
Ms. Genius

Animesoccergal412 · Teen
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8 Chs

Meeting the supplier

After the period was over we were given a math test that mainly consisted of advanced algebra. After that it was lunch I sat eating crackers that I had put in my bag happily in the corner of the room when a shadow loomed over my head. I turned around alarmed and I was met with a warm smile. Lily was looking at me with  pure joy in her hazel eyes and her long wavy hair fell over her shoulders. Her tanned skin was bruised and blistered all over most likely from sports. Her blue jeans that were ripped at several parts making her cuts visible. She wore a grey hoodie that was a bit too big but she pulled it off perfectly. Lily was standing up with her back arched that made her body a 90º angle as she tapped my shoulder as if asking if she could sit. I moved back so that she could sit down with me. She pulled out her lunch box and asked 

"What do you have for lunch?" I showed her my crackers and she nodded "I have a PB & J with gushers. Do you want to try a gusher?" Lily inquired as she held out a green gusher. 

"I will try one. But what does it taste like?" I exclaimed as I grabbed the gusher and examined it. Lily's Jaw dropped at my exclamation 

"YOU HAVE NOT TRIED A GUSHER." Lily rasped exasperatedly making her nostrils flair. I could not help but giggle at her childish behavior. But as soon as I did Lily shoved the gusher that was in my hand into my mouth. I took my hand out of my mouth and chewed on the gusher. As soon as I took a bite, liquid from inside the gusher came flowing into my mouth with a burst of flavor. The flavor tasted like a green apple that was very sour but at the same time really sweet. I chewed up the shell as I savored the taste of the liquid on my tongue. I looked up at her and she must have seen the pleasure in my face because she said. "I told you gushers are amazing." I looked at her with a hyperactive glow in my eyes. But before I could say anything the school bell rang and had to go back to our classes. When we got to our classes the Principal, Samantha, and these random people in business suits were in our classroom. Everybody had a straight face as if something serious was going to happen very soon. 

We all sat down in our seats and Ms. Samantha went around placing index cards that had the blank side down and on the lined side said 'Amelia's IQ.' 

"I am very sorry for leaving you confused for so long but we have decided to do teams. There are three suppliers and three groups for the upcoming project. So everyone get with your groupmate." Samantha explained When we all got together with our partner Samantha continued. "These are each supplier and when you are together with your supplier and partner you will explain your project and presentation and they will either approve or say you need to make some changes. Now it is time for the suppliers to choose their groups." We all stood there and waited to be chosen and the first supplier was a chubby guy with long light brown hair. He chose Aiden and Ally, the next supplier with blonde gelled hair and really muscular, choose Elizabeth and Bailey. The last supplier with black hair slicked to right with glasses and stern face beckoned us over to the right side of the classroom where we all pulled up chairs and waited for the supplier to say something. After a minute of waiting in silence he finally spoke up and said 

"My name is Mr. Hander. And If I am correct your names are Amelia and Lily right." we nodded in agreement as he continued. "Each supplier is here so that we can win and be better known as a good supplier for kids in getting them what  they need and get better jobs for higher pay. You kids are here to show off your knowledge of the world to get accepted to better colleges so that you can have a better future. Now what we need to get an understanding is that the other suppliers believe that letting you kids get what you need for your  projects and letting you all be free spirits and all that makes the result better but I don't think that. I think that kids need time to know what they want and if they have guidance by people who know what they are doing the results will be better. So I am a lot stricter about how we do things. First of all I need to know what your project is about and your IQ is so I know what you are capable of doing." Both me and Lily handed him the index card and when I saw Lily for the first time I saw her unhappy. The look on her face made my stomach twist; she had a distinct line of hate on her brow.  Her eyes gleamed with a harmful look that I was not positive that she could even make. Her hands were sweating and her hands were in fists as well. She looked positively furious and thinking of her face that always had a smile that expression looked awfully daunting.