
chapter 4

Muichiro had already got the decorations up ready for Christmas, he'd somehow remembered to earlier and got it done for December. It was only a few days till the day itself and Muichiro was busy writing letters to the other Hashira reminding them that he expected presents, and his standard was high as ever. They'd better get the hint.

His crow came flying into the living room, clearly shaken up, she had a letter with her. This better not be an excuse for not getting him a present. He opened the letter, it was the single most plain letter he'd ever seen in his life, who on earth had failed this badly at a Christmas card? He tried to guess why he tore the envelope off, Sanemi? Giyu? Maybe even Gyomei? Actually, Gyomei had a slight excuse as he wouldn't be able to see how plain it looked.

Inside the folded paper was a quick message

To Muichiro,

You are invited to the next gathering.

Come to the train station I dropped you off at tonight at 8pm if you would like to come.

- Kokushibo

Muichiro had never seen such a basic letter. Kokushibo must have been charged per word it was so brief. Oh well, Muichiro had to ignore the way the invite had been sent for a minute, it was clearly an invitation to a Christmas party. Obviously his six eyed friend was a little boring but still, it would be at Nakimes house, and she seemed a lot more fun, either that or she just really wanted to show off her excellent biwa skills. Muichiro glanced quickly at the clock, it was only 6pm. He had already made his decision.

He arrived at the station, he made sure to get there early just in case he forgot where he was going on the way as for some reason his crow refused to follow him, that was very unusual for her, but he supposed she must simply be scared of dress up parties. The train pulled in not too long later, by that time Muichiro was already shivering. He immediately hoped on and just as the train was setting off, he noticed the lack of other passengers on board. Maybe they had all been given a heads up on who was driving. Muichiro didn't blame them. The moment the train set off Muichiro started questioning his decision, luckily it was too late now so he didn't need to think too hard about it.

It only took a few minutes for Kokushibo to show himself, he came from another cart. He must have been searching for him, Muichiro waved him over and Kokushibo came strolling over, it looked like they would be sitting down this time rather than risking their lives on top of the train, Muichiro still couldn't believe he survived. Maybe they had been visited by the health and safety department. Oh well, Muichiro was glad to have a normal train ride, he'd not actually taken a train since, maybe he was a little worried about who the driver was. Enmu seemed to have toned it down since Muichiro's last visit, a good thing but still he could almost feel the chaotic energy vibrating in the walls.

It didn't take long at all for them to arrive at the station Muichiro remembered leaving last time, he could feel the excitement bubbling up inside him. he followed Kokushibo, not remembering the way back to Nakime's house. Maybe there was something about going to parties that made him nervous because he passed out again.

Or he thought he did, really, he was in the woods one minute then all it took was for him to blink and he was in Nakime's house. He was beginning to believe he'd never see the outside of her house. He didn't bother ask Kokushibo what had happened. Sounds of a strumming biwa filled the air like a sweet breeze. Muichiro looked around for the others, the ones that he remembered being here last time. The first person he saw was the pink haired one, he waved over to him, but for some reason he looked like he was in a bad mood. Well, there always had to be a grinch at a Christmas party. Actually, Muichiro didn't know that, this was his first one that wasn't only a Hashira meeting with a bit of Christmas decorations and some happy words. He did spend time with the others on the special day, but it wasn't much of a party, just dinner then he usually headed out to hunt some demons, they didn't take Christmas off so he couldn't either.

There wasn't much in the way of decorations but considering the size of the house completely decorating all of it would have cost a fortune, he could still respect Nakime for keeping a low budget, which meant more money for presents! He had no clue of any of them had got him anything, most of them only knew him from one meeting a while ago, and he only talked to some of them for a few minutes. However, Muichiro would still leave fuming if he had to go home empty handed.

Muichiro went over to say hi too all the people he'd meet before, they still had the same costumes on as last year, well most of them. Daki had a Christmas bow on, he recognised it from somewhere. He went over to talk to her, clearly the most serious one about Christmas so far. She was in a good mood for some reason, maybe she was just jolly "Daki, how've you been?" he asked. She turned to him "oh, hi, I've been brilliant, but you won't believe this, my brother doesn't want to celebrate Christmas, isn't that horrible?" she whined Muichiro agreed immediately "I can't believe it, Christmas only comes once a year, why would anyone waste it?" he said in shock "I know, he's trying to get out of buying me presents, I know it!" she almost screamed. Muichiro was nodding along when he heard a voice creeping through the air like nails on a chalk board "you really don't stop complaining, do you?" it was Gyutaro, clearly not too pleased with their criticism. Muichiro jumped up in the air he was so surprised. This Gyutaro was clearly not in as good of a mood. Despite his career, Muichiro decided to hide behind Daki, hoping Gyutaro wasn't planning on murdering his sister. In fact, he had just made a new Christmas wish. Daki however didn't seem the least bit fazed "yes, I'm complaining because you're such a terrible big brother" she said confidently "and you're a terrible little sister" he said. Honestly Muichiro didn't know either of them well enough to judge who was right, but it was entertaining, so he stuck around "you still need to buy me Christmas presents" Daki said, Muichiro nodded in agreement from behind, still making sure he was safe. Gyutaro started scratching himself, it looked painful to Muichiro "I have, don't worry, even if I don't have any money because I'm too busy making sure you don't get yourself killed!" he yelled "and you don't even do a good job at that, you always mess things up" she responded "I'm the one that always messes up? are you joking? I've saved you a million times" then Muichiro heard what sounded like one of the worlds longest argument, after standing around for a while he figured out that this argument wasn't ending any time soon.

He left those two to find some of the others, he hoped to see Rui somewhere, he was sure Rui would celebrate Christmas, why wouldn't he? However, he had trouble finding anything in Nakimes house, so he went straight to the owner, who was quite possibly the calmest person at the party, in fact maybe even one of the calmest people he'd ever met. He found her easily enough, almost like she knew he was looking for her and she could summon him to her. She was still with her biwa, as always "have you seen Rui?" he asked "yes he's just coming over here now" she said and turned her head to a door to her left. Almost on cue Rui burst through the doors "Muichiro!" he yelled while he flung himself in Muichiro's direction "Rui!" Muichiro called back, they jumped at each other and hugged, almost knocking into Nakime, who still did not seem to care. they both had so much to say "Muichiro, its almost Christmas, can you believe it? I love presents, I love Christmas" Rui said jumping up and down so much that Muichiro looked like he was continuously nodding his head "I know, I cant wait to see what presents I get, I was hoping for some surprises this year" Muichiro said, Rui nodded "I want a new book on spiders, you won't believe how hard they are to find, the books not the spiders, there's barely any books on rarer ones" Rui explained, honestly Muichiro knew nothing about spiders other than what he could remember Rui telling him, which wasn't a lot because he'd forgot almost everything he'd said. That wasn't unusual. Muichiro would have to consider looking for rarer books on spiders just for his friend, he imagined Rui had all the easy to find books already. Shinobu might know about spider books since she was the insect Hashira, wait, where spiders an insect? Muichiro forgot, oh well.It did not take long for him and Rui to both decide it was time to leave Nakime and her biwa alone. They had other people to annoy the hell out of. And also, they may have been a little scared she'd hit them over the head with her biwa. They ran through her halls looking in each and every room to see if there was anyone in them. It took them ages but eventually they came across something interesting.

It was the north pole.

Well, they weren't sure, but it sure looked like it was, there was snow everywhere, and it was inside too! There were frozen lakes and even bright red bags lying about, undoubtably containing presents. Rui and Muichiro looked around admiring the winter wonderland "do you like my Christmas decorations?" a voice from behind them said, it scared both of them out of their skins "where did you come from?" Rui asked "I was here all along" said the man, he was the one with rainbow eyes, Douma. Muichiro didn't get to speak with him much last time he'd visited but now seemed like a good time "yes, we really like your Christmas decorations" Muichiro answered for him and Rui, Douma clapped his hands "yay, I worked really hard on them, but nobody else here seems to appreciate it" he said, Muichiro thought for a second "I wonder why?" he finally said. Douma walked about "how about we all go talk to the others?" he said as if it was the most brilliant idea ever "sure, lets go" Muichiro said. They all walked out in a line with Douma in front and Rui at the back, Muichiro was in the middle obviously. While walking Muichiro felt a tug on his sleeve, it was Rui thankfully and not a ghost of Christmas sharing, because he had read enough Christmas books to know one of them was going to come after him one Christmas eve. Muichiro looked over at Rui "what is it?" he whispered "its Douma, he scares me" Rui mumbled to him so quietly that even Muichiro struggled to hear it "why?" Muichiro had to ask, whispering in Rui's ear "you've not been around him long enough then" Rui said. Muichiro had a feeling that wouldn't last long, he was now just a bit worried. Still, he followed Douma, who lead them to Nakime, at least they knew Nakime would take no crap. Sadly, Nakimes peacefulness was interrupted as soon as Douma entered the room "Nakime! Have nice to see you, can you tell us where everyone else is?" he almost yelled, even Muichiro could sense that Nakime was annoyed "somewhere else" she said to him, she was clearly different answering question depending on who was asking "that's not nice, tell me where Akaza is will you? He must have missed me it feels like ages since I last saw him" Douma went off "his over there" Nakime pointed over to a lower platform where the pink haired guy and Daki were talking. It didn't take long for the lot of them to get over there.

