

~5 September 2006~

*Ajuka Beelzebub POV*

'Forty-point-nine-eight-percent chance'

Not even fifty percent? I ask my power to make sure that it was real.

I take a deep breath and say,

"What are the odds for me to defeat the culprit behind Diodora dead?"

Kankara Formula, the ultimate calculation demonic power embodying the concept of creation, resounded and answered my question inside my head.

'Forty-point-nine-eight-percent chance'

That is worrying.

"The odds for Sirzech and I defeat the culprit behind Diodora dead."

'Ninety-point-seven-one-percent chance.'

Almost one hundred percent. Now for the real trouble…

"The odds for the other faction become more cautions with us if Sirzech and I attack the culprit."



It looks like I can't attack the culprit behind the attack. While I didn't care about the death of my relative, the culprit attacked me without them knowing.

All Devils will always have sin within their soul. Sirzech has the sin of wrath, Serafall have the sin of envy, Falbium have the sin of sloth and me? I have the sin of pride. While Sirzech is known for his calm demeanor, he is not always like that. Just like his power of destruction, his wrath is known through the Old Generation devil. Serafall is not known for her envy because she hides it well enough. There is a reason why Serafall decided to declare Gabriel as her rival. She envied the Archangel Gabriel for her body that beat Serafall by a large margin. Falbium always sleeps at any meeting they have and only wakes up when there is a threat to all devil races. There is nothing I can say about him—lastly, me. I pride myself as a leader of the Devil race and also the creator of Devil Pieces. I also pride myself on having a bright heir for my former clan. So when the heir of the Astaroth clan died, it hit my sin hard.

When Serafall comes to the underworld with the news that they get attacked by the vampire extremist, I immediately call the other clan leader to have an emergency meeting.

Serafall then tells the story of how they get attacked and how they can fool her by using an illusion and kill Diodora then kidnap his entire peerage for breeding.

Three days ago, we decided to have another meeting between Satan and the clan head. After a useless debate, I cast a vote to attack the Tepes faction and give the leadership of all vampires to the Carmilla faction. To my surprise, the majority of the clan head decide they will not attack the Tepes faction. I know that Sirzech will choose to stay out of it because he is a pacifist. However, I was surprised when I saw the Bael clan head decide he would not attack the Tepes faction. Lord Bael is known as a prideful person and easily angered, so it was a surprise seeing him vote for non-aggressive action.

'Ninety-nine-point-nine-nine-percent chance it was a bribe.'

Yeah, using my power, I know the majority of the clan head gets a bribe from an unknown person. What makes me more annoyed is that I can't do anything about it. If I decide to arrest them, they will demand proof, and I can't say 'I use my power' as an excuse.

I'm not fond of this situation at all. Not only does the culprit have someone powerful or a spell that has a chance to defeat me, but there is also a problem in the bribery in the clan head circle.


I sigh a little and look at my fellow Satan.

"What is it, Serafall?"

"You need to get out more, you know~ You stay inside your room for more than 12 hours!"

"You know I can't do that. I need to finish the paperwork, and I also need to finish my research."

"Boo~ Boring~."

"I can't Serafall…"

"Then drink this!"

Serafall takes out a bottle filled with a golden liquid before giving it to me.

"What is this?"

"This is an energy drink I got from the Faysummit!"

Faysummit. The place Serafall found in Romania. A natural ground where many races decide to reside inside. From the race that stays in the Wandwaver community like Veela and Goblin to the race that gets shunned by others like Dhampir and Half-Werewolf. That place also has a warm atmosphere that makes others comfortable and calm.

When I go to that place and take Diodora's body, I feel a warm feeling that the place gives me. Not only the warm atmosphere, but I also looked at the barrier around the city and was shocked at the sturdiness of it. Not only is it strong enough to hold multiple high-level spells, but it also has many layers that make any attacker more frustrated by the barrier.

"I see, then thank you."

"No problem~."

"Let's try this."

As I take a sip of the energy drink, Serafall gives me, and I can feel my body begin to rejuvenate as if I just woke up from a full night's sleep. Not only that, but I can also think more calmly and clearly as if all the mental stress I had earlier is gone.

"This is…"

"Is great, right?!? I had this drink yesterday and finished all the paperwork I had within an hour. Usually, I need around three to four hours to finish all of it, but with this, I can finish all of my paperwork faster~."

"I see, do you have more? I need to study it."

"Nope~ This drink is a rare commodity in Faysummit. The shopkeeper that sold me says that this drink needs at least a month to create, and the process is rather difficult."

"I see."

I drink half of the liquid inside the bottle and leave the rest of the liquid for my study.

"Is there any more thing I can do for you, Serafall?"

"Nope~ Just make sure you get out from this room okay?~"

"Yeah yeah. Now let me finish this paperwork in peace."

"Bye, Juka-chan~."

Faysummit huh? I guess I can visit that city once again for my next vacation.


*Cristina di Lillo POV*

I look at my patient with a kind smile before using my magic to heal them. The people in front of me are members of a hunter association that consists of humans. Their purpose is to hunt a vampire, but after joining the Faysummit, their goal changes slightly. Now they kill an aggressive beast that is roaming around near our city. Not only hunting, but they also tame them from time to time and then give it to the breeder to see if they can be bred and tamed as a steed or animal partner.

The reason why they get their injuries is that they encounter a pack of wild Minotaurs. Luckily, they were able to run away from the pack and report it to the guard. I hear that Lady Carol successfully subjugates the pack and will bring back the corpse for the butcher. We have a Minotaurs farm in the breeder, and with the help of Lady Amelia, the Minotaurs in the breeder will taste more delicious than the regular Minotaurs meat.

I am happy to be living in Faysummit and feel free once again. I will never feel like this when I become the Queen to Diodora Peerage. When Lord Lexian offers me a new life, I immediately accept his offer. After taking his offer, Lady Amelia begins to change my face, and Lord Lexian makes my new Identity.

Cristina di Lillo is my new name from now on. While I'm a little sad to discard the name that was given to me by my mother but sadly, that name is also the name of Diodora slave. I don't want to remember my time as a slave.

"Thank you, sister Cris."

"You are welcome."

Now it is my duty to protect and heal the people in Faysummit. This is the least I can do to pay back for what Lord Lexian gave to me.

And also…

"Cris! Let's go to the garden~."

"Of course, Lady Valerie."

I finally found my home.

This is perfect.

…. It would be even more perfect if Lady Valerie brought me to her bed and then whipped me in the back, then she would slowly whisper her harsh words into my ear. Ahhhh~

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts