
Multidimensional Traveler.

A person died on a plane. Got granted few wishes. First world - One Piece. I can't really type the synopsis...

Giant_Sloth · Others
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12 Chs

I want to be free! (Changed)


Eric L. Tale pov.

The next day I woke up early and got outside to warm up.

30 minutes later.

'Okay, the warmup is done, now should train Strength or Agility?' I thought inside my head as I ended the warmup.

"Until mom wakes I will train strength," I said out loud and started doing some pushups.

'I need to get some weights, that will help me train.' I thought as I was doing pushups.

35 minutes later.

"three-hundred-twenty-seven... three-hundred..... three-hundred-sixty-eight... four-hundred-ninety-nine..... nine-hundred-seventy-five... nine-hundred-ninety-nine, One Thousand!!" I screamed and collapsed on the ground as my arms were aching.

After lying on the ground for tens of minutes. I heard Mom's voice "Breakfast is ready!!"

As soon as she said breakfast was ready I stood up and ran into the house.

"Goodmorning mom! What's for breakfast?" I asked as I sat down on a chain.

"Goodmorning Dear. For breakfast, there is Pork loin, fried rice, salad, and orange juice." Mom answered and started placing the food on the table until there was little space left.

"Mom, can we fight?" After eating fully I asked Mom.

"What do you mean fight?" My mom asked as confusion was written on her face.

"I want mother to fight against me, in yesterday's fight, I realized I didn't have any techniques and relied on my strength and instincts," I said to my mother.

After a couple of minutes, Mom finally replied.

"Sure, I will help you train your fighting skills," Mom said and started cleaning the table.

"YES!!!" I was so excited that I screamed as loudly as possible.

"Be quiet!" Mom said out loud and smacked the back of my head.

"Ouch!" I screamed out loud as I wasn't expecting that.


Twelve days passed since I began to practice my fighting skills, with mom.

The first 4 days I couldn't even dodge one out of ten punches she threw. Even if she used less strength as I did.

I didn't get discouraged as I was improving my strength and skills every day.

I made a breakthrough in my fishing skill and instinct on the fourth day.

We decided to celebrate my breakthrough so we took the fifth day off.


From the sixth day, I started improving faster.

On the seventh day, I could dodge about thirty percent of her punches, on tenth fifty percent, and the twelfth day about sixty percent.

'In just one week and 5 days, I improved so much.' I thought as I laid on the bed and opened [Status].


[Name] Eric L. Tale

[Gender] Male

[Race] Human

[Age] 11 months old

[Strength] 65

[Speed] 41

[Endurance] 50

[Luck] ∞

[Charisma] ∞

After looking at my status I decided to check my skills as well.


[Combat] Close Order Combat 3/10

[Crafting] Cooking 7/10

[Soul&Will] Instinct 2/10

[Body] Recovery 1/10

When looking at my skills I was surprised.

'Since when do I have Recovery skill?' I thought to myself. But I couldn't think of when I got this skill. After I closed the skills menu I decided to sleep.


"Breakfast ready!!" I heard mom's voice and got up.

After getting out of bed I decided to take a shower.

When I was done showering I walked into the living room to see my mom already has prepared a table and dishes were already served.

"Goodmorning mom!!" I greeted mom and sat down.

"Goodmorning dear. You remember what day it is?" Mom greeted me back and asked me a question.

"Umm... I don't remember" I looked down and replied to mom's question.

"*sigh* Today is the day that we gonna go to Marine headquarters. How could you have forgotten this?" Mom sighed and told me what day it was.

"Ahh!!!!! Today is the day!" How could I have forgotten this day?

"Stop screaming!! And eat breakfast before its too cold." Mom said it and started eating.

When both of us were done eating I asked.

"So when are we leaving? What do I have to prepare?" I asked mom.

"We should be leaving at noon. And you don't have to prepare anything I already have everything packed up!" Mom answered my questions with a bright smile.

"Okay then, I am going outside!" I said to Mom and walked out of the house.

"Come back, safe dear!" Mom screamed from inside the house.

When I got outside I started training.

2 hours later.

'I think this should be enough for today. I need weight or else my body won't improve faster I hope Marines will have it.' I thought as I walked back into the house. When I got inside I went straight to the bathroom.

Just as I got out of the shower I heard Mom calling me.

"Tale. We will be leaving soon." Mom's voice came from the living.

"Okay, mom! " I said and walked to the living room.

When I reached the living room I saw my mother was already prepared to go.

"Should we go now?" I asked mom.

"Yes, let's go," Mom said and walked to the door.


After walking for half an hour we finally reached the port.

At the port stood one big ship with Marine Flags one it.

When we walked into port we saw Captain Lark. So we started walking to him.

"Captain Lark," Mom said.

Captain Lark turned to the voice and saw us and said to us. "Hello! You came just at the right time. This is the ship that will take you to Marine headquarters."

"When do we board?" I asked excitedly as I couldn't wait to board, as it would be my first time on a ship as big as this one.

"You should be able to board the ship now, they already have resupplied, so they should leave pretty soon." Captain Lark said and pointed at the direction of the ship. "You have to board from there."

"Thank's Captain Lark." Mom thanked Captain Lark and we started walking into the direction where he pointed.

When we reached the place he pointed we saw marines climbing up the ship. We wanted to climb as well but were stopped by are marine.

"Stop! Who are you?" Marine asked us.

"I am Lieutenant Commander Tsuru. Captain Lark should have told you about us" Mom said to the marine.

