
Chapter 366 Overreach

Jhon returned to the couch with a face of displeasure. Annie winked and wanted to give him ice compress. He was fended off by a man, and his angry voice sounded, "Get out!"

Annie's smile solidified for a moment, then forced himself to endure this tone in his heart. He leaned in Jhon's ear and said, "Mr. Jhon, don't you just want that woman... I know her old enough. I have a way to make you kiss her."

Jhon was still angry, but when he heard Annie say this, he suddenly became interested. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Absolutely true." Annie nodded seriously, and an intriguing smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"What can you do?" Jhon narrowed his eyes slightly, with a touch of suspicion in his tone.

Annie leaned into Jhon's ear and whispered, "Well, you..."

After a whisper, Jhon looked suddenly enlightened and nodded again and again.

He reached out and pinched Annie's chin. "Baby, you have a good idea."