
Multi-dimensional Group Chat

Guy travels around to different worlds with group chat. The main world is an amalgamation of different romance stories. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please send constructive criticism however don't just complain for the sake of complaining. You can also recommend what worlds to travel to or powers/items to gain. I don't own any characters. -----------------------------------------------------------------

Eevee_Express · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


When Kei and Mavis returned to their campsite they saw that Warrod, Precht, and Yuri had returned. Yuri noticed Kei and asked him about the fish.

"Welcome back. Did you catch anything?"

"I got around twelve."


"Yup. What's wrong?"

When the rest of them heard he caught 12 fish they thought he was joking but when he confirmed it they were baffled.

"You were only fishing for a little less than an hour! How did you catch 12 fish?" Yuri yelled.


Kei said it so blatantly that they didn't know what to say to that. They couldn't believe skill would be enough to catch 12 fish in less than an hour.

"Anyways can you guys give me some sticks to put the fish on?"

"Sure. Here you go."

Yuri handed the sticks to Kei. Kei put the fish on the sticks but not before salting them. After he got them prepared he put them over the fire. He would only cook five and keep the rest in the box for tomorrow.

Precht and Yuri prepared the deer while Warrod did the plants. Mavis talked to Zera until the food was ready.

After they finished prepping the food they all sat down around the campfire. Kei's fish went first over the fire until it was ready to eat. Everyone grabbed one and they started eating.

"This tastes good."

"Yup, good job."

"All I did was salt the fish."

"It still tastes better than when we make it."

They were praising him for salting a fish and cooking it. Kei wasn't exactly sure what to feel at the moment. Was he supposed to feel happy about the praise or embarrassed because of it?

They spent the rest of the time eating and talking. Yuri, Warrod, and Precht were the ones mostly talking though. Mavis was listening intently to their stories since she never left the island before and found them entertaining. Kei was also interested in their stories since it was interesting to learn about different locations in the world.

The night went on and after they finished eating they talked for a bit before Zera dragged Mavis somewhere to talk. The trio, along with Kei, sat together around the campfire. They did some small talk before Yuri brought up something he wanted to ask for a while.

"Hey Kei, can I ask something?"


"Why haven't you told Mavis that Zera isn't real."

"Because she doesn't have any companions yet."


The three of them were curious about what he meant.

"People she can trust her back to and in turn trust their backs to her. Until people are willing to do that I won't tell her."

They stayed quiet after that until Kei brought up something he wanted to ask.

"By the way can you spar with me, Precht?"

"You want to spar with me?"

Precht was surprised he suddenly asked for a spar. Although he would be lying to himself if he didn't also feel curious about his skill as well. He saw how he was able to react to an attack before he did which surprised him that a kid could do that.

"Yup. I need more experience fighting against people. All I did on the island was improve my swordsmanship by myself. I didn't have anyone to spar against."

He felt that his skill with the sword was good enough. He was already good at using the sword before he came to this world. His style was the main thing that he focused on developing during his time here. The creation of it was the hard part now all he needs to do is practice it.

"Alright. Let's do it."


Kei grabbed his wooden sword and Precht his chains. They moved down to an open area and got ready.

Yuri and Warrod couldn't understand what happened. The situation moved too fast for them to even ask about it. They looked at each other and shrugged. They decided to watch the entertainment and went down with them.



Meanwhile, Zera dragged Mavis to the pond she was at with Kei. She wanted to confirm that Mavis has actual romantic feelings for Kei and not just a friendship. It might be difficult with Mavis because she is very innocent but she wants to know.

"So Zera, what did you want to talk about?"

"Mavis, how do you feel about Kei?"


Mavis didn't understand what she meant. 'What does she mean? How do I feel about him?' Mavis was confused and it clearly showed on her face. She has never had experience with love before.

Zera, seeing her face knew she was confused so she decided to be direct this time.

"Mavis, I am asking if you like him?"

"L-L-Like him!"

