
Chapter 212 Howard Vomiting Blood

In a flash, it was the afternoon.

Nora Smith finished the work at hand and looked at the time. It was almost 2:30.

She has to go to the hospital to give Howard acupuncture as soon as possible.

Nora Smith tidied up, then walked out of the The Hawn Goup building and was about to make his way to the underground garage when a familiar Rolls-Royce stopped in front of her impartially.

The door opened, Asher Hawn got out of the car, took a long leg and walked to Nora Smith. "Get in the car!"

Before Nora Smith could speak, Asher Hawn threw himself out his big hand and pulled her directly to the co-pilot position.

Nora Smith pulled the corners of his mouth speechlessly, and was about to speak when Asher Hawn suddenly looked at her with his head sideways and deep eyes, and spoke seriously, "Nora Smith, my grandfather's illness, please."

"You can rest assured that I will do my best to cure Howard." Nora Smith looked a fiercely, sipped his lips and opened his mouth.