
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urban
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47 Chs

Life Without Drama

"Life is good without Carlo!!!", the team shouted in joy.

"It is true that he is an eye candy but men, he is one difficult boss.", Chyx commented.

Lynn couldn't careless about everyone's point of view about Carlo. But she do agree that life is better without him. She smiled and started setting up her tools. All she wanted was a peaceful and ordinary life without any drama. And that exactly what she has without her boss.

She glanced at Ella's station. She shook her head, Ella changed a lot. She was no longer the timid, conservative girl she knew. She had transform into somone she couldn't recognized. She dressed differently, more modern but she act more like a scared puppy. She couldn't understand what's wrong with her. They were close at work, since they were lunch buddy but Lynn has a habbit of minding her own business if she can. So, all she did was to look at Ella and wondered but she never made any effort beyond that.

She was in a middle of her work, when a sudden flashbacks came to her mind. She remembered how furious Carlo was to her about her hugging Bert in public. She has seen this scene a few times in drama. Usually, it was because the male lead was jealous about the second male lead. Wait, what is she thinking, ofcourse he wasn't jealous, who is she to him?

"Are you there?", Lynn's customer inquired when she did not respond.

"Yes, yes ma'am, I'm sorry, what were you saying again?" Lynn was pulled back in reality by her customer.

"I was saying, I appreciate the free cup holder that came with my computer. But it's not that durable. It got broken the first time I use it.", the customer complained.

Lynn was perplexed by her customer's statement, she couldn't remember any free cup holder give aways.

"Can I put you on hold while I check on it?", she asked.

The customer said, "Go ahead!"

Lynn consulted the assistant manager about a cup holder give away, but just like what she thought, they don't have any such give aways.

"Thank you for holding, ma'am can you tell me how was the cup holder packed?", she askd.

"We'll it was attached in the computer. I was surprised myself. I didn't know such thing exist. I tried it this morning, when I opened my computer, I opened it as well, I put my cup of coffee. Unfortunately it broke.", the customer explained.

"How did you open it ma'am", Lynn was getting more and more confused.

"Wel, I pushed the button in the computer, then it opened. Don't tell me you are not aware of it?", the customer said.

Lynn put the customer on mute and started laughing on her own. From time to time she encountered this kind of calls where customers were entirely ignorant. This add spice in her already challenging job.

"Ma'am that's not a cup holder you broke, it was a CD holder. It's where you put your CD in.", Lynn continues.

"No! You're kidding.", the customer said surprisingly.

Lynn couldn't helped herself but laugh, "No ma'am, I'm not kidding!"

Then Lynn and the customer burst into laughter.

Carlo was not able to control his laughter, he was monitoring Lynn's call from time to time. It so happen that he heard the cup holder call. The people in the meeting were stunned. He was attending the company's monthly financial meeting with his father.

His father cleared his throat.

"Sorry, I was monitoring my team, someone got a funny call.", Carlo apologized.

Everyone just nodded. Who would dare to crossed the future CEO.

"Let's proceed then!", Mr. Chen commanded.

Lunch time, the entire team was eating in one long table. Lynn was quietly eating. She prefers to eat alone but their assistant manager called her, she did not want to be rude so she joined them.

"What is wrong with your friend?", Chyx asked a question directed to Lynn. She was referring to Ella.

Lynn raised her head, then look at Ella, she was sitting between Bob and Sam.

"I don't know?", Lynn answered in a low voice.

Chyx shook her head, "Tsk, tsk, you're a terrible friend.".

Lynn did not respond.

She looked at Ella again. She looks different but she acts differently as well. She seems to be afraid of something. And why in this world is she hanging out with those two guys.

Chyx was right, Lynn thought. Ella has always thought of her as a big sister. Unlike her, Ella was vulnerable from bullying. She on the other hand, can protect herself.

She decided to reached out to Ella, she will try to asked her if she has any problem and if she can do anything to help her.

After the shift, she asked Ella out. Ella was hesitant but agreed in the end.

