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slowly we parted lips after kissing for some minutes, I can't believe I made him so lost, how did I do it, how?

then his grip on the chair loosened and he took a few step back I immediately stood up from the chair not giving him another opportunity to tye me down in such an awkward situation.

" you sweet little mice " he said with an unbearably wicked smile.

wait, did he just call me little. how dear him call me little just because he is taller.

then he started walking towards me " don't come any closer " I said and he just chuckled " are you scared " he asked with a grin on his face and I burst into laughter, and I guess that pissed him off " what's so funny " he asked, I am really annoying, I said within me, how can I tease him so much.

" it's funny because I wasn't begging, it was an order " what the heck did this woman just order him. she keeps surprising him ;but still he has to punish her so she would know her place.

" clearly you are not aware that I am Mr White "

" I am fully aware of that, I married you after all "

" then you should know your place "

" I do "

" really ? then who gave you the right to order me, who the hell do you think you are "

" I AM MRS WHITE, YOUR WIFE " at this point he was out of words, what a lady she isn't scared of him at all and he doesn't like that fact, he has to show her what Mr White is capable of, that was all he was thinking about.

meanwhile me on the order hand was trying to tell him to kick Jessica out, cause that's what would make me happy.

I totally hate the idea of sharing, especially not my husband. but he didn't get any of that apperentlly he was lost in his thoughts' how awful meaning he didn't get anything I just said, but no worries I'll just explain again I have no problem with that.

I was about to explain for the second time when he pulled me to sit on the chair then he said to me " don't take this to heart " I was a bit confused, take what to heart what was he talking about I wanted to ask but then he placed his hand on my fore head and all of a sudden I found myself in an unfamiliar room, a demonic room to be precise.

what's going on how did I get from his study to his room; if it is even his room.

I wanted to call out to someone but something stopped me it felt like in here my feelings aren't mine anymore, like as if I was someone's poppet,I had no control over my body and it was pulling me down and I felt so weak and lazy like as if someone or something was draining my energy and it was a bit painful so I decided to call for help and the name that came out of my mouth was " Xainder " even I was surprised by my actions I only just met him and now I want his help but fortunately he answered " yes " or good an ideal husband, what a charm I taught.

" would you please help me " I was so polite, I don't think I have ever been this polite in my entire life except when am trying to blackmail my father into buying me what I want.

" I would but I can't " he answered and I could clearly here the huge amount of sarcasm in his tone it seems like he was enjoying this, wait is he the one doing this to me, it hurts even more knowing that he is responsible for my present condition.

" what do you mean you can't " I asked

" I can only come in if you invite me " what dose he mean by that what stupid game is he playing anyway I didn't care so I decided to invite him but something was seriously telling me not to that I was making a big mistake but stupid me didn't want to listen so I just yelled " I am inviting you please come in "

immediately he stepped in the atmosphere suddenly changed, I had my strength back but their was a sudden evil that filled the air and it was undeniable then I had him say " strip "

" what " I asked confused

" you heard me right I said strip "

" wait when you said 'invite me' you actually meant invite you to bed " I asked even if I was sure, then in a blink of an eye he was standing right in front of me. that took me back a little but I got a grip on myself and then he said to me " do you want me to do it myself " why is he asking he should just go ahead and rape me if that's what he want because I will never give him my body willing even if he is my husband and he has rights, I also have rights as a wife, at least a husband should ask for his wife's opinion, or in my case if she is ready for her first night and I am no way ready and besides we only just met like for only few minutes now and the next thing he wants is sex no way am not giving him my body.

I was trying to make my mind up when all of a sudden he grabbed the top of my dress and ripped it off ( gasp ) my eyes widened in dismay, what the heck, I even lost the voice to scream.

he whispered into my ear " don't take it personally " and then pushed me to the bed " No !!! " I screamed after I found my voice and courage " I don't want this and it's not gonna happen " I tried to get out of the bed and run but was stopped by him and he was naked so I immediately shot my eyes and said to him " get out of my way " I said angrily but he didn't listen, instead he said to me was " little mice you are just being stubborn and if you don't get back on that bed I'll be pissed off and I can't say if you'll survive it " at this point fear had court up to me his tone was so scary that I didn't need anything else to scare me I have never been this scared in my life I am the daughter of Michael WALTON I have no place for fear but this monster has really turned my life into a living nightmare in just few minutes but I will not go without a fight " I will not give you my body just because you are my husband do not forget that I am your wife not your toy, you have to ask for my consent and only if I agree before you can rip off my dress like some ANIMAL " with all I said my voice went as load as a microphone when I said the word ANIMAL and he didn't like that word at all.

he grabbed me by my neck strangling me as he lift me off the ground his eyes were as red as boiling volcano and then he chuckled " little mice you have said to much, you have taken to much freedom I no longer have the patience to wait and you have crossed the line.

it felt like he would snap my neck in one go but the way I see it he doesn't want that.

They were right, I married a monster, not a man.

he may look like a man and a very handsome one too, irresistibly handsome, breathtaking, tempting, you can even say he calls out to his prey just by looking at them and they have no choice but to come running to him but he is no human but a beast.

what have I gotten myself into, how did I get married to this beastiful human, I asked myself before remembering what happened that made me do it.


now I remember, Dave jute I hate you so much and then all of a sudden he let me go I dropped to the ground like a bag of rice, I held my neck while trying to cash my breathe, I was coughing hard as my throat went dry water ran down both my nose and my eyes. my skin was on fire my body became restless and hot I couldn't get up but I could certainly talk and instead of begging I did the worse thing ever. I said to him " if you are gonna treat me this way, why don't you just go ahead and rape me as well cause I will never give you my body to you, I rather DIE " well now

I think I just motivated his motive and now I have to pay the price, he had a twisted smile on his face as he said to me " as you wish"

I saw my self on the bed once more and I was in a lot of pain, I left something leave my body, wait no something was ripped out of my body I looked down at myself and I was naked I couldn't put two to two together I was confused what was going on, then I looked straight and I saw him fold my pant and sniffed on it and looked back at me and smiled.

what an Animal, I tried to cover myself with my hands but it was a futile effort then he climbed on too of me, wait is he really gonna rape me just because I said so ?!!!...

pls creation is hard I need motivation so pls like, comment and add to your library, thank you.

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