
Multiplied by Infinity

Amidst the chaos of a world torn apart by conflict, where kingdoms crumble and countless lives are lost, hope emerges from an unlikely "hero". This lone individual sees a path forward where others see only darkness and destruction. His quest to end the racial and global strife that threatens to engulf the world is both daunting and exhilarating. As this man steps forward, he encounters incredible challenges and obstacles at every turn. But even in the face of overwhelming odds, he refuses to back down. Instead, he embraces the adventure that lies ahead, taking pleasure in the struggle to make a difference in a world that has lost its way. As he journeys through a landscape scarred by war, this "hero's" exploits become legendary. He inspires others to join his cause, and soon, a small spark of hope begins to grow into a roaring flame of revolution. With each battle won and each obstacle overcome, this man draws ever closer to his ultimate goal: a world where all races and kingdoms can coexist in peace. This is the story of one person's journey to change the fate of a world torn apart by conflict. It is a tale of courage, determination, and the unshakeable spirit of hope in the face of overwhelming darkness.

XPolisGames · Fantasy
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26 Chs


Reden walked around the town asking about some expert from magic. He asked few people and he got his answer. There is a certain Magimaster in Castledale. Magimaster in short is a job that is a doctor, but for magic. He is supposed to be in hospital not too far away from Adventurer's Guild.

Excited but also stressed by the prospect of meeting a Magimaster, Reden wastes no time and heads straight to the hospital in Castledale. As he enters the building, he's greeted by the bustling atmosphere of nurses and just few patients.

Reden approaches the reception desk and asks the nurse if the Magimaster is available for consultation. The nurse nods and points him down a corridor, directing him to the Magimaster's office.

"Please wait over there until Mr. Tassian will soon call you in." Nurse says to Reden kindly.

Reden nods with smile and heads to where the nurse directed him. He sat on the chair and waited until Magimaster opens the door for next person to get in. On the door there is a sign that reads "Magimaster Tassian Ashstone, Healing Arts and Curses Specialist".

Reden waits on the chair for good 5 minutes. Then he hears the door being opened. Reden looks at it, stands up and knock on them before entering. He opens the door more and gets into the office.

When he enters he sees a magimaster already sitting on his chair next to his desk. He is muscled middle-aged man who people could have easily mistaken as warrior. Reden closes the door and approached the man.

"Have a seat." Tassian said with a little smile.

Reden took a seat and took off his jacket because it's warm in here.

"How can I help you?" Tassian asks.

"Well. I dont know how to start. From what I know, magicians and sorcerers have one special ability they are born with. It takes a lot of time to unleash it for the first time. But anyways from what I know my ability is creating the special barrier. That means Im not supposed to have any other ability. Am I right, Sir?" Reden explains to specialist.

"Continue." Magicmaster replies.

"So I recently had few weird things. First I was able to run for hours straight without feeling exhaused. It's not normal for me because my normal limit is supposed to be running for 4 miles straight without stopping. After that I was getting tired normally unlike back then near Boullegarde..." Reden explains and takes a deep breath to prepare to talk again.

"Second time I was shot with the arrow in the shoulder blade. I was bleeding as hell until I reached Lily's Boarding House. I was bandaged and I went to sleep. I had a dream which felt like it lasted hours, but in reality it was just few seconds. Then I realized my injury was gone without any potions or healing magic. I don't feel any curse or blessing on me so Im very confused right now." Reden explains further.

"Mhm. Alright then. Come closer I will check you." Tassian takes the magic stone and magic needle.

Reden sits closer to Magicman stressed but also excited with the results he might get.

"Turn around. Show me where the injury was." Tassian stands up and looks at Reden's back.

Reden shows him the place with his fingers.

Magicman then applied his magic stone to the place where the injury allegedly was. He used the needle to poke around the place of injury slowly spreading the poking to rest of his torso.

Reden feels a little stinging as man pricks his torso with needle. It hurts a little but it's within his pain tolerance.

"Did this happen earlier?" Tassian asks.

