
Mr.Gu! Your wife ran away again.

[Overbearing President + Dark Little Stepford Wife] [Sadistic Love + Redemption] A mysterious email was sent to Wen Wan. All the evidence inside pointed to Gu Xiuyuan being the one behind the sudden death of her father and the bankruptcy of her company. After Wen Wan's father died, Gu Xiuyuan trapped Wen Wan and tortured her for five whole years. In the end, Wen Wan chose to commit suicide to leave Gu Xiuyuan forever. As a result, when she opened her eyes again, Wen Wan reverted back to the night five years ago when she and Gu Xiuyuan had sex for the first time. Wen Wan smiled, God is going to give her the chance to get back at Gu Xiuyuan. -- "Wen Wan, I beg you, please ...... forgive me ......" -- "Gu Xiuyuan, please get the hell away from me, seeing you makes me feel dirty eyes."

OCTOBER456 · Urban
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37 Chs

Chapter 11: Fang Jie's Plot

Early the next morning, Wen Wan was woken up by the ringing of her mobile phone.

  "Hello ... who is it?" Wen Wan was still a little confused.

  "Wen Wan? Are you still sleeping? Didn't you promise to accompany me to the school for a lab class today?"

  Wen Wan took the phone away and looked at the screen, and sure enough, it was Fang Jie.

  "When did I promise you?"

  "Hurry up hurry up, I'm in front of your house now!"

  Tut tut tut-

  Before Wen Wan could finish, Fang Jie directly hung up the phone.

  Looking at the black screen mobile phone, Wen Wan could not help but feel a little speechless in her heart.

  So annoying.

  What does this woman want?

  Lying on the bed, Wen Wan began to recall the events of her last life.

  It seems that at that time, Fang Jie also let her accompany her to the lab together ...

  In the next second, Wen Wan violently bounced up from the bed.

  Right, such an important thing, how could she have forgotten!


  This trip today she must go!

  Wen Wan rolled out of bed and dressed as fast as she could.

  As she passed by the mirror, she looked at her hair that was scattered down and casually tied a high ponytail.

  After a quick wash, Wen Wan went out.

  Just after going down the bedroom floor, she ran into Fang Jie downstairs.

  "Didn't you say you were waiting for me at the door?"

  "The bouncer at the door knew me, I said something and they let me in."

  "Oh." Wen Wan's voice was flat.

  This was also her fault.

  She had always treated Fang Jie as her best friend, so she had always brought her to the house to play.

  So everyone in the family, including the housekeeper, Uncle Liu, and Auntie Chen all knew Fang Jie.

  It seemed like she had to take some time to talk to Uncle Liu and the others about not letting Fang Jie in.

  "Let's go." Wen Wan tugged at her sleeve.

  "This is what you're wearing?"

  Wen Wan looked at her t-shirt and denim shorts and didn't feel anything wrong.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Did you forget that we have to go to a party after the lab class later?"

  "I didn't forget, but what's wrong with dressing like this? Are we not allowed to go in dressed like this?"

  "How come?" Fang Jie was a little jealous, "You're the Wen family's eldest miss, how could they not let you in."

  "Then let's go."

  Fang Jie's words had just fallen, but she realised that Wen Wan had already walked out some distance.

  Fang Jie glared at Wen Wan's back with a heart full of anger before she followed.

  Wen Wan walked in front only feeling amused.

  How could she possibly forget today?

  Today in her last life, she had followed Fang Jie to the party with a pure heart.

  But she never thought that this was the trap that Fang Jie had set for her.

  That party was a mix of fish and dragons, and there were all sorts of people.

  In the midst of the chaos, she was actually drugged in the wine.

  If Gu Xiuyuan hadn't arrived in time, her innocence would have been lost.

  But even so, she was photographed by Fang Jie in many unpleasant pictures.

  These photos were posted online by Fang Jie's people, and for a while she became the indiscreet second daughter of the Wen family in people's mouths.

  This also indirectly affected Wen Cheng's business, and the company's stock market slumped. Wen Cheng and Wen Yuan were so busy that they didn't accompany her much.

  When I think about it ... at that time, it was still Gu Xiuyuan who accompanied her all the time ...

    Wen Wan hastily shook her head.

  Gu Xiuyuan was all close to her with a purpose, he just wanted to possess her.

  "Uncle Liu, please drive the two of us to the school."

  "Okay miss."

  Fang Jie came closer, "Ah! Is it that Marsala Di from last time?"

  "Yes Miss Fang Jie." Uncle Liu replied.

  The dark clouds on Fang Jie's face were instantly swept away and she was full of excitement.

  Wen Wan looked at Fang Jie, a hint of laughter gradually surfacing under her eyes.

  This time, who would be planted in whose hands?