The arrangement of the spectators was in accordance to the starfield they came from. Hence, David's surroundings were all spectators from the Aeon star universe Mountain star field! And the participant geniuses and the various star fields they came from would all get special privileges when they bought the tickets. According to theory, with 1 billion tickets sold among the many star fields, every star field would not even get 100,000 tickets.
If the star field had an active participant, then that star field was allowed 1 million tickets. Because of Stan's participation, the Aeon star universe Mountain star field was awarded 1 million tickets. This was the reason why there were 1 million citizens from the Aeon star universe Mountain empire in the audience. The previous cheers belonged to the other starfields. But now that the participant from the Aeon star universe Mountain star field was announced, these 1 million people all excitedly shouted and roared.