"No. It never happend since the birth of my son. When my wife who is an mage gave birth to him I was running away from battlefield as far as I could." Reden replies.

Magimaster Tassian nods thoughtfully as he continues his examination. After a few moments, he withdraws the magic stone and needle and steps back to his desk.

"Alright, so. Your case is indeed quite intriguing." Tassian says, his expression serious.

"From what I can see, there is no magical energy in the area where you were injured, but there seems to be something else. It appears that some form of healing magic was involved, but the source and nature of this magic remain unclear. I can't really say what it is. Stone was once showing signs of magic but then it was going crazy with glowing. It looks complicated. It's like magic that isn't actually a magic." Tassian tries to explain it the understandable way.

Reden listens intently, absorbing the information. He furrows his brow, trying to make sense of what Magimaster Tassian is saying.

"So, it's not traditional magic, but some form of unique healing energy?" Reden asks, trying to grasp the concept.

Tassian shakes his head.

"I'm afraid I don't really know. I already had someone who also had barrier as special ability but regenerating and healing wasn't part of it. It's something like higher power did it. Either this or I dont have enough information about it." Tassian says with a small confusion.

Reden's expression shifts to a mix of curiosity and concern. The idea of his abilities being connected to a higher power leaves him feeling both intrigued and apprehensive.

"So, you're saying this could be some sort of divine intervention or blessing?" Reden asks, still trying to wrap his mind around the concept.

Tassian nods thoughtfully.

"It's a possibility. Some rare individuals throughout history have been blessed with extraordinary gifts from the divine or other higher beings. There was a book about some evil man 250 years ago whose speed was impossible to measure. He was threat to whole life becaue of his speed. It explained how he used this special ability or blessing or whatever that terryfing thing was to decapitate whole town without even a second. Maybe it's something similar like mixed special abilities or something. But I will say once again that Im not sure as it's a first time I've seen such thing." Tassian explains with arms crossed.

Reden takes a moment to let the information sink in. He never thought he would be connected to something beyond the mortal realm. He wonders if this means he has some grand destiny to fulfill.

Reden's mind races with possibilities and questions. The idea of having a connection to a higher power or some ancient and mysterious ability, is both thrilling and daunting. He wonders if he's meant to use this power for a specific purpose or if it's just a random occurrence.

"I don't even know what to say." Reden says, feeling a bit of uncertainty.

"I was always an atheist. I didn't believe in deities or gods. Then why would I just randomly get it especially at moments as these? I don't even know if I'm able to use it on my own." Reden says to magicmaster.

Tassian leans back with his hands together thinking. After a while he leans forward again.

"Well. I can't really help you with this anymore. It's something that probably nobody has ever had opportunity to see." Tassian says.

"I see..." Reden replies showing sadness.

"Hey, cheer up. It's not the end yet. You are a special fella with special case. Every magic researcher in the world would pay fortune to see your case. Unfortunately for me I work in hospital so I can't just say about your case to public or even my co-workers as I signed an secrecy documents about my patients. I can do it only if you agree to that on paper. If you do I will make sure to inform world's best researchers to you. Who knows you might even become the richest person in Castledale." Tassian says confidently trying to cheer Reden up.

Reden's eyes widen in surprise and intrigue at the prospect of being a subject of interest for magic researchers. While he's still processing the idea, a glimmer of excitement begins to show in his eyes.

"Become the richest in Castledale?" Reden says, his voice tinged with amusement.

He takes a moment to consider the offer. The idea of being at the forefront of magical research is both thrilling and daunting. But he knows that this could be an opportunity to unravel the mysteries of his newfound abilities.

"I decided. I agree. I'm willing to share my case with researchers." Reden finally responds.

"If it can lead to a better understanding of magic and help me in the future, then I'm all for it." Reden assures.

Tassian smiles, pleased with Reden's decision.

"That is good to hear! I will write the clause in a moment which you might soon sign up. This way everything will be done legally. It will ensure that your case is handled with the utmost care and confidentiality. Rest assured that you'll be in good hands." Tassian happily says while looking for paper and something to write.