Instantly Douma started annoying the pink haired guy, and it was clear Akaza really did not like him. Daki turned to them "oh, how are you two doing, guess what, Gyutaro went out to get me a present, isn't that good news, I even asked him to pick you tow something up while he's out since you're my new friends" she said Muichiro and Rui practically jumped through the roof. Daki even looked overjoyed just from their reaction "I can't wait for him to come back, he better get me something good" she added, Muichiro agreed, he hoped Gyutaro had good taste, otherwise he was in for a riot.

Muichiro was sent flying across the house.

With Douma.

They both went flying into the closest wall which was quite a while away with Nakimes odd house design. Everyone back on the floor screamed "I only meant to hit Douma I swear" Akaza yelled "omg, you just whacked out Muichiro" Daki shrieked. Muichiro listened because he had no idea what was going on "I can't believe you" Rui said in the most traumatized voice Muichiro had ever heard "it was an accident, I swear, Douma was on purpose though, I meant to send him flying" Akaza explained. Douma got up first "I'm so sorry Muichiro, I did not mean to bump into you on my flight" he said, as if he was just flying around like a normal Tuesday "it's okay" Muichiro said. Akaza ran over at an almost unhuman speed to apologise "I'm so sorry Muichiro, I didn't mean to send you flying like that" he said so fast Muichiro had to take time to process what had just been said. He didn't manage to get another word out though as he was interrupted.

"Akaza" a very familiar and chilling voice said. Kokushibo. Muichiro had never heard him sound so scary before "this is a misunderstanding" Akaza tried to say, but Kokushibo staired at him so intensely, with bonus points for the extra eyes, that Akaza shut up. Muichiro decided that this weird eye thing was going a bit far. He stood up and waved at Kokushibo, the only problem was with the number of eyes Muichiro couldn't tell if he'd seen him, he must have though, how can someone have so many eyes and not see basically everything? Muichiro was still thinking about that when Kokushibo said out of nowhere "Akaza we need to have a talk" and then both of them wondered off, actually they went into the room closer to Nakime, who surprisingly stopped playing her Biwa, she must have been trying to listen in, Muichiro would have done the same. Muichiro tried to listen too but unfortunately, he couldn't hear a thing, he'd have to ask Nakime later.Daki was currently watching as if it was the best drama show she'd ever seen. Rui tried to help him up. wait where was Douma? Muichiro's question was answered fast, as he heard the banging on the door of the room near Nakime "let me in, what are you talking about, it's not Akaza's fault, he can't help his anger issues, me being better than him was what set him off" Muichiro could understand why Akaza had tried to fling him across the room. And he also understood why seconds later a lamp was thrown through the wood that hit Douma right in the face. Muichiro was surprised Douma wasn't dead yet, although he had been in similar situations. Still, Muichiro was half convinced that dude might have been immortal, because this didn't look like a one-off thing. Either way Akaza came out of that room alive and was met by cheering from Daki, Rui and Muichiro, Daki had even made a "congrats on living" flag out of ribbon for him. she hid the "Akaza's funeral at 11" flag. Akaza didn't seem that glad to have a mini party for his survival. Muichiro wished people threw him a party every time he survived something intense, he'd never not be partying. Kokushibo came out after. Muichiro went up to him, what did you talk about?" he asked him "nothing" Kokushibo answered, Muichiro knew that was a lie. Daki was teasing Akaza "I can't believe you came out uninjured, that's not happened before, are you ready to move up a few ranks, I'll gladly take yours" She was saying, Muichiro wasn't sure what she was going on about, but he had a feeling she was joking. Muichiro joined the party, again hoping for cake although he had a feeling these weren't cake people considering he didn't actually gat a slice of cake last time, they must be the type of people that could party all night, and they must only cut the cake last minute. Muichiro was determined to last the full party this time, even if it was closer to the next day by the time, he'd got back last time.

