
Multiple Talents in Naruto World

Second Shinobi War is just few years away and Kidou got transmigrated in Ninja World with few talents. How will he work out to keep himself safe in the world? Being a Chunin in Twenties, how will Kidou fair with his low IQ? MC isn't genius so he will make stupid mistakes. If you want a MC who is cautious, genius, always makes amazing decision, then this isn't you you. Also, Hmm? I forgot what I was about to write, so anyways. Just read the book and tell me how you feel about this. . . Like always, support me on Patreon and you will get extra chapters in returns, https://www.p@treon.com/Logical_Dot Of course, replace the @ with a.

Logical_Dot · Anime & Comics
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97 Chs


After sleeping for the whole night, Kidou who woke up in the morning, was feeling refreshed. In the past two days, Kidou and Tsunade, besides fucking each other, the duo shared several warm moments, and they whispered loving words to each other.

Now, on the third day, Kidou, who had woken, stretched his body and he felt as if his mind, body and soul had become free from restraints.

His eyes fell on Tsunade lying beside him in an adorable mess, and he moved his fingers in her soft hair.

'That was amazing. With no care of the world, we spent time together, and only now do I understand what they meant when they said that Heroes dying in the gentle land of women.'

A chuckle escaped his lips as he thought of these, and he got up from the bed. He gave a last glance to sleeping Tsunade, and seeing that she wasn't waking up, he went to the bathroom to take a good warm bath.

Inside the bathroom, Kidou lay in the bathtub full of warm water, and he looked at the ceiling with a thoughtful look on his face.

'Now that I have married her, it's time to start my plans for the safety, and happiness of my family.'

Kidou, who felt a sudden sense of responsibility appearing on his shoulders, started to think of the plans he made in past.

'Four days later, I will be meeting the four kages, and from them, I will get chakra of tailed beasts for myself, and Chinoike Clan, and the two little girls as subordinates.'

'Mei Terumi and Pakura, both have Kage Level potential, and with my help, they should be able to reach Super Kage Level in future.'

'As for the Chinoike clan, they would be good assistants for researching and security of my bases. I have already gained Sharingan, and Byakugan, and with this, I will have three Doujutsu for research.'

'With this, the next three years will be peaceful, and I can develop the spies that I have placed in the remaining troops while sealing their memories. With their level of sealing, they wouldn't be able to notice these spies, and I can use them to develop my forces in other villages.'

Kidou thought of several marks he could sense in different parts of the world, and a scheming smile appeared on his face.

While he sealed the memories of the encounter, he also sealed a part of his spiritual energy in their Mindscape, and with this, slowly, the people will be influenced by his thoughts and work under me.

It was like using Kotoamatsukami to change thoughts, but Kidou influenced them in dreams every night and it was a slow process. Considering the current situation, Kidou knew that it would take at least 2 months to at most 6 months for all the spiritual energy to mix in their Mindscape.

'As for ROOTs, I guess it's time for me to start Human Experimentation, and artificially evolve them. From the fight at Uzu, I now have all the bloodlines of descendants of Sages, and with this, I can start developing the ROOT ninjas.'

'Besides the Human Experimentation, I also need to start the Sealing Project, AI, robot, and the chips too. In this, Sealing and AI. Is the priority as it is also related to future.'

Kidou thought in his mind about the plans and a sigh escaped his lips. Not only this, he also needs to take care of the internal problems in the village.

"Hmm, thinking of internal problems," Kidou thought of Tsunade sleeping on the bed and an idea appeared in his mind.

"I will let Tsunade solve the internal problems, and let Grandma help her. I will take care of the external problems, and Tsunade should take care of the internal problems. Hmm, this way, Hiruzen's focus will be on her and I can work in the background." Kidou muttered as he thought of this idea and it seemed feasible to him. It will also let Tsunade grow up so that she can face the whole world in future.

Even now, Kidou didn't want to stand on the stage as he felt that it would just make things more complicated and troublesome.

A hum escaped his lips and Kidou relaxed in the bathtub with a smile on his face.

"Now that I have made the plans, it's time to start working on them," Kidou muttered and he thought of the Daimyos of Five Nations who were also involved in the attack of Uzushiogakure.

"Besides Daimyo, Black Zetsu is also involved in the matter, but since he is in 'dark', I will let him leave for now. The memories I received from the clones told me that the people in Uzushiogakure have been settled, and Uzukage is now waiting for us to make further plans."

"Should I wait for the Kage meeting and then assassinate all of them, or should I assassinate before, and create chaos in all villages?"

Kidou said while thinking of the consequences of both matters. A minute later, he decided to attack and kill the Daimyo and those involved in the matter before the meeting.

"Hmm, I can use the disposable ROOT Ninjas, and leave their corpses in the place. With this, Hiruzen will know that Danzo still has ROOT ninjas under him, and I can easily manipulate the memories to make it seem like Danzo gave orders. Haha, with this, I will also test Hiruzen's bottom line, and let the world know that since Daimyo and Kage are divided for their territories, they shouldn't mess with each other's decisions."

"With this, I will flip the table on which they are playing games and use this chance to send keep my spies in all villages and Daimyo mansions. Hehe, this is a good thing." Kidou said with an evil laugh, and he decided to act on this matter.

Leaving the bathroom, Kidou came to the bedroom and saw that Tsunade was still sleeping. A gentle smile on his face, and Kidou put his finger on her forehead. He sealed some chakra in her Seal, and when she woke up, she would get his message.

"See Ya later, wife," Kidou said while kissing her forehead, and he made a seal and disappeared from the room. He came to his house, and leaving a clone in the room, he disappeared from the village and appeared in the capital city of Land of Fire.


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