"Guess what, I had a very funny call earlier on. The customer thought that the CD holder was a cup holder. How hillarious was that.", Lynn exclaimed while laughing.

Ella laugh hard. It was so hard that Lynn, stopped laughing and stared at her.

"Are you okay?", Lynn inquired.

Ella stopped laughing, tears coming out from her eyes. "That's funny, very funny!", Ella exclaimed.

"Ella, is there something you want to tell me?", Lynn asked, she was concerned on how Ella was acting. She was laughing, but obviously she was not happy.

Ella looked at Lynn.

"No, no, what should I tell you? I got nothing to tell you." Ella denied.

Lynn took a deep breath. "Okay, but if you want to tell me or you need any help. Just tell me.", Lynn said softly.

Ella nodded, she was trying to hold her tears.

Then Ella's phone rang. Lynn saw that it was from their team mate, Bob.

Ella looked at Lynn. "Excuse me, let me take this."

Ella went out to take the call.

Lynn was watching Ella by the glass window. She seems to be having a serious conversation with Bob.

Why is she close to Bob all of a sudden. Are they together. But Bob was already married as far as she knows. These are the questions playing in her mind. She guess she won't know the answer until Ella tell her herself.

It's Friday, the entire week went by quietly. Lynn was on her way to her station carrying her coffee cup. She noticed that the team was having a huddle at the manager's station. She hurriedly went to that direction. A familiar figure was speaking in front of the team. His back was familiar, no it can't be!

Oh no! He said he will be gone for a week. Why can't they end the week in peace.

Lynn took a deep breath, she find a place at the corner, trying her very best not to be noticed.

"Lynn! There you are, my favorite girl. Here are some goodies for you.", Carlo said to Lynn while handing a paper bag full of souvenirs from his trip.

The team started murmuring. Carlo has also given each of them a bag of souvenirs but Lynn's was way bigger than theirs. And what's up with favorite girl. Lynn obviously did not like him, the same way that they did not like him.

Lynn's eyes widened. Her face turned into tomato. Everyone was looking at her.

The team started whistling and making jokes.

"Is that a declaration of love?", Bob asked.

The rest of the team, shouted in excitement.

"Wow Lynn, I never thought you have it in you!", Chyx exclaimed.

"Have in me, what? Stop it, it's not true.", Lynn said, annoyance was obvious in her face and voice.

"Stop it! You're making my girl blushed!", Carlo announced jokingly.

Carlo's statement triggered more cheering from the team, some were giggling, some were clapping. Finally, they discovered Carlo's weak point. Lynn.

"Congratulations!", Ella whispered to Lynn.

Lynn shooked her head. "No, it's not true at all, he was just kidding."

"Common, the guy was announcing it to everyone, what's there to be embarassed about?", Ella said.

Lynn looked at Carlo. Apparently he was enjoying this moment, he was smiling from ear to ear. Lynn on the other hand was beyond upset. How dare him call her his girl. After everything he said. Have he forgotten what he did. Well, she didn't.

"Alright, children, time's up. It's time to log in.", Carlo commanded.

The team dispersed all smiling and laughing, only Lynn was pouting. As soon as she reached her station, she angrily drank her coffee. It was smoking hot, she burn her upper lip.

"Hey Carlo, Lynn burned her lips, you might want to check it.", Chyx teasingly announced.

Carlo stood up. He brought a bottle of water to Lynn.

"Drink this.", Carlo commanded.

Lynn shooked her head. "I'm fine."

"Drink it!", he insisted, he shoved the bottle of water to her hand, then took Lynn's coffee to his station.

As soon as he reached his seat, he drank Lynn's coffee, he was smiling and staring at the lipstick mark on the coffee cup.

Men, he is so in to her. He thought.

Lynn on the other hand were upset beyond words. She had always considered herself calm, but she can't seem to calm her nerves nowadays. Carlo was making her feel upset, frustrated and confused. Will she need to get a new job!

She took a deep breath and started working.