
Ms. Shy's Love Potion

Ms. Shy, Li Xiu, never intended to use the ridiculously expensive love potion on Wang Jian, the prominent king of Royal Crest Highschool. It was supposed to be for her special someone but due to unwelcome circumstances, Li Xiu is now forced to hunt down the missing seller of the mysterious potion while trying to keep her sanity intact as she tries to cure Wang Jian. But Wang Jian is known to be cruel and merciless. So what will happen if the magic brought upon by the potion disappear? Li Xiu raised her hands to her mouth, silently screaming. Regretful and frustrated, she attempted to wipe her tearful eyes, "Stupid love potion! It captured the wrong heart!"

minpenzz · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 8

She didn't see Wang Jian the following hours after that dreadful morning. And she didn't caught sight of Li Fei either, which is a good thing since she probably is now aware of what happened yesterday. Shivering with that thought, she didn't notice when her one and only friend, Su Qianqie approached her.

"Xiu! I've been looking for you! I asked your classmates but they said that you immediately left right after class!" She reached for her shoulders and shook them aggresively. Li Xiu almost choke.

"I...was hiding from someone," she sneakily gazed around the cafeteria. It was bustling like a sunday morning in the market and she was glad since the heavens seemed to be on her side this time.

"Figures, Li Fei knocked over our room's door and demanded to know where you were," she shrugged her arms, before settling next to me, her tray placed right in front of her.

My heart raced, "s-she did?"

Su Qianqie let out a laugh, "yeah, you should have seen her twisted face! It almost made my straight face crack."

"Qianqie, t-that's not very nice. She's still my cousin," Li Xiu took a bite on her apple, sighing and imagining the things her understandably angry cousin could do to her.

A snort. "She must have forgotten that fact when she heard about her long time crush liking you." Li Xiu was about to say something when Qianqie once again spoke, "oh yeah, you wouldn't believe the rumor I heard a while ago, they said you fought with Choi Rui, I mean, isn't that crazy?"

Li Xiu gulped. Reluctantly, she drank the water bottle Wang Jian handed to her this morning, suddenly feeling hot, "c-crazy." It was barely a whisper and yet something about her tone caused Qianqie's eyes to widen, "oh! oh my goodness! Little Xiu did fought with that wench!" She stood up, hands over her mouth.

Eyes turned towards them, Qianqie smiled and cleared her throat, sitting down as she did. Li Xiu bit her lip, "I didn't mean to embarass her. I was also surprised...that she would try to hit me."

"Good thing she did, and now it backfired. Ha! Finally gaining some backbone Xiu? Keep that up!" She cheered, raising her hands. It made Xiu giggle. Qianqie found that sight of her adorable.

"One more thing though-- what are you going to do with Wang Jian? It seems to me his interest has not waned a bit."

Li Xiu paused, and thought a bit. The bright expression was replaced by a hopeful gleam and with a determined voice, "I-I'm not really sure!" she said with uncharacteristic determination, "but I will find the seller! and I'll find a way to cure Wang Jian!"

Su Qianqie didn't understand, but she nodded and laughed, "aha! you can do it Xie!"