
Called Off

Jingfei waked up early in the morning, prepare her self, breakfast, and went to her office. Her car is still under reparation so she take a cab to her office. About 20 minutes Jingfei arrived at her company. Han Corporation a corporate that engaged in contruction for almost 20 years. Many big project that they have been working on even if they are not the biggest contruction company in the nation.

Jingfei got down from the cab and walking into the office , but before she can reach the lift she felt nausea and urge to puke. She ran over the nearest toilet and puked. At the toilet a women out the toilet cabin, wash their and re do their make up while chatting.

" Do you have heard a new rumor ?" Said the women employee in floral dress while put her lipstick.

" About what ? " asked the other girl

" That the engagement beetwen CEO Han and Director Lu is already called off."

" Really ?? whose the one that called off.

" CEO Han."

" But Why? Isnt their engagement is already a years."

" Well, They said that CEO Han cheat on Director Lu."

" Are sure?"

" Yes, You know is CEO Han's girlfriend right now? "

" Who? "

" Liu Mei Lien , The Main Actress of the Movie" A Forbidden Love."

" Poor Director Lu. She really loves CEO Han she even work for this company for many with her loyalty, make our company become this outstanding from behind the scene."

When they left Jingfei out of the cabin tried to hold her tears and composed her self. She went to her office upstair.Yue Ying greeted her and inform her schedule today.

" Today we have a meeting with Director Liu from Li corporation."

Jingfei Sighed when she heard Li corporation.

" Who, what, when, and where the meeting"

"We, CEO Han, and design team will be attend the meeting after lunch that will discuss about design change."

" Design Change? " Jingfei surprised why they want to change their design that they have been approved so suddenly

"Where the meeting will be held ? "

"Li Corporation, Mam."

Jingfei more surprised when she heard Yue Ying words.

" Who from the Li corporation that will be come? " asked Jingfei worried that she have to meat Junwei at there.

" Director Liu and his team."

Jingfei feel relieved after heard that who will attend the meeting.

" Fei er, wait a minutes. Lets talk." said Wanglei with held her hand.

" I am sorry CEO Han I have to prepare data for the meeting with Li Corporation after lunch. See you at there."

Wanglei sighed and release her hand that come in to her office and close the door . Behind the door Jingfei wiped her tears.


Li Corporation, Junwei's office.

" Sir, We have a good news" Secretary chen said while walking in after knock the door.

Junwei held up his head.

" What is it?"

" The engagement between Miss Lu and CEO Han is already Called off and it confirm. Now CEO Han already have a girlfriend. ehm...she is Director Liu daughter." After finish his report Sevretary Chen trying to his boss reaction. But there is no words came out. But his eyes and face can lied that he like the news.

" Should we still do our plan, Sir?"

" Do it neatly and cleanly." ordered Junwei and then Secretary Chen nooded.

" Also inform Director Liu , I will attend the meeting with Han Corporation."

" Yes, Sir" Secretary Chen smiled while imagine Miss Lu reaction when meet his boss at the meeting.


Li Corporation, 2nd meeting room

Director Liu Come in to the meeting room then greeted every one in the meeting room and invite them to seat back.

" Director Liu, We want to know why your company want to change design so suddenly. More ovet Director Liu your company already approved our design and we already have 5 % in progress of building. You can do this to us Mr . Liu. We want to know why ? " said Jingfei as and opening meeting. Before Director Liu can answered Jingfei. A slender finger open the door of the meeting room and said

" Because I want to change it."

All people person turn around at that voice came. A handsome man in his grey suit walking in, followed by his secretary Chen .

Everyone in meeting room can felt his dominating aura. Junwei sat at his chair so eleganly.

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