4. The world had a special effect on increasing the level of intelligence in conscious beings and aiding in the evolution of living things. The target for this effect needed to be personally selected by the host.

As the mechanical voice faded, a more detailed information about the world was transferred into Alex's mind by the system, some of which he already knew from when he received the seed.

Excitement and anticipation filled Alex's eyes as he realized that the world's capabilities were even more amazing than the system had initially explained.

The world, while soul-bound to him, also acted as a barrier protecting his soul and consciousness from external interference. Furthermore, Alex's energy reserve was now directly connected to the small world, allowing him to use it as an energy source in times of crisis.

Just as Alex was still in awe of the possibilities, the system's mechanical voice sounded once again.

[Chain Quest: Conqueror!]

[Quest Goal 1: Destroy/Control Umbrella Base!

Reward: System lottery x1, 100,000 System Points! (for each Umbrella base destroyed/controlled)]

[Quest Goal 2: Control/Destroy Umbrella!

Reward: System Lottery x1, 1,000,000 System Points!]

[Quest Goal 3: Kill Zombies!

Reward: System Points (according to the strength and number of zombies killed)!]

[Quest Goal 4: Control the World!

Reward: System Lottery x3, Aurora Curtain Skill!]

[System tips - The world is in chaos, and the Umbrella Company is responsible for it. As a Conqueror, you can't let go of such an opportunity. Defeat all the zombies, destroy or control Umbrella, and unify the whole Earth to conquer it!]

"This will be interesting," Alex smiled and said.

"But before that, let's focus on what's in front of us," Alex said, looking at his system storage filled with a variety of unconscious living beings, plant species, land samples, and all the elements from the periodic table, including the radioactive ones.

"I have to thank the system for informing me in advance about how the world will grow after its birth. Thanks to the system, I was already prepared. Otherwise, how could I find uninfected animals, birds, and more at this time in this world?" Alex thought to himself gratefully.

Alex first located the 7-Element Absorbing mechanism and the origin liquid, creating a hidden space to store them securely.

Next, Alex got busy introducing different soil, air, and light samples into the small world, creating an Earth-like atmosphere. He began by crafting a plain and a lake before adding a variety of land and water plants, along with micro-bacteria, and then introduced some animals.

With each addition of new world components, the world's level increased, and its space expanded to 50 cubic kilometers from the initial 10.

Alex continued this process, creating ecosystems, introducing new components, expanding the world space, and then establishing a balanced ecosystem before adding even more components. He worked tirelessly throughout the night until there were no more new world components left to introduce.

As the morning sun rised, it shine it rays on Alex who couldn't help but marvel at what he had accomplished while looking at space inside the small world.

After a full night of effort, Alex's world had grown to a size of 150 cubic kilometers. It now contained a balanced ecosystem with mountains, glaciers, volcanoes, plains, grasslands, forests, lakes, rivers, birds, fishes, animals, rodents, and more. The small world even had its own weather system, with a cycle of hot and cold air.

03/03 Update

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