Reden nods with excitement but also worry. This could be a opportunity of life, however Reden isn't totally sure about it. It could indeed be very profitable for him but he thinks that once he agrees and information leaks and spreads across the lands it may cause unexpected consequences where not only researchers could be interested in his case.

Another reason of his worry is also the thought that what happend isn't anything special but just some kind of miracle or coincidence. He doesn't want to doubt Tassian's examination but he really is doubtful.

Tassian writes the clause on the paper. Reden meanwhile is making circles with his thumbs with his crossed hands. After a while magicman gives the paper with written clause on it to Reden along with coal pencil.

"Sign at the very end if you are really sure. Remember Im not trying to force you. It's just a wonderful case that knowledged people could look into." Tassian says assuringly.

Reden takes the paper and reads the clause carefully, making sure he understands the terms of sharing his case with the researchers. The excitement of potentially contributing to magical knowledge and discovery is still there, but so is the concern about the consequences and implications of his unique abilities being known to the world.

After a moment of contemplation, Reden takes a deep breath and picks up the coal pencil. He looks up at magimaster Tassian with a determined expression.

"I understand the risks and I'm willing to take them. I want to help in any way I can and if sharing my case can lead to a better understanding of magic, then I'm ready to sign." Reden says firmly.

He carefully signs the clause at the very end of the paper, officially agreeing to share his case with the researchers. As he finishes, he hands the paper back to Tassian, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Tassian takes the paper with a smile, acknowledging Reden's decision.

"Thank you for your cooperation. You're making a significant contribution to the magical community. I'll make sure the researchers treat your case with the utmost respect and confidentiality. You can trust that your privacy will be protected." Magimaster says assuringly.

"So. What now? Should I expect something?" Reden asks.

"You are living in Lily's Boarding House yes? According to what you said before. If researchers arrive and you dont want examinations or something like that to happen there then you can wait near this hospital." Tassian answers.

"Now about how will you know they arrived. I will say that next week they should be ready to head over here. So Im asking you to visit my office everyday next week. This way I will tell you whenever someone is waiting for you or not. I could also just visit the boarding house and call you if you were there." Tassian continues talking.

Reden wears his jacket and stands up from his chair. He smiles with a bit of worry on his face.

"Thank you. I will be waiting." Reden says.

"If that is everything you are free to go. You don't have to pay for today's visit because of the case." Tassian says while standing up.

Reden heads to the door. As he opens it he looks at magimaster once again.

"Goodbye. Thank you." Reden says before closing the door.

After he closed the door he went to hospital exit. When he left the hospital he then went straight to Lily's Boarding House. He seems to be more... paranoid. He looks around him every each second. He feels like showing what happend to him was a mistake especially if he doesn't know what that is and if he can control it.

As Reden walks back to Lily's Boarding House, he can't help but feel a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The thought of being part of magical research and potentially unlocking the secrets of his unique abilities is thrilling, but at the same time, the unknown nature of his powers makes him uneasy.

As he enters the boarding house, Lily sitting by her counter notices the mixed emotions on Reden's face.

"How was it? You dont look happy..." Lily asks noticing his restlessness.

Reden takes a deep breath and smiles reassuringly at Lily.

"Yes, everything's fine. I just had a visit with a magimaster at the hospital, and according to him, my case might be very interesting thing for magical researchers." Reden says.

Lily's eyes widen in surprise.

"Wow. Is it really something that special?" Lily asks.

"Seems like so. They will be coming to Castledale next week to study me and my abilities. The magimaster said he would inform me when they arrive, so next week I'll have to visit the hospital daily to check for updates." Reden explains.

Lily looks both impressed and concerned.

"That sounds like a big responsibility. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Lily asks.

Reden nods firmly.

"I believe it's the right thing to do. If I can help advance magical knowledge and find answers to my abilities, it'll be worth it. I already signed the clause. But you are also right. Im afraid it might also cause some problems." He says.

"You're so brave if you agreed. Just remember to take care of yourself throughout all of this. I'll be here to support you and your baby." Lily says.

