
Multi-dimensional Group Chat

Guy travels around to different worlds with group chat. The main world is an amalgamation of different romance stories. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please send constructive criticism however don't just complain for the sake of complaining. You can also recommend what worlds to travel to or powers/items to gain. I don't own any characters. -----------------------------------------------------------------

Eevee_Express · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Fairy Tail

It's been 3 months since Kei confessed his feelings to Mavis. During this time they have spent a lot more time together. They would usually go together to town to help rebuild. Occasionally they would have dates when they weren't busy.

They didn't hide their relationship from Yuri, Warrod, and Precht. When they told the trio about it none of them had a surprised expression. They already suspected it because Mavis had a goofy smile on her face the whole day after Kei confessed to her. Mavis was embarrassed when they told her that and hid behind Kei. Kei had a wry smile on his face while the others were laughing.

After that Mavis and Kei talked about their future. Mavis was willing to wait 100 years for him to come back but Kei didn't want her to wait so long by herself. He was worried about the curse they both had. He knew that the curse caused insanity in Zeref. He didn't want the same to happen to Mavis.

He knew the curse was split between them but didn't know if he had the insanity part or Mavis. All Kei knows is that one or both of them have it. He didn't want her to develop insanity by waiting 100 years so he offered another solution. He wanted her to enter a sort of hibernation.

Kei decided to make use of a lacrima. He wanted her to trap herself in a lacrima to simulate a suspended state. That way she wouldn't feel the loneliness of time. All Mavis need to do was pump the lacrima full of her magic before she used it.

Mavis thought about it but didn't answer. She said she would wait in the future and see how it goes before deciding. Kei agreed and they ended their discussion and went to sleep.

The next couple of months were exhausting for Fairy Tail. First, they had to secure the trust of the townspeople. Since the townspeople had Blue Skull in their town for so long it would take time for them to trust another wizard guild.

Fairy Tail gradually gained their trust through helping the town rebuild and giving speeches. Mavis was the one mostly giving the speeches considering she was the guild master. While the other four were getting funds to make the guild building.

Surprisingly the town opened up to them faster and easier than they thought because of Mavis and Kei. Ever since they became a couple most of their day was spent together. They would walk around town together holding hands. In the beginning, Mavis was shy about holding hands in public and couldn't do it. Eventually, however, Mavis became more comfortable holding hands with Kei and began to go on their dates hand in hand.

Anyways, the town was more accepting of Kei and Mavis because they were a loving couple. The townspeople saw them and felt some happiness unlike before when the town was under the control of Blue Skull. In addition to that, the treasure trio was interacting more with the townspeople as well adding to a positive reputation.

Kei also got rid of Bandits and other people that tried to take advantage of the damaged town. The town felt gratitude toward him but it wasn't like he didn't get anything out of it. Whenever bandits attacked he would always capture them then go to their hideout and take their loot. For him, they were just NPC characters that dropped money whenever they were defeated.

Of course, that doesn't mean he took everything for himself but just some funds to finally start building their guild hall. Eventually, in the third month, they gained enough funds to begin construction on the guild building. They began work on the building and in April the construction was complete.

It was a warm spring day outside. Warrod has his eyes closed and enjoys the soft breeze rolling through the air. "Hey, Warrod get a move on! It's over here!" Warrod hears Yuri's voice and turns around.

"You spacing out again?" Yuri asks.

"Just look at it. It's complete." Precht says.

Warrod looks at the building in front of him and is amazed. "Ohh! Look at that... that's our guild."

It is a grandiose building with the fairy tail flag in the middle of it. It's located around the shore of the lake.

"It is magnificent isn't it?" They turn around and see Kei and Mavis. Kei is holding a camera and its standing legs.

"Let's commemorate today!" Mavis excitedly ran towards them.

"Hold up Mavis! I still need to set up the camera." Kei put the camera down and began setting the timer on.

"Alright I set it for 10 seconds, get ready!" Kei runs towards the group and stands next to Mavis. Precht, Warrod, and Yuri are behind them.


The camera goes off and their picture is taken. They go check the photo and are satisfied.

Afterward, Yuri asks Mavis to say a few words to commemorate the day. She talks about what she wants the guild to be and its future.

Then they go inside the guild and see inside. When they enter they see the hall and are amazed. They explore around and are more than satisfied with the building.

"This building is amazing!" Yuri walks around the hall.

"Yup. It even has a bar!" Warrod rummages through the bar.

"You shouldn't drink. It's almost time for the speech." Precht warns Warrod.

"I wonder when we can have quests?" Mavis looks at the empty quest board.

"Well, we first need clients. That's one of the reasons why we needed to gain the support of the townspeople. Without them, our guild wouldn't make any money. The only reason Blue Skull was still functioning was that they stole all their money. Don't tell me you forgot?" Kei looked at Mavis with a deadpan stare.

"Hehehe." Mavis laughed nervously because she forgot all about it. It wasn't that she didn't care about the topic just that Kei crammed so much information in her brain that some of it went right over her head.

"Just make sure to remember the basic information that a guild master needs. You don't want the guild members to treat you like a little girl now do you?" Kei was smiling kindly but to Mavis, it looked different.

His smile gave her shivers and she hurriedly answered. "O-Ok."


Ever since Mavis decided to open a guild, Kei has been trying to make sure she stayed on track. He didn't doubt Mavis's dedication but rather her responsibilities. He knew Mavis could be a great leader if she wanted to but her personality makes it difficult for her to focus. So he needed to keep her on track whenever he was teaching her about the way a guild runs.

If you're wondering how Kei is qualified to teach Mavis, Kei was interested in guilds so he bought a book. He read it in his spare time when they were traveling to Magnolia as well as when they were training with Zeref. It has information about the rules and regulations of the different guilds as well as how guilds gain money, etc.

Kei made sure Mavis stayed on task but didn't mind her playing around once in a while. He wasn't severely strict with her considering she was still a 13 years old child. He wanted to let her enjoy being a kid for a little while longer.

Although Mavis was sometimes more ambitious than he was and would work harder than she needed to. Kei would try to tell her she didn't need to work that hard but she wouldn't listen and work hard to create the guild. Kei didn't say anything after she didn't stop and helped her to complete the work faster.

Kei looks at the time. "It's almost time for the speech. We should go to the town square now. We can't have the people get annoyed for waiting too long. The guild won't function if it's just the 5 of us after all."


Mavis calls back the other three and they went to the town square to announce the opening of Fairy Tail. When Mavis arrived at the town square she went up to the podium. Everyone quieted down when Mavis arrived and waited for her speech. Mavis began her speech and once Mavis finished her speech the townspeople started cheering and were excited that a proper guild would open in their town.