
Multiuniverse - After

This story is sequel "Boruto x Naruto - Multiuniverse"

Damin_Typie · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


"Kayiro, it's time for it to finally be useful for something" said Code, opening the cells


"Wrong, you should call me Code-sama"

"Hai Code-sama"

"Now follow me..."

-What happened to lord Jigen?"

"He was killed by one of the shinobi"


"I'm just going to take you to him so you can avenge him"

"I will do everything in my power to kill him"





This time, Boruto created clones that helped rebuild the destroyed part of the apartment.

"If I had reacted in time, I wouldn't have to do this now"

At that moment, Himawari came to the Uzumaki residence.


"Oh Hima, what brings you here?"

"I managed to get passes to an exclusive beach resort for the whole family, tell the others to start packing and I'll go inform Kawaki"

When Himawari went to Kawaki's apartment, Boruto went to notify his family.

"YATA HOLIDAY!" the excited children shouted

"I think a little vacation will be good for us, especially for you" Sona said

"Why do you think so?"

"You will get a break from all this constant work and spend at least some time with your family" Sarada added

"Ara, Ara, I guess you don't mind Boruto-kun" Akeno said with a statistical smile, charging lightning in her hand.

"Of course not!"




Meanwhile, Himawari arrived at Kawaki's house, after knocking on the door, a boy with blue hair and dark eyes opened the door.

"Oh, Yukari, are your parents home?"

"Auntie Hima, sure, come in"

When Himawari walked inside, she found a girl with dark hair and purple eyes.

"Hello Kiriko"

There were Eida and Sumire in the living room

"Hima, what brings you here?" Sumire asked

Himawari explained the purpose of the visit and they handed over tickets to the resort.

"Where's Kawaki?"

"He's currently training in his gym"




Kawaki was training in some special gym, just like Boruto, he hadn't changed much during that time

"Damn, I managed to reach Ultra-God's level, but Boruto still has this strange form up his sleeve... How far do I have to catch up with him?"

After about two hours, he left the room.

"Are you finally done with your training?" Sumire asked

"For today, yes"

"It's great, so you can pack because we're going on vacation"