Mavis was looking at Zera and had an extremely red face. She was embarrassed that Zera would ask such a question like that to her.

"Yup. Do you have feelings for him?"

Mavis stood there with a red face. She decided to think, 'Do I like him?' she asked herself. She would be lying if she said she didn't. He was the first person she called a friend aside from Zera. She was always happy when she was with him.

Kei also gave her so much during the past year he was with her. He gave her a birthday party and a necklace as a present. She looked at the necklace around her neck and smiled.

'I guess I do like him. Although saying that to Zera is a bit embarrassing.' She looked at Zera and her face got red from thinking about telling her.

Zera saw her reaction and already knew the answer.

'Sigh' "Mavis I can see you like him with that reaction you made. No need to deny it."


Zera felt a bit disappointed that Kei and Mavis had mutual feelings. She didn't know why she did but it felt depressing.

Mavis noticed Zera was disappointed. She looked at her and started to realize something. Even if Mavis is clumsy and a bit of an airhead, she is still very observant.

"Zera do you also like him?"

"W-What!? No no no I don't! Why would I like someone like him! He is so annoying and is always teasing me!"

Zera couldn't control her emotions and her face became red. Mavis asking that question made her brain fry.

Mavis, who saw the way she was acting, knew she was right. Even if she denies it Mavis cans see that she was happy while talking about him. She couldn't help but hug her.

"Aw, it's fine Zera, we can be with him together."

Zera meanwhile couldn't believe what she just heard and looked at Mavis dumbfounded. 'What do you mean 'Be with him together' what is this girl saying!'

"Wait! Wait! What do you mean by that Mavis? Would you allow another girl to be with him?"

"It's fine, it's fine, isn't it? I don't see a problem with it. As long as he loves us equally then it's fine."

Zera didn't know what to say. She looked at Mavis and thought she was pretty bold to be saying things like that.

However, what Zera didn't know was the only reason Mavis even suggested it was because she doesn't understand much about relationships. She is still an innocent 13-year-old girl after all. She didn't even know where babies came from yet.

When Mavis suggested sharing Kei she wanted Zera to be happy as well. For Mavis as long as love exists between people then it's fine for them to be together. That's why she suggested sharing.

Of course, Zera was not as innocent as Mavis and could understand relationships between men and women. Although even her knowledge is limited to what she read in books as a young child.

"W-Well let's talk about this later. Let's go back to camp."


Mavis and Zera made their way back. When they reached the campsite they looked shocked at Precht being beaten up and on the ground.

"W-What happened!" Mavis yelled.

"W-Well it was supposed to be a quick sparring match between Kei and Precht but instead it turned into a one-sided beat down."

Yuri scratched the back of his head. He also couldn't believe how easily Kei could take down Precht. Although the real reason Precht is so badly injured was that he kept on sparring with Kei even after he lost.

In fact, Precht was a very sore loser. He didn't really know the meaning of giving up unless he is beaten thoroughly. So Kei made sure he was. Although he healed him after every fight it didn't help him mentally. Eventually, Precht finally wore his mind out and fell to the ground.

"Let me heal him again."

Kei walked up to Precht and healed him. After he finished healing him, Yuri and Warrod dragged him near the campfire to rest.

"Hey, Mavis sorry you had to see that. I didn't know Precht was such a sore loser."

"A-Are you hurt?"

Mavis was concerned if he was hurt after hearing that he sparred with Precht. It seems she forgot about it being a one-sided beatdown.

"I'm fine. Although you are really close to my face."


"It's fine. I know you were just worried about me. Anyways it's about time we go to sleep."

They all prepared to go to sleep. They were all tired and wanted to rest. They fell asleep quickly except for Mavis who kept taking quick looks at Kei. What Zera and she talked about before was still fresh in her mind.

Kei on the other hand also didn't fall asleep quickly. He was enjoying the clear night sky that his world didn't have. After a while, he drifted into sleep looking at the stars.