
Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Her parents died in planned accident by her uncle. They used her in every way they can. They planned to sue her so she wont take her fathers company back. They want to destroy her life making her penniless. No one knows that she is the not the same girl who was played as puppet in their hands. Five years changed her a lot. Now she is a hidden genius still acting pityfull to take revenge. She is also the young female CEO of powerful company she started three years back with her five friends who are famously known as five ghost CEO's of fast developed and profited companies. she has everything she should be proud of wealth,fame,beauty. Friends who pampers her to no extent became her family. A person who loves her endlessly is the famous and powerful CEO of the country who is admired by many girls.she is content with what she acheived. Now it is time for revenge and to take back what rightfully belongs to her. she will destroy them and shatter their hope into million peices. With a powerful backup and support of her boyfriend and family now she will rip them into peices with many twist and turns in her journey of love and revenge. ............................... Discord link https://discord.gg/3CC6KgK

Har_V · Urban
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659 Chs

She is not affected by pill

She felt her mind go blank and how can her both plans failed. After she ended the call she tried to contact Jasor but he didn't receive it and even Jean mobile is switched off.

Scott angrily shouted in the office and looked so dangerous at this time. And to her astonishment David, Samuel came in looking afraid and angry. Both are busy in taking their calls and are barking the orders ruthlessly. The whole floor felt their anger as it engulfed them.

She is as afraid as dead by seeing all his friends at a time in their extreme angry vibes. So this Aria is related to every one of them. She shivered subconsciously when she got a call from Jasor.

But she dont know the real reason for their brutal anger. It is not Aria but it is about Jean. They are angry because of the pill she is forced to taken.

" Brother Jasor, what happened. Did it go as we planned."

"Meet me in my company now itself or else you will face my wrath you betrayer" he shouted.

"Yes I will meet"

"I want you to visit in ten minutes" he cut the call.

After taking permission she went to his office and his company is also facing the wrath of Jasor. Employees are hiding in their cubicles not even daring to lift their faces.

When she reached the top floor Jasor is sitting on the big couch middle of the room. His neck tie is removed and the top buttons of his shirt are opened while he is twirling the wine glass in his right hand occasionally sipping it. His left hand has a bandage on his thumb finger and one of his legs are little swollen.

He glared at her with red eyes full of anger. "Mr. Keller please say me what happened" she pleaded him.

After all his staff went out he suddenly kicked the table which broke at his brutal force. She gulped her saliva, now only she saw Scott's anger when he punched the door that got broke into two pieces, he looked like a demon possessed. Now she is facing ire of other monster.

"She is not affected by pill." He yelled at her.

"No, something is wrong sir. Our plan shouldn't fail."

"You..., your aunt Elena changed the pills and that made your sister just to feel drowsy. When I went in and tried to kiss her she became too aggressive. She kicked my legs and twisted my arm so easily. She even threw a knife at me which accurately cut my thumb when I tried to rub her lip. She is more stronger than what your family thought."

"But I didn't say about drug to anyone." She defended herself.

"Shut up you stupid. Your aunt said to me that you talked to her about the plan and she even challenged me that if I am a man then I should win her with no stupid shortcuts. Do you know how I felt."

"What will you do now Brother Jasor."

"I will pursue her and win her over her boy friend. I will threaten her with his life. When she marries me she will see the real hell in life" he gritted his teeth.

Cass felt little happy. "Now if you betray me again I will not hesitate to kill you. I want you to notify me of her every actions. You can leave now" he throwed the knife at her which just got missed and grazed her ear a little.

" This might have missed but next one will be in your head if you don't do anything I ask" he shouted before leaving room.

With her shivered legs she reached her home where Elena and Thomas are still there.

"Why did you change the drug" Cass shouted.

"I didn't change any drugs. How will I change if I don't know." Elena yelled back.

"Why did you lie to Jasor then. "Cass asked in middle of sobs.

"Because I am threatened with most darkest secret of my husbands company. I don't know how they got it but they have to be extremely powerful to get all the solid proofs of it because even government failed in it " Elena sobbed along with Cassandra.