
Chapter 424 Heaven to Hell

"Ha ha, believe you?" Nora Smith stepped forward and looked at Tang Ruoying with extreme disdain. "You have done so many things, deliberately approached Asher Hawn, pretended to be a delicate and pitiful little white flower in front of him, and won sympathy. Even, in order to get Asher Hawn engaged to you, you deliberately disguised advanced gastric cancer!"

Nora Smith's voice is not loud, but hit the floor.

Everyone in the audience was in an uproar and talked in succession:

"What? Tang Ruoying's advanced gastric cancer is faked? In other words, she is not sick at all?"

"How can this happen? Still pretending to have advanced gastric cancer, is this to curse yourself to death?"

"You don't understand this. If it weren't for the advanced stage of gastric cancer, how could you win Asher's sympathy? Unfortunately, Asher has already seen through everything. This is called praying mantis catching cicadas and yellowbirds."

"Tang Ruoying really lifted Stone's own feet this time."
