
Raid (IV)

Mordred dodged another attack from the three knights coming at her. When she blocks Gawain's attack, she pushes his sword away from her and does her own quick slash toward Gawain, but all her attacks get blocked by him.

The counterpart of Gawain, Lancelot, and herself have completely different swordplay than the one in her universe. Gawain in her universe is the immovable object that can take all the attacks without a problem. He also attacked with all his might, like the sun burning all things coming at it.

This Gawain, on the other hand, uses his speed to overwhelm his enemy with his speed. He did not use his defensive stance and do a counter-attack like Gawain in her universe.

Lancelot in this universe also makes Mordred disturbed about the difference between her universe and this universe. Lancelot in this universe only uses his sword as a weapon. When she parries his weapon, Lancelot leaps away from the fight instead of using his hand to either block or counter-attack.

Lancelot from her universe will use all he got to defeat his opponent, he will never use dirty tricks like using poison, but he will use anything as his weapon to defeat his opponent. While yes, he valued his sword, but when his sword is useless, he will use even a stick to defeat his opponent, unlike the man in front of her.

She looks at her counterpart and grimaces a little. While the other knight is different from the one in her universe, her counterpart is the exact replica of her. The cocky grin, the overconfident way to talk, and that wild way to fight an enemy are the same as her.

It was like fighting a clone of herself but changing the gender.

That is also what makes her so angry. Especially after he said that he would kill her and her family, it was a known fact in the Faysummit that you never say anything bad about her family, especially her lover, Lexian.


Lancelot can block all the incoming attacks W.Mordred (Woman Mordred) throws at him, but each blow is heavy, and he can feel his body get disintegrated. If not for the upgrade his 'master' gives to him, he will be already disintegrated by the strange red energy W.Mordred released.

It is strange red energy, but the crimson lightning she creates every time she attacks him also makes his body hard to move, and that lightning almost paralyzes him. Not only that, every attack she delivers makes his bone shudder in pain. While he can regenerate at high speed, that doesn't mean he can't feel pain.


Lancelot can feel his bone is broken from blocking all the incoming attack W.Mordred delivers to him. From blocking her sword attack to her punch and kick. This little girl only inherited the name of Mordred and nothing else. Her fighting style is almost identical to Mordred, but she also uses her fist and kicks in the fight, unlike Mordred, who is a true knight.

While it was not honorable to gang up against one opponent, he and his fellow knight are forced to do so by his 'master.'


Lancelot winces when he hears Mordred's bone get shattered by the crazy woman who fights like a berserker instead of a knight. There is also something wrong with his body; the longer he fights. His body can regenerate instantly, but the longer he fights, the slower his regeneration fixes his body.

Lancelot snaps from his thought when he sees a red spark coming at him. He raises his sword and blocks the incoming attack. However….


Lancelot winces when he feels his bone-breaking from blocking the W.Mordred attack. Before he could think or do anything, his enemy pushed him away from her then swung down her sword cutting his arm.

Sadly for Lancelot, his enemy did not stop there. When Lancelot is disarmed, Mordred swings her sword down once again and cuts down Lancelot's other arm, and then slices Lancelot's body in half. For the last attack, Mordred fired her Storm Flame to burn Lancelot.

All this happens in a few seconds, and the last thing Lancelot sees is Red fire that burns him alive. He really wants to say his thanks to her for letting him die. His only master is the only one he betrayed. He doesn't want to give away the last honor he had as a knight to a madman.

He really wants to thank her for the service she did to him.

Gawain looks at his fellow knight getting disintegrated by the strange flame. The fight between the three of them against Mordred becomes harder and harder as the said woman becomes stronger every second. Not only her strength, her speed, and durability also increased the longer she fought.


Gawain winces a little as he can feel his body begin to break under the pressure of Mordred's attack. Each blow Gawain block is like blocking a dragon headbutting him after it diving down from the sky.


Mordred continues her attack without looking at her counterpart, who is busy dealing with her underling. While she hates doing this, she needs to defeat her opponent quickly as she can see Lexian and the others also get attacked by these new enemies.

Mordred blocks the counterattack Gawain does and sees him leap away from her. Mordred can see his body become slower and slower the longer he fights here. The reason is the giant polar bear that continues releasing a rain flame to the air.

If Popol, Amelia's animal partner, did not release its flame, then the fight will last longer than she likes. Popol is a perfect support animal partner. Not only his massive body can become a frontline fighter, but Popol also releases Rain Flame that weakens all the enemy, and not only that, Popol also channeling a Sun Flame from Amelia unit that comes with her. The Sun Flame will enchant the ally's strength each second, and not only that, but it also heals any injury the other gets.

While her enemy can regenerate at high speed, their regeneration slowly gets negated because of Rain Flame in the air.

While her underling is not as powerful as the knight in front of her, they can fight them because of Popol, and she knows that they can beat her counterpart. She knows that it will forever be engraved in that man's heart as her underling, not her who defeated him.


She blocks another incoming attack with ease and she can feel the attack become slower and weaker in terms of raw power. Unlike Gawain from her universe, this Gawain did not have the power of the sun that gave him an almost infinite amount of power especially when the sun was at its peak.

After blocking the attack, Mordred quickly activated her mana burst and pushed Gawain away from her and cut off his arm in a blink of an eye. Gawain grunt and leap away from her when he sees he has been disarmed.

He knows that he cannot win in this fight especially when he doesn't have all his equipment with him. Him and his fellow knight have been resurrected by the creature he never thought he will serve someday.

Not only has he been resurrected and become a slave to a devil, but he has also been reduced in terms of power by the one who resurrected him into this world. While the devil can recreate his armor the devil instead makes an armor that makes sure he will not betray his summoner.

The armor is a dead-man switch. If the devil is dead then all of his summoners will also be dead and not only that this armor will kill him if he betrays his summoner. For someone that thinks he is the ultimate evil, that man is a coward.

That is why….


… when a red flame washed over him, he felt happy instead of angry. He only has one family that he wants and will serve.

The Pendragon Family.

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


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