"Y....Yes, he told us about you, Lieutenant Commander Tsuru, please board the ship" Marine shivered as he heard mom's rank.

When we boarded the ship we were guided to our cabins. Our cabins were near each other.

After showing us our cabins the marine who guided us here started showing where everything is.

After 10 minutes the guide finished showing everything.

When the guide left I said to my mother. "Mom, I will go train in the training room".

"Let mom accompany you. I need to train as well if I don't want to be left behind you!" Mom said.

After 5 minutes we reached the training room and it was empty.

Which was good for us. After warming up for 10 minutes, we started training.

4 hours later.

I lay on the ground gasping for air. 'I knew I needed to get weights!!' I thought in my head.

When I turned my head to look at mom I saw that she was tired as well.

'It would take a few months to arrive at Marine headquarters. By then I should have the strength of a Captain. I should be careful when we arrive there. I don't want to be seen as a genius.' I though in my head as I planned my training plan.

Pov end


3rd pov.

2 Months later.

In the Training room, you can see a young beautiful woman and 9-year-old lifting enormous weights.

When they let go of the weights you can feel the vibrations.

"Mom! Do you know when we gonna arrive?" A Child asked the young woman.

"It should take us a week or two." the woman answered the child question.

As you already guessed the young beautiful woman and the child are Tsuru and Eric L. Tale.

Pov end.


Eric L. Tale pov.

2 Months have passed since we got aboard the ship. The past 2 months all we did was wakeup, shower train, eat, fight, shower, eat, sleep, and repeat.

'Mom said we should arrive in a week or two.' I thought and decided to check my Status.


[Name] Eric L. Tale

[Gender] Male

[Race] Human

[Age] 1-year 1-month-old.

[Strength] 167

[Speed] 124

[Endurance] 130

[Luck] ∞

[Charisma] ∞

'I have grown strong. It should be the sea king's meat that helped my train faster.' I thought and remembered when I asked the chef what meat we were eating and he said it was sea kings.

"Mom. Can we talk?" I asked.

"Yes, dear what's wrong?" Mom asked concerned.

"How long will we be Marines for?" I asked as I didn't want to stay at marines for a long time.

"What do you mean how long will we stay at marines for?" Mom asked.

"Well, I don't want to be a marine. I want to be a free man" I said to my mother while looking down. I didn't want to disappoint her as she always wanted to be marine and uphold justice.

"So you want to be a Pirate?! I will never allow that!!!!" Mom said in an angry voice.

"Mom!!! I don't want to be a Pirate!! I.. I want to be a free man!" I said as quickly as possible as I didn't want to see my mom angry anymore.

Few minutes passed and mom Finally replied.

"*sigh* We will leave when both of our strength is a rear admiral." Mom said it while sighting.

"Mom! I love you!!" I screamed and ran to hug her. Since I ran with all my strength, the momentum I created knocked both of us down.

'"haha haha"' When both of us fell we started laughing as hard as we could.

After hugging each other for 20 minutes we decided to get up.

'Should I tell mom that I reincarnated?' I thought about telling her about my past life for a few months now. After thinking some more I decided to tell her tomorrow.

Next morning. After taking a shower I decided to go to my moms' cabin

"Mom. Can we talk?" I asked with a troublesome face.

"What happened, dear?" Mom asked me with concern written on her face.

I looked at her for a couple of minutes and finally decided to tell her everything about my past life.

"Mom, can you sit down before I start talking? Please." I asked my mother. And when she sat down I started telling her about how I have died and was reincarnated.

When I finished telling her the story she stared at me for a couple of seconds and came to hug me.

"It must have been hard on you!" She hugged and started crying.

I looked at her with a confused expression. 'What does she mean it must have been hard?' I didn't understand what she meant by it.

"It must have been hard to lose your family." She started hugging me harder.

"I can't breathe!!" I said out loud.

After she softened her hug we stayed like that until we fell asleep.



[Name] Eric L. Tale

[Gender] Male

[Race] Human

[Age] 1-year 1-month-old.

[Strength] 167

[Speed] 124

[Endurance] 130

[Luck] ∞

[Charisma] ∞



[Combat] Close Quarter Combat 3/10

[Crafting] Cooking 7/10

[Soul&Will] Instinct 2/10

[Body] Recovery 2/10 | Iron body 1/10


I changed the chapter a little not that much who.

I don't think I will be able to upload every day. Usually, it takes like 5-6hours for time to write one chapter.

I will upload as much as I can.

I plan to make Harem the girls will be (In One Piece world. When MC travels to another worlds I will add more)


Nico Olvia. 1 year younger than mc

Shakuyaku. 10 Years older than mc

Bell-Mere. She is 15-17years younger than MC.

I will probably add Tsuru as well.


I won't write 18+ scenes.

MC will know who his father is.

Tsuru and MC's father will not get back together.

There won't be another chapter today, and maybe tomorrow as well. I am sorry.

Guys, do you want to add Tsuru in the harem? I think I should Since Tale will be able to travel to different worlds in the future.

If I leave her in one piece she would die of old age or live for a long time like Tale and girls in his harem.

But I would feel very sad to kill her. And if I give her the same lifetime as Tale when she is not in his harem would feel wrong on my side.

As she would have a long life but, won't have a husband. And just thinking about it I want to cry. (You can call me a crybaby I don't care)

So please help me decide.

Tale will use his fist.

Tsuru will use firearms and fists.

Giant_Slothcreators' thoughts