
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urban
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47 Chs

She's Back

A speaker on the stage was seriously discussing a topic about business formulation. He has been speaking for an hour, after him another speaker will discussed another business related topic. It's an all day event attended by young aspiring business enthusiast. One of them was Tin, she was looking elegant and composed. She was determined to complete and gain another certificate under her belt. These were but small sacrifices she was doing to deserve the title of Mrs. Chen.

It's been a month since she last saw Carlo. She had been calling him, but he seems to be too busy to answer her call. That's alright, she will see him soon, she will come back, with a successful negotiation under her belt. That made her more qualified to be his wife.

All her life, all she wanted was to be his wife. Ever since they were kids, it has been her life obsession, to make Carlo her husband. They were just ten when they first met, she remembered it clearly, Carlo Chen was her saviour at school. She was a big girl when she was ten years old, she was bigger than most kids, she was called fat, piggy, oink oink. All those nasty names that could traumatized a young person, she experienced it all at her young age. But Carlo would helped her all the time, he would protect her. He was always kind to her, his prince.

Then, during their teenage years, she witnessed pretty girls going after him, some he would ignore, few he would like. But those that he would, she would hurt either physically, emotionally or mentally that they would give up liking him. Carlo was hers, no one can have him.

She worked hard to loose all those weights, gain more wits, and be a lady deserving of him. She believes that he will love her sooner or later. She just needed to work harder.

Jeff went fishing, he wanted to clear his head. After he fought with Carlo, he wanted to be alone and think. He was weighing his relarionship with Carlo. Ofcourse, he is important to him, their friendship was one of the reason why he was happy since childhood until adulthood. He knew that Carlo will be there when he needed him, and for them women shouldn't be an issue that they would fight about.

Lynn shouldn't be an exemption right? She's just another women.

He met a lot of women in the past. He can meet few more and maybe he can meet another one, similar with Lynn.

Jeff smiled, and made the decision to choose his friendship with Carlo over his own feelings.

Lynn returned to work on Wednesday. She was nervous, she was gone for a few days because of her injury and ofcourse the unplanned holiday, she was afraid people might talk. But to her surprised, people were business as usual.

The day started with team huddle, then they were asked to log in as soon as it was over. What was noticeable was Chyx weren't there. Lynn thought that she might be on leave. But not until lunch did she find out from Ella that she was fired. The reason was not disclosed.

The assistant manager of the team, Myla was promoted to be as their new team manager. Lynn was not surprised, Carlo told him when he send her home after their holiday that he will be taking a new position.

"You're lucky! Boss Carlo fancy you." Ella said while eating.

Lynn just smiled.

"What's up ladies!" Bert appeared out of nowhere with his tray of food.

"You seems to be in good mood." Lynn said, she was glad he appeared, she was able to avoid the topic about Carlo with Ella.

"But ofcourse, I have a good news for you, my darling.", Bert announced.

"Really, are you going to treat us for a meal?" Lynn asked.

"Wow girl, do you have other thoughts than food." Bert said jokingly.

"You're so judgemental. Ofcourse I do, aside from food, I also think about handsome man." Lynn giggled.

"I will grant you what you wish for. Starting tomorrow, report to the QA department, and you will see me everyday. The handsome guy you think about" Bert announced.

"What? Why? Did I? Really? Lynn was surprised and excited.

"Really!" Bert said, then started eating.

"Congratulations Lynn! I'm happy for you. But I'm sad for me, who will be my friend? Who will be my lunch buddy?" Ella was already imagining life without Lynn. And it's making her sad.

"Nonsense, we will still eat lunch together." Lynn said. She knew that Ella will be left alone with Bob and Sam. She also felt uneasy about it.

Lynn thought, she saw Carlo enter the caffeteria, he was with a beautiful lady. The woman was holding his arms, and was acting sweet and intimate with him.

"So, she's back!" Bert said.

"Who is back?", Lynn asked.

"Tin Wu!", Bert looked at their way and shooked his head. There's a gossip that Carlo and Tin will soon wed. "I heard she's Carlo's fiancee."

Something twisted within Lynn's heart upon hearing Bert's words.

"Are you alright Lynn?" Bert noticed that Lynn turned pale.

Lynn drank water. "Yes, I'm fine, I suddenly got nervous with your news."

"You'll do a good job, don't worry. Besides, I'll be there to help you." Bert assured Lynn. He liked her the first time he met her. She's quiet but funny. Bert considered her his personal achievement, he trained her and became one of his best students, he was proud of her. He wanted her to grow even further.

Lynn look at where Carlo and Tin was, they were having coffee. Tin was laughing sweetly at him. Carlo was doing something on his phone.

Lynn received a text from Carlo asking what she was doing. She replied watching you and your fiancee while having lunch.

Upon receiving the text, Carlo started searching the cafeteria for Lynn. He saw her with Ella and Bert. He excuse himself from Tin and stood up.

Carlo approached the three of them. "There you are, I didn't know what time your lunch was. I was having coffee with my friend." He elaborately tried to explain, and stressed the word friend for Lynn. He knew how sweet Tin tends to appear when they are together that people might misunderstand their relationships from being something else than friends. He's worried that Lynn might get the wrong idea.

The three did not say anything. Bert and Ella were wondering who Carlo was explaining to. Lynn on the other hand did not expect that he will approached them considering that he was with someone else.

"Babe?" Carlo said, when Lynn did not respond.

"I didn't know you like me?" Bert said smiling.

The three stared at each other. Lynn couldn't helped but laugh.

"Carlo, who are they? Why did you leave me for that long?" Tin grabbed Carlo's arms, It has become her habbit to do so each time, she is close to him. It's as if she was declaring her ownership of him.

Lynn wrinkled her nose.

Bert cleared his throat. "Ms. Tin, we used to work with Carlo in the same department. I'm Bert, she's Ella and Lynn."

Tin smiled but annoyance was obvious on her face.

"We need to go back to work. Let's go Tin, Ella." Bert initiated to leave. He doesn't want Tin to pay any recognition to them. He heard how vicious she can be, if she was not fond of someone, especially if it concerns Carlo.

Lynn and Ella nodded. They stood up and started to leave.

"Babe, let's have dinner after work?" Carlo's words made the three person looked back. Tin was surprised. Who was he calling babe.

Lynn did not say anything and was about to continue to leave.

"Are you denying me now, Lynn?"

Bert sighed on that discovery. He was afraid that Lynn might fall for Carlo. But it seems that he was too late.