There wasn't a cake at Akaza's mini party, maybe these people weren't big on the whole party cake thing or maybe it was too short notice to make one, oh well, there had to be a cake somewhere considering it was Christmas, or at least a chocolate log or Christmas pudding, Christmas was all about the food. And Muichiro was not going to be leaving with only turkey or some roast potatoes. Muichiro celebrated with Daki while Akaza spent the entire time going on about how there was no need for a party and how they were all children. What a loser. Muichiro and Daki were already discussion what fun thing they could do for such a special occasion "I know, how about we go get all the gossip from Nakime, then we can collect the presents from Gyutaro" Daki came up with "it a little calm but lets got with it" Muichiro said "come on then Nakime cant wait forever, actually she probably could as long as she has her biwa, but still" Daki said while they sprinted off.

Nakime seemed as relaxed as ever, playing her biwa, obviously knowing she had the gossip they all wanted to hear about. Daki and Muichiro both ran right up to her making sure to sit down right beside her, almost out of breath. Nakime stopped playing just for a second, then she smiled. Muichiro had never seen her smile, not like that at least "I know what you want" she said. Muichiro had never been more scared of someone who wasn't a demon, same with Daki. Nakime strummed her biwa once "Kokushibo told Akaza some very interesting information" she strummed her biwa again, Muichiro wondered if she did that just to be dramatic. Daki was the first to ask "well, what did he say?" and for once Nakime looked at them, well actually Muichiro couldn't say for sure since her eyes were covered by her bangs, maybe she had unusual eyes too, "well, Kokushibo said that he'd found out Muichiro was a relative of his" the pair let out shocked gasps "I can't believe it" Daki said "I don't remember if that's possible" Muichiro said, he couldn't remember much of his family, but he also couldn't remember a lot of things. Nakime continued "he even said that Akaza would have to simply 'vanish' if he ever harmed Muichiro again" Muichiro felt honoured that Kokushibo would ban another member from these parties for Muichiro's sake. Actually, he was also slightly creeped out that Kokushibo hadn't told him before. Oh well, that must mean Kokushibo was wanting to tell him over cake, which is what Muichiro would have wanted anyway, he must have heard all about Muichiro's cake requests. Muichiro had to ask Nakime for permission to confront Kokushibo about this later, just in case she really wasn't supposed to say anything "don't worry they did not tell me to stay silent" Nakime said, Muichiro knew that was probably because Nakime looked like the most least likely to gossip person in the world but still.

Muichiro and Daki then went on a mission to find basically anyone that wasn't Akaza or Douma, they were the least useful at the minute. They had lost Rui somewhere; God knows where he went. Probably chasing a cool spider. Daki and Muichiro wondered around and luckily the first person they came across was Gyutaro "where's the presents?!" Daki screamed so loud even Muichiro was almost blasted backwards. Gyutaro seemed to be used to it "don't worry there over there" they followed his finger to a pile of presents. Muichiro cheered and they all ran over to it, Rui even appeared out of nowhere. Of course, he was summoned by the mention of presents but you couldn't find him when they were still on their way. They all inspected the present for their names and Muichiro found his soon enough, he ripped the paper off, it was already wrecked, he knew he couldn't trust Gyutaro to wrap presents neatly enough to fit his high standards.Muichiro screamed with delight. Inside was a pile of lollipops, he'd never seen this brand before, but they must be delicious if they were on a stick. Daki got a new dress, she held it up and swung it around, clearly wanting to try it on. Muichiro looked over at Rui, he'd gotten a new spider "it so pretty, what his name?" Rui asked, "I don't know" Gyutaro said honestly "poor spider" Rui said, Muichiro had no idea what kind of spider that was, the only thing he knew about it was that it looked cool. Muichiro focused back on his snacks, he opened up one and stuck it in his mouth, he'd never tasted this flavour before, but it tasted ever so slightly familiar. Rui distracted him from his odd tasting lolly "I'll name you… bob" he said looking at the tiny spider that was now walking around on his hand.

Daki went to try her dress on and when she came back, she was smiling and dancing around in it "I love it, thanks Gyutaro, lets go show it off, come on you two" she waved at Muichiro and Rui to come with her, they followed, hoping to find more people.

They knew as soon as they saw him that they were about to witness the greatest drama of all time.