"Thank you, Lily. Your support means a lot to me." Reden replies gratefully.

7 Days Later, Morning

This week, Reden follows Magimaster Tassian's advice and visits the hospital as this is the first day of next week. He is looking forward to see if there are any news about waiting researchers. He was waiting for this time by making some cash by hunting or even doing some one time jobs. At the moment he has 108 copper coins.

This is the time where he can see if there is anyone waiting for him so he leaves the inn and heads to the hospital. In there he found out that nobody is present yet so he was asked to check again tommorow at noon.

As he leaves the hospital he thinks that he still has a lot of time for himself. The amount of money he has should suffice for around 2 weeks so he doesn't have to work too much.

2 Days Later, Morning

As the days pass, Reden also spends quality time with Gah-Hal, cherishing every moment with his son. He wants to be a loving and caring father, no matter what the future holds.

Finally, the day arrives when the researchers are expected to arrive in Castledale. Reden visits the hospital early in the morning, his heart pounding with anticipation. He waits anxiously for any news from Magimaster Tassian.

After what feels like an eternity, Tassian is seen leaving his office and approaches Reden with a smile.

"They've arrived. They're setting up a temporary research center in the eastern part of the town. They're excited to meet you." Tassian informs him.

Reden takes a deep breath, steeling himself for what's to come.

"Alright. I'm ready." Reden says.

With excitement and anxiety in his heart, Reden follows Tassian to the temporary research center, not knowing what to expect there, but eager to embrace his story ahead.

As Reden arrives at the temporary research center in the eastern part of Castledale, he can see a small group of individuals busy setting up equipment and discussing something amongst themselves. The researchers are clad in robes and garments befitting their magical profession.

Magimaster Tassian leads Reden into the center, introducing him to the researchers who have gathered to meet him. They seem intrigued and excited to have the opportunity to study someone with such unique abilities.

Reden feels a mix of nerves and curiosity as he faces the researchers. They start asking him various questions about his abilities, how he discovered them and any notable experiences related to the healing and regeneration.

"I don't know how it started. First abnormality happened when I was evacuating from bastion not too far from Boullegarde. I was running for hours straight without any fatigue which isnt normal because after that I normally started feeling fatigue again from much, much smaller things. I don't know if it was some kind of spell casted on me by someone, I didn't feel anything being casted on me." Reden describes his first abnormality as few of them listen while others are listening and preparing something on station.

"I was in Boullegarde for a while then evacuated further. I made a camp in forest near it to sleep through the night. Then I took a trip on carriage and helped some village when coachman took a stop. After days of trip I arrived here in Castledale. Here I found a place to sleep in with my son. One time I was on hunting and I was shot in the shoulder blade with an arrow by reckless hunters. I right away ran away to the inn I slept in. I was bandaged and treated kindly without any potions, herbs, scrolls or spells according to person who treated me." Reden keeps describing.

"I took a nap which felt like hours but it was actually just a few seconds. I woke up with no pain and no wound in the back. Woman that treated me claimed that nothing else but bandages and clean water wasn't used. That is everything." Reden finishes decribing.

After he finishes researchers researchers take notes and discuss among themselves, trying to understand the mechanics behind Reden's abilities. They also perform some basic tests, examining his healing abilities in a controlled environment to gather more data.

Researchers were testing his regenerative abilities with same thing that happen in forest but starting with smaller calibre like stabbing his finger with needle, cutting the wrist with dagger and piercing the hand with arrow.

Obviously it caused Reden a lot of pain but he managed to endure it for the sake of research.

The results were confusing to researchers and shocking to Reden because... He doesn't have any regenerative abilities. None of his wounds regenerated after doing the exact same treating technique he described.

The researchers' confusion deepens as they witness Reden's wounds fail to regenerate despite the same conditions he described earlier. Reden himself is baffled by the results, unsure of why his abilities seemed to be inconsistent or why they failed to manifest during the controlled tests.

Magimaster Tassian furrows his brow, trying to make sense of the situation.

