
Mrs . Harleyquiin is not a highschool gangster boy!

Song Harleyquiin is a girl who was strong in martial arts, taekwando and boxing. but she fall in love with park tae jun, the prince of S highschool . and she's pretending to be weak in front of him. one day she's got to know about park tae jun real behaviour. park tae jun get angry and bullied harleyquiin to shut her mouth. 3 years is past, Song Harleyquiin is still being bullied by him. Her feelings towards park tae jun has gone. and she confessed everything to her father, one of the kings. she know that if her father get involved, park tae jun may be deadmeat. so she decided to tell her father to let this case for her. she will fight back. and she ask her father that she want to transfer to the new highschool. she changed her style to boyish look, she even cut her long hair to a short hair like a boy, she wear a boy uniform, she tell her father to changed his daughter gender in the profile paper, she even changed her name to Song Harleyking, and use an expensive item to change her voice to deep voice just like a boy, because she doesn't want people to target her as an easier bullied target in her new highschool life. will Harleyquiin live as what she want? or will she be a target of bullied again?

IvyLie_purple · Others
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9 Chs

Chapter 1

It's dark,

Same as always,

How long it's been like this?

3 years?

Getting bullied hundred times just because I'm the one who knew his secret, but...

I'm a girl,

And yet the person who always hit me is a boy,

Ever since he's a middle school,

At first I thought,

I thought he's a kind boy and always helping people,

I started like him,

When the first time I saw him outside of school,

Something different,

A cigarette smell,

Is he..


N-no way,

Why would you do that?

You're supposed to be kind and always helping others ,

But I don't know it's was this bad,

That time...

The first day I ever get bullied from him,

Is this what you feel if you get betrayed by your first crush?

I don't know anything because I'm uneducated with the subject like in the school ,

In home I'm just educated with fighting ,

Because my father is one of THE KINGS

But that time is my defeated,

It's not because I was weak or give up,

Because I happen to look my first crush face is not the same face that I always looked,

I'll cry so badly that time just begging for his forgiveness,

If only I don't like him,

If only I don't follow him that day,

If only I get up and fight back,

If only I don't pretend to be weak just because of his forgiveness ,


Everytimes ,



I'll always being suspect for being bullied at school with 'him'

I always come out with only one lie sentence to my father,

And it's ...

" I'm just having fun during my boxing training with my friends "

luckily, they not doodling in my face.

However my father couldn't trust me because I always got swollen whenever I return home,

And my father got angry,

It's not because he's angry of the bullies bullying me nor not doing any defending for myself,

He's angry because I lie to him everytime he sees me return home,

I walked home. Alone, and always want to cry but can't cry properly,

(ha?) I have arrived in my own house.

I'm tired. But I must not feel tired, I must pretend to be strong in front of them,

Everytime my father's crew line up and welcomed me home with my father in front of the door house,

They will saw my face swollen and got panicked,

And I,

I just don't want them interrupt my case,

Because I don't want them to see me pretending weak,

I don't want anyone saw me like this,

I don't want people to worried sick about me,


I cried,

The first sentence I said to my father and his crew when I was losing my hope to continue like him .

At first I thought they will be shocked because of hearing about I've get bullied,

But that's the opposite,

They knew all along that I was getting bullied,

But they didn't do anything because my father didn't give them a command,

And I,

I warning to my father not to do anything to my friends,

Not to go see my friends,

But he only said one sentence

'Quiin, my only daughter , just say what the command of yours , and I will take care of everything '

At first I was shocked and confused of what father's said. I was young that time, 15 year?

But now I get it, they still follow my father's command and father...

Always waiting for my command,

My very first command to 'ROYAL SPADE' group,

One of the kings group.

'ROYAL SPADE ' the second strongest kings group,after the first kings group, 'BLACK ACE'

My father was a leader for his underlings. They loyalty, strong, aren't arrogant, and always follow my father's command.

And I,

Can I be like my father too?

The air started getting heavy and heavier,

Aah... The command. They waiting for my father's command!

I-I must tell my father, what do I want to do with the bullied. But what I want to do the most is...

"Father! I want transfer to the new highschool! And please teach me how to get strong like you father..... "

I want to get him committed his crime! I want him to confess everything! He bullying so many people .and he make the stronger his ally, and bullied the weak people. I'm sorry Park tae jun,my first crush , but I can't let you go around and bullied the weakest. You being nice in front of all the teachers and the other classes but in our class and outside school you enjoyed bullying other. And I


I will fight back!

I walked past my father and I'm crying again..

I go to my bedroom and lying down on my bed..

"woah, that's fucking cool! (haha) (aah) I'm forgot! I'm forgot to tell father that's he actually need take the transfer paper from teacher seo han yeon"

The first thing that I must do is fight back. But that face of tae jun , make me feel trauma. His smile like psychopath. Park tae jun..

" just who are you? "

[ Tommorow morning ]

Something different happened

Black suit,


The badge with gold spade symbol..

Means all of them is 'ROYAL SPADE'

The crew and my father,

They gathered and waiting for me.


" Father... You not thinking of bring your hundreds crew to my school, right? "

I stare at my father's face.

"(ahem) I will bring twenty of them"


" Ten? "

"(sigh) just bring 2 or 4, father. It's me who will fight back with tae jun ,not you guys. And father! (smile) when I win the fight, tonight we will have barbecue like we always did with mom when she still alive"

Father smile.

Then, my father choose 4 stronger crew.

"All of you must have heard about my daughter wish yesterday, Today some of you will help my daughter for her fight and follow her command! And you 4 will follow me to get a transfer paper from the headmaster -"

"umm.. Father, it's not from headmaster, it's from teacher seo han yeon "

" I mean.. From teacher seo han yeon, and tonight we will have barbecue! "

Announcement from my father to all his crew. One more thing that I learn....

" Yes, sir! We are ROYAL SPADE crew will follow and obey our master! If master ask us to fight, we will fight until death! If master ask for sacrifice, we will sacrifice ourselves! We will always together! The motto of ROYAL SPADE we will remember until death! "

That my father's crew is amazing.

They loyal to my father, never betrayed each other.

My father and his 4 crew go to my school. Me too.

[ In school ]


I stood in front of the classroom door. This is the time . The only chance to fight back! I can't pretend to be weak anymore. Because I will be like my father!

I opened the door and go in my classroom.

[ In my classroom ]

Like always,

My table is full of trash paper,

And the first person that come to me is park tae jun,

He mocked me like I'm weak,

And the easy target for realese his stress.

" oi! Quiin! You will buy lunch for us, use your money "

Said park tae jun.

" hey tae jun! I want to play with her today!"

Kim so ara, tae jun girlfriend. One of tae jun underlings.

They always treat me like a things.

But I must be patient, it's not the time yet