Kokushibo was just walking around, like he hadn't just practically dropped the biggest news bomb of the century on Akaza (who was now probably missing). Muichiro gasped while both Daki and Rui hid behind a piece of furniture, anticipating something dramatic. Muichiro thought their grins must have given it away if there obvious hiding didn't. Kokushibo wasn't likely to fall for 'the furniture is giggling and ignore those faces peeping out once in a while' actually with six whole eyes maybe Kokushibo had seen more chaotic things, and Nakimes house was a bit odd.

Muichiro had only just realized how under prepared for this conversation he was but still, he wasn't really prepared for any conversation. The only thing Muichiro could think to do was to stare at Kokushibo, well actually he had to give up after about thirty seconds because all those eyes were making him dizzy. Muichiro was struggling. Of course, his friends did nothing to help. Kokushibo seemed so confused "Muichiro, do you want to talk?" he asked. Finally, he'd taken the hint that something was up, took him long enough. Muichiro nodded and they walked away together, with Muichiro sticking his tongue out at his friends who had left him to hide. they both quickly shuffled to try follow them without notice.

Kokushibo eventually just asked Muichiro to explain "I know about your talk with Akaza" Muichiro revealed "which part?" Kokushibo asked, genuinely confused "the part where you revealed that I was related to you" Muichiro almost screamed. And he did hear the shocked gasps apparently coming from the couch that had been conveniently placed there. Kokushibo finally said "oh, good to know you know now" now Muichiro half expected cake "and you still didn't get me a Christmas present?" Muichiro got to the important part of the conversation, he really had some skills. Kokushibo looked at him, with all three pairs "I did get you presents, I got everyone presents" he said. Cheers were heard all around, from the furniture and other parts of the house that Muichiro couldn't even see. Kokushibo looked in their general direction, probably wondering if they'd been listening to the whole conversation. Kokushibo looked like he was walking off, but Muichiro wasn't letting him get away that easily, he followed him the whole way, until they came across a lit Christmas tree, it didn't have any decorations on apart from spider's webs and the tiny lights, obviously Rui's pets had given it a bit of style. But the most important part to Muichiro was the little boxes lying under them.

All at once almost everyone Muichiro knew from the last party came barging in, screaming and cheering and in Gyutaro's case running desperately after Daki. Muichiro paid them no mind, he was far to busy trying to find his name on one of the boxes "Nakime helped me with yours" Kokushibo admitted, Muichiro shrugged, it was a present still. He opened it up and to his surprise it was a mini sword! Muichiro couldn't believe it, he jumped up in the air, it was like a smaller version of the one he was always carrying, he got the joke since both he and Kokushibo were the only ones at the party to have them. The first thing Muichiro did when he got it was show it off to all his friends, Rui said it was cool, so did Daki, sadly it didn't look like Nakime was there, she must be very intent on making sure her biwa was alright, he could even still hear her playing in the background.

Muichiro didn't have time to see what everyone else got before he was too distracted trying to sword fight Daki's belt with his sword as a new game they had invented. She had apparently gotten some new jewellery that she was very happy with. Rui had got something to do with spiders obviously, it was something like a book on spiders as pets, it was a miracle that Kokushibo and Nakime had managed to find something like that.

Michael J entered the room, he looked very un-Christmassy. He had a frown on, personally Muichiro thought anyone that did not show enough Christmas spirit should be executed but he had to hope that he was just sulking over a lack of presents because he did look like the type of person to not have any friends. Muichiro could almost feel bad for him but after finding out that he was clearly a celebrity or at least impersonating one he had to assume he'd eventually end up with fan gifts, or at least gift from some very confused people who had mistaken him for the real thing. Oh well, that was none of Muichiros's business. Kokushibo went up to Michael j and gave him a present, there hopefully he would cheer up after that. Michael was very thrilled about his gift, he immediately cheered up and even gave Kokushibo a hug "I've needed this forever" he said taking some weird science test tubes out the box. Personally, Muichiro would have been incredibly disappointed, but clearly this guy liked his science junk.

