
Mr.Gu! Your wife ran away again.

[Overbearing President + Dark Little Stepford Wife] [Sadistic Love + Redemption] A mysterious email was sent to Wen Wan. All the evidence inside pointed to Gu Xiuyuan being the one behind the sudden death of her father and the bankruptcy of her company. After Wen Wan's father died, Gu Xiuyuan trapped Wen Wan and tortured her for five whole years. In the end, Wen Wan chose to commit suicide to leave Gu Xiuyuan forever. As a result, when she opened her eyes again, Wen Wan reverted back to the night five years ago when she and Gu Xiuyuan had sex for the first time. Wen Wan smiled, God is going to give her the chance to get back at Gu Xiuyuan. -- "Wen Wan, I beg you, please ...... forgive me ......" -- "Gu Xiuyuan, please get the hell away from me, seeing you makes me feel dirty eyes."

OCTOBER456 · Urban
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37 Chs

Chapter 5: Homecoming

  "Too much pain?"

  A trace of heartache and remorse flashed under Gu Xiuyuan's eyes.

  When he received a call from Fang Jie last night, he actually learnt that Wen Wan would be leaving on a plane soon, and he froze for a moment.

  When he reacted, a huge sense of fear instantly surged through him.

  Gu Xiuyuan was so anxious that he didn't even put on his jacket and immediately drove to the airport.

  Along the way, his mind was filled with thoughts of what to do if Wen Wan really left him.

  Even he thought of directly contacting the airline to intercept Wen Wan.

  But fortunately.

  When he found Wen Wan in the terminal, a hanging heart fell.

  The fear in his heart transformed into anger and unwillingness the moment he saw Wen Wan.

  He rushed over and picked Wen Wan up on his shoulders, and without any regard for the gazes of the pedestrians around him or Wen Wan's struggles, he threw her into his car.

  Although Wen Wan was protesting and shouting all the way to express her dissatisfaction and anger, Gu Xiuyuan did not say a word with a dark face the whole way.

  Perhaps tired of crying and shouting, Wen Wan actually passed out.

  Just as Gu Xiuyuan was torn between sending Wen Wan home or to her own rented room, he turned his head and saw the hickey left on Wen Wan's collarbone.

  This caused his anger, which had just calmed down a bit, to instantly rise up again.

  With a sharp turn of the steering wheel, he drove towards the Amber Hotel.

  To be honest, last night was an impulse.

  He was scared then.

  It was really too scary, he was afraid that Wen Wan would get on that flight, afraid that she would leave so silently.

  He was afraid that the man who left a hickey on Wen Wan's collarbone would possess Wen Wan completely.

  No, Wen Wan can only be his, can only completely belong to him Gu Xiuyuan alone.

  So he placed Wen Wan on the bed and removed her clothes piece by piece.

  Tonight, he wanted to own her.

  During the process Wen Wan kept her eyes tightly closed and let out a whimper like a small beast, but this made him even more mad.

  Could ... it be that the force was too heavy at that time?

  Gu Xiuyuan reached out and rubbed Wen Wan's face.

  "I'm sorry."

  Wen Wan froze, she didn't expect these three words to come out of the man's mouth in front of her.

  The tone was also so ... gentle ...

  "Are you ... you apologising to me?"

  "Yes, didn't I say that I hurt you? I'm sorry."

  Wen Wan frowned, the eyes of Gu Xiuyuan in front of her were full of heartache, she couldn't figure out what kind of medicine this man was selling in his gourd.

  The Gu Xiuyuan in her impression had always been violent and ferocious, not allowing her to have the slightest thought of disobedience.

  But now ... he was actually apologising to her?

  "No ... it's okay."

  "What do you want to eat tonight?"

  "There's nothing I want to eat."

  "Then you can go home and eat." Gu Xiuyuan said, "Your dad called me earlier and asked you to come home for dinner sometime."

  "My dad?"

  "Well, he said that he called you and never answered, so he had to call me."

  Wen Wan took out her mobile phone, only then did she realise that there was a call from "dad" lying in the blacklist of the blocking display.

  "You haven't pulled uncle out of the blacklist yet?"

  Wen Wan slowly nodded her head.

  In her last life, the misunderstanding between her and her father was too deep, causing her to hate him all the time.

  But later, when Wen Wan understood that it was not what she had understood, it was already too late.

  Her father died in an accidental car crash, and Wen Wan had not even seen the last of her father.

  Since then, Wen Wan's family's business fell apart, falling hard from the position of the second biggest man in business.

  Wen Wan's brother, who had been a long-time loafer, simply couldn't afford to support his father's legacy of industry after their father's death, and ultimately had no choice but to declare bankruptcy.

  Gu Xiuyuan had tried to help their family, but Wen Wan felt at the time that Gu Xiuyuan was coveting her own family's industry, so she refused Gu Xiuyuan's help three times.

  Perhaps ... if she had accepted Gu Xiuyuan s help at that time, would it have been ... different?

  Wen Wan shook her head.

  What are you thinking about, now that you have been reborn, you have a completely large amount of time to reconcile with your father, and maybe even avoid his death.

  "Okay, I'll come home for dinner tonight."