
Mrs. Grey (sequel to loving my boyfriend's best friend)

sequel to loving my boyfriend's best friend. Enjoy!

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Chapter 25

Chloe's pov

After getting all the necessary info on the place Harry and Elena were to meet at noon, I order my men to set the bombs before their arrival. Shawn said he had told his informant to send another message to Elena using Harry's phone, that he wouldn't be able to meet up with her at that time due to some busy schedule but Shawn doesn't know I have other things in mind. Just the same as he wants Harry out of his life, I want Elena out of my life. I made sure no message was delivered to her. Now, I'm going to kill two birds with one stone.


Elena's Pov

It was five-thirty when I received an urgent call that Anna was already in a bad state. I quickly rushed over, thinking I would be able to joggle my plans. I went into her room where she was getting intensive care. She was fast asleep.

"You will be fine very soon, Anna. I promise." I said with pity, looking at the condition she was in.

"Indeed i will." She smirks, inserting an injection into my body.

"Anna, what are y...ou do...do..ing?" I lost my balance, becoming unconscious of what went on around me.

"It's your turn now, sweet Elena." She exchanged clothes with mine, escaping from the hospital. She took my cell phone, everything that I brought to the hospital. She was becoming me.

She went through all my activities on my phone, trying to figure out how to get to Shawn. She was truly obsessed with him. She called his line but he wasn't picking up. She checked again and saw my last text with Harry. She hoped Shawn would be there, heading to the place described.

Harry's Pov

I was already at the place waiting for Elena to meet up with me but she was thirty minutes late and I was getting really uncomfortable with the heat inside but I decided to wait still. This meeting was important to her and I would lose this chance regardless of how late she was going to be. I was willing to wait.


"Shawn...Shawn...Shawn...." A voice called out but i couldn't hear anyone cause I was on ear buds.


"Elena!" Shawn called from a far distance where he watched the whole scene. He was terribly surprised she showed up.

"What the hell is she doing here? I have to stop her." Shawn said worried about the bomb.

"Shawn, the place would explode any seconds from now! Let her go!" Chloe tried stopping him but he pushed her away. Not too long, he entered the ranch, the place exploded. The police were alerted of the explosion. Chloe was already gone. She packed her things ready to flee the country before they find out she was part of the plan but it was too late for her when her Id was found at the scene but her body wasn't found among the other dead bodies.