
Mu no kiroku: chronicles of void

All will be known in time and through time

Z_a_y_n_e · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Arc 1-chapter 19- the mirror lady(part 2)


-honestly? Yes, yes it is . Gehenna, if you would


-I'll support you from behind, let's do this Heishi

-key of hell:overdrive actuating

_ the set of armor appeared once again onto Heishi's body and face and his body rushed at incredible speed towards the mirror lady. But this time Heishi was not out of it, he was conscious, thanks to the ability he just used now he had only to concentrate on guiding the virtual blades , so using the disadvantage of not being able to control his body as an advantage to better control the swarm _

-and who are you? I don't think we've met before?

_ no response _

-Blood rose: drain

-what ? How dare you drain my energy ?

_she then teleported in front of him to strike him down _


_ Gehenna blocked her and started bursting her down with as much sword slashes as she could making her back down, even if she blocked all of them easily. Then the virtual blades started to hit her , or should i say almost hit her , because not only could she see them but also easily parry them . They were now in a stalemate, for she could not use any illusion and was stuck in that tornado of 23 different blades trying to cut her head off . It was an inferno, for one wrong move and she could've broken free and killed them both. Gehenna slashed forward as 2 blades cross-attacked her and by response she dodged with a majestic and elegant back flip, which was expected for Gehenna, whom was there when she landed , waiting, as she slashed the blade upwards Miranda effortlessly slithered next to it and dodged it. Gehenna responded with a diagonal slash followed by a spin kick followed by a hammer kick , managing to break her mirror blade that she used to parry the attacks with. After that Heishi used all of the 22 blades to hit her in an all out impaling attack (resulting in an incredibly strong headache short after)managing to hit her… clone. Mirio had fainted for exhaustion_

-whew…that was definitely close , was it , machine?


_ you could hear the disappointment in her voice_


_ the headache faded away . Heishi was in his body again , with Gehenna's overdrive armaments still on, furious. He switched his specialty back to shadowalker and started moving towards her_

/*she has no right , NO. RIGHT. TO USE THAT NAME!*/

-how do you know

-interested? I told you who i am no? "Little dragon"

_ that nickname , there were only 4 people using those nicknames, and none of those were even near someone like Miranda , in looks, that is. And by that it means one of the 4 who betrayed his big brother and made "the unholy sword god" fall in battle. It meant that miranda was one of them , or someone affiliated. Heishi was now blind with rage , so much that Gehenna wasn't able to contain his will . _

-shadow incarnation: form of kamalin

_ kamalin are some of the beasts who inhabit the shadow world, the lowest rank beings there are, you could associate them with high 1st ascenders or low 2nd ascenders if we consider the possibility of one evolving in a kamalin alpha after committing cannibalism. This form increases your speed to the one of a kamalin's and makes phasing through realms significantly faster . _

-bihihihihihi come at me you powerless fool , powerless how you couldn't save him amd how you will not save your friend who fainted out there

_Heishi took one breath in _


_ Heishi rushed in. She was waiting for him with illusions but this time he knew what the real one was and where she was: behind him , invisible, he turned around and slashed vertically downwards only for the hit to be blocked by two crystal blades in a cross-posed parry but this time she couldn't send back the strike at him. In front of her a red eyed infuriated Heishi pressed down the strike , breaking the blades again. Without hesitation he slashed upwards while rotating the blade of his tachi (Gehenna is technically a tachi, not a katana/uchigatana for she is a bit too long for her to be called one) , still unfortunately missing the hit , however she saw how his face lit up in ecstasy even through the armor's mask , but she didn't know why , until Heishi faded away. she started to move to dodge the blow coming from behind her,which was too fast for her to actually react, and cut her cheek, which was now bleeding . Blood, on her pale white skin , Heishi laughing in awe , because she didn't realize he had switched specialty again and used hers. She remained silent for a bit_

-enough with games, i tried to be gentle. Now die.

_ she was not smiling anymore, nor bluffing , she just simply picked up Heishi by his throat and started choking him to death . He couldn't break free in any way , there was no hope . In that moment again he felt helpless and weak , powerless , once again , unable to protect , again, all was lost and he, was going to die_

-got to admit bihi , you surprised me there, smart , but not strong enough .

-trust me when i tell ya

_ a familiar voice_

-ye ain' killin no one 'ere , you extravagant piece of glass


-name's Margret , 'member me , Mirry?