
Multiple Talents in Naruto World

Second Shinobi War is just few years away and Kidou got transmigrated in Ninja World with few talents. How will he work out to keep himself safe in the world? Being a Chunin in Twenties, how will Kidou fair with his low IQ? MC isn't genius so he will make stupid mistakes. If you want a MC who is cautious, genius, always makes amazing decision, then this isn't you you. Also, Hmm? I forgot what I was about to write, so anyways. Just read the book and tell me how you feel about this. . . Like always, support me on Patreon and you will get extra chapters in returns, https://www.p@treon.com/Logical_Dot Of course, replace the @ with a.

Logical_Dot · Anime & Comics
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97 Chs

Fight II!

Looking at the scene, Orochimaru chuckled at Kidou's words and he decided to show himself.

"What is happening here?" He said in a cold voice, suppressing the laugh as he looked at the act and everyone looked at him.

'Orochimaru! Fuck! Why is he here now?'

"Orochimaru Sama, it's just a casual matter, you don't have to worry about it." Uchiha Saku said and as he tried to suppress the matter but it seemed his idiot son had other ideas.

"Hmph! Who is afraid of whom? I accept your challenge! If I win, the matter is dropped and if you win, you can cut off my right hand."

"Oh? What matter? What challenged? Kidou, explain to me."

"Yeah! So the things that happened is..." Kidou then explained everything and Orochimaru had no expression on his face as he heard this.

He looked at Uchiha Saku and muttered, "Hitting an academy student even when you are genin and chunin, using a life-threatening Jutsu in the village, and even working to destroy the relationship between two villages."

"Uchiha Saku, I think I will just go and tell this to Teacher and let him deal with everything. After all, the matter is related to friendship between two villages." Orochimaru said and Saku froze as he heard this. Naku was about to speak but he flinched as he saw Orochimaru looking at him, and he felt like he was being targeted by a Predator.

"Or, you can just accept the challenge and I will preside over it myself. What do you think?"

"Yeah, Orochimaru Sama! We will do as you said," Uchiha Saku said and Kidou grinned at him.

"Hehe! Then let's go to the training grounds! After all, he knows life-threatening Ninjutsu and I don't want others to be hurt." Kidou said and they all went to the Training Grounds.

All of this was seen by Hiruzen and with a curious look on his face, he said, "Bring me files of Kidou!"

Reaching the Training Grounds, Uchiha Naku and Kidou stood in the middle and Orochimaru said, "You two can start fighting! No killings!"

As he said, Naku looked at him with one Tomoe Sharingan in his eyes, and Kidou used the Lighting Release Body Flicker Technique to close the distance between them and kicked on his stomach.

"So Fast!" Uchiha Saku said as he looked at the scene with his Three Tomoe Sharingan and he looked at Kidou and muttered, "Naku will lose,"

Kicking him on his stomach, Kidou didn't stop and he held his body and slammed him on the ground.

"Fucker! No one in the family has ever hurt her for mistakes and you dare to fucking slap her!" Kidou said as kicked Naku on his chest and then looking into his eyes directly.

"I am now looking into this Sharingan on yours, why don't you try putting me in Genjutsu? Huh? Do It." Kidou said as he punched Naku's face once and he felt his chakra getting controlled, and he grinned.

"Tsk! A shitty genjutsu like this? Let me fucking show you!" Kidou said as he held Naku's face and controlled the chakra in his body.

Last night, he had practised too much chakra control and Genjutsu on Tsunade, and with his Comprehension, he could now put even someone like Tsunade in Genjutsu if he tried.

"Welcome to a New World," Kidou said and Naku found himself appearing in a different place.

"*&^(*& Tortured for 72 hours, let's see how much you can take."

Naku found himself getting held and he felt multiple bodies and presence!

"AAAA" He screamed outside as his hands were cut off in Genjutsu and Kidou sat beside him with a grin on his face.

Looking at Naku screaming, Saku's expression changed and before he could move, he felt chakra pressure on him, and Orochimaru said, "If you move, everything will be over."

"Do you want him to stop?"


"Then keep your arrogance in Check," Orochimaru said with a laugh and he looked at Kidou smiling like a demon. He wondered what was happening in Genjutsu, and he hadn't expected Kiduo to get proficient enough to even put a Uchiha into Genjutsu, albeit it's just One Tomoe Sharingan.

Looking at Naku, Kidou sensed the mental fluctuation and he understood that his Sharingan was about to evolve.

He looked at Uchiha Saku and said, "His Sharingan is about to evolve, but if I removed the Genjutsu, it will remain as One Tomoe for his whole life."

"But if I want to evolve, he will have to suffer more. What do you want me to do? Tell me in 5 seconds!"

"5 4 3 2.."

"Let it evolve," Uchiha Saku said and both Orochimaru and Kidou laughed at his answer.

"Sure!" Kidou said and Naku's screams became louder as he increased the intensity of pain.

If he wanted, he could just make him braindead but that would be the problem, and that's why, he always controlled the pain so that he wouldn't die on him.

Everyone sensed the fluctuations of chakra, and Uchiha Naku's Sharingan started to spin and it changed from one tomoe to two. He came out of Genjutsu because of this, and looking at this, Kidou stood up and stretched his body.

"Get up and start fighting," Kidou said as he looked at Uchiha Naku lying on the floor and their expression changed as they heard this.

"Hah! Hah! Hahahaha! Two Tomoe! I will now fucking kill you for insulting me!" Uchiha Naku shouted as he stood up and he rushed at Kidou. Seeing this, Kidou grinned and again, he beat the shit out of Naku and put him on the ground.

"Do you surrender?" He said with a demonic smile on his as he held Uchiha Naku by his neck.

"No! I will kill you! Kill You! Kill You!" Naku shouted and Kidou looked at him.

"I guess only extreme pain will wake you from this state," Kidou stated and a chakra blade appeared in his left hand. A scream of Naku was heard as Kidou cut off the right hand and knocked Naku unconscious.

Kidou put his hand on lying Naku and patching him up with the Mythical Palm technique and clearing the blood, he looked at Uchiha Saku who was looking with a stunned expression on his face and he said, "I won and I will be taking this with me."


Read 15 extra chapters at P@treon: p@treon.com/Logical_Dot