"This is certainly peculiar. It's as if your abilities only manifest under specific circumstances or triggers." He says thoughtfully.

"Perhaps there's an emotional or psychological element to it? Could your abilities be tied to your state of mind or your connection to something or someone?" One of the researchers chimes in.

Reden considers their words, trying to think back on the events when his healing powers manifested.

"Well, during the first instance, I was running away from a dangerous situation. I was desperate to reach safety and that's when I discovered my extended endurance. As for the second time, I was shot and injured, and my main concern was getting back to my son safely. Maybe my emotions had something to do with it?" Reden asks.

The researchers nod, intrigued by the idea.

"It's certainly a possibility. Strong emotions have been known to trigger magical abilities in some individuals. Perhaps your connection to your son or your desire to protect him is somehow tied to your healing powers, if they are even real." One of them suggests.

As the day goes on, the researchers continue their tests, exploring various theories and possibilities. They examine Reden's blood and perform "scans" to see if there are any latent magical energies or traces of divine blessings. Yet, all their efforts only lead to more questions and no concrete answers.

This way the first day of research passes. Researchers ask him to go home for now because it will be hard to test everything in one day.

After several days of intensive research and experiments, the researchers conclude that Reden's case is an enigma, unlike anything they have encountered before or he was just lying with this. But anyways they express their gratitude for his cooperation and apologize for not being able to provide definitive answers.

Reden, although disappointed, remains hopeful that someday the mystery behind his abilities will be unraveled. He thanks the researchers for their efforts and for taking an interest in his case.

Magimaster Tassian pats him on the shoulder with a reassuring smile.

"Don't be disheartened, Reden. Sometimes, magical phenomena can be elusive and unpredictable. Your case may pave the way for new discoveries in the future. We'll continue to study the data we collected and share it with other researchers who might be interested." He says.

"Thank you, Magimaster. I hope my experiences can contribute to the advancement of magical knowledge, even if we don't have all the answers right now." Reden nods, accepting the uncertainty that comes with his unique situation.

Reden feels bad about this whole situation. He thinks about possibility that he has no such power and it was just a special coincidence. He doesn't like that it made him call such people just for them to have no answer to this.

As Reden leaves the temporary research center, he takes a bit of dissapointment in knowing that he has done his part in not shedding any new light on the mysteries of magic. He may not have received the concrete explanations he sought, but he remains hopeful that one day, his abilities and their origins will be understood if they even exist.

He decided that he needs to take a break so he goes to some tavern which sells some average drinks. There is one on the way so he gets there. He sees around 10 people there talking, drinking and having fun.

Reden takes a seat and waits there a bit before ordering a grape wine for 10 copper. He sits by his table and listens to bard playing on banjo's in the corner. He looks around the tavern looking at other people who dont look like they are having any struggles in life unlike Reden.

He misses his wife, has to take care of his son and make sure he is forever safe, is afraid of losing his life from the hands of reckless hunters. He has too many to worry about. Except of these there are also other side problems like possibility of evacuating from further from the war or getting robbed while he would randomly walk on the streets.

After few minutes of waiting the barkeep approaches Reden and lays the cup of grape wine on the table. Reden looks at it for a second and takes a small sips enjoying his drink. He still listents to banjo and other people in the tavern.

Behind his mind there is still thought that people don't have to fight eachother and social places such as this tavern proves it. People here are very often friendly and helpful until one gets drunk to the point of whole tavern getting into a fight.

Few minutes later he finished his drink and left the tavern. He now has 88 copper in his pouch.

While he is on his way back to inn he keeps his head down looking a bit sad. As he is about to enter the Lily's Boarding House he sees someone leaving the house with paper in his hand. They both stand and look at each other.

"Excuse me. I have a question." Man asks.

Reden stands straight.

"Hm? What is it, Mister?" Reden asks.

The unknown man then rolls out the paper the is holding and shows it to Reden.

"Sir. I recently saw her nearby..." Says the unknown man while showing him the paper of the missed woman written by Reden.