Nakime ended up joining the party, she even brought her biwa, honestly Muichiro wouldn't be surprised if she'd even got it a gift. Kokushibo practically ran up to her with a present clearly for her, she immediately took it, still keeping the biwa in one hand, luckily for her the box was only small. Muichiro watched her open it and saw her smile, she took it out and it was a nice collection of nail polishes. There was blue, red, black and a clear one, Nakime seemed happy to receive them, she must have liked those colours.Sadly, some people weren't as peaceful as her. Douma and Akaza were still fighting, apparently Douma was really annoying. So Akaza tried to punch him, but luckily Kokushibo grabbed his hand and simply said "no" and for some reason Akaza walked out, obviously deciding he'd got his gift so there was no point in being there any longer. Unfortunately, Douma decided to annoy Nakime next while Kokushibo went to aske Muichiro if he liked his present, of course Muichiro said he loved his present. However, he didn't get time to ask Kokushibo if there would be cake this time as they heard a scream. Apparently Nakime took no crap and was now holding her biwa up ready to hit Douma while he was screaming and asking her not to kill him. again, Michael J did absolutely nothing but watch the drama go down. Daki watched too, Rui had already drawn a sign saying "go Nakime!" and was cheering her on Kokushibo had his hand on his sword, clearly knowing who he would side with, Muichiro supported Nakime, she was nice and had helped him find sweets on his first visit. Even Akaza returned to the room just to stand in the doorway and immediately took Nakimes side yelling "go on Nakime, kill him" jumping up in the air.

Nakime slapped Douma right in the face with her biwa. He went flying back, and they all had to run out before there was before a repeat of earlier happened, Muichiro still wasn't sure he'd completely recovered from flying across Nakimes house. As Douma smashed against the wall Nakime started checking her biwa for damage, not even looking at the man she'd just whacked across the room. Kokushibo drew his sword "Kokushibo she just hit me!" Douma whined "Douma, do not damage Nakime's biwa" Kokushibo said, clearly favouring one over the other, of course Douma sulked over this, but he didn't do anything after that. Thankfully the biwa was undamaged, which was especially lucky for Douma because Muichiro didn't even want to think about what would happen to him if he'd actually scratched it.

However, after the fight had happened, if you could call it that, Muichiro became aware it must be getting late, he asked Kokushibo for the time "I don't know, I never know the time" he reminded him "oh, well is it closer to sunrise or sunset?" Muichiro asked "I think its somewhere right in the middle, but I'd say closer to sunrise if anything" Kokushibo answered. Muichiro took that to mean it was time for him to go home, he told Kokushibo this and so they began to make there way to the dreaded train station. Actually, there was nothing wrong with the train station, or the train itself really, it was the driver that was the problem.They got there just a few minutes before the train, and as soon as they got on the train flew off, almost sending Muichiro flying. He had to grab onto a seat to maintain his balance. Kokushibo made his way to the door, clearly planning on traveling on top of the train again. Muichiro followed, mostly because he wanted to visit Enmu but also because if the train crashed, which was very possible, being in a small carriage like this was more dangerous than being outside.

Just as last time the wind blasted Muichiro's face, he had to wonder how Samemi could work with wind, it was so messy and ruined his hair, actually Sanemi had no hope for his hair, maybe because it had all blown away. As soon as Muichiro got on top of the unstable train he saw the familiar driver, who was looking forwards, with his back to Muichiro, he turned around, obviously sensing the eight eyes on him. he smiled "Muichiro, Kokushibo, sorry you didn't see me in the meeting I actually had to meet with Hantengu, he took so long to calm down so I could talk to I didn't have any time left" he explained, personally Muichiro had no clue how he hadn't heard all the chaos, but maybe Enmu was just too used to chaos to have really heard it.

The train ride was just as fast and sudden as last time, with Muichiro still desperately gripping onto whatever he could find to stay on the train. Enmu was still spitting train fact the whole way, in a voice that made it sound like he was either half asleep or drunk, probably both actually. Kokushibo didn't say a word to him, Muichiro did wish him a merry Christmas though, Enmu only said "oh, is it winter already, I didn't know, merry Christmas to you too" Muichiro wondered if Enmu was going to get any presents this year, if he did get any they would definitely be train related.

It did not take long for the train to stop and Muichiro was sure he did better at surviving this time. At the platform the first person to greet him was surprisingly Genya, who was apparently going to visit his brother for Christmas this year, even if Sanemi had sent him a letter saying not to come. Muichiro waved Genya off after introducing him to Kokushibo, apparently Kokushibo had never met Genya or Sanemi, which was odd because Muichiro assumed the entire world had heard of both of them considering the chaos they caused regularly.

Kokushibo and Genya both went away on train, so did Enmu but honestly Muichiro didn't care about him that much.

The second person to meet with Muichiro was Mitsuri, who wanted to give him some Sakura mochi, as a Christmas gift to all the Hashira. Muichiro accepted it happily.