
Mr.CEO hates me

"why can't you give me a divorce," Xavier said to Juliet and hold her shoulder tightly in her grip "Because I love you and I will never leave you," Juliet said and the tears stained her face "but I hate you and this marriage is a sham marriage, Xavier knight promised you that I will show you hell until you agreed to divorce me," Xavier said to Juliet with conviction in his voice and pushed her hard that she falls on the floor Juliet cursed her fate that she was in love with a cruel man like Xavier. Juliet loved xavier since childhood but she never thought in her dreams that her dreams shattered like this. Juliet Gracia was a commoner who got married to the hot billionaire, Xavier knight due to the circumstances but what would happen when she found out that her marriage was nothing but sham marriage. will Xavier ever accept juliet or there was someone else who occupied Xavier heart?

mahima_chauhan · Urban
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17 Chs

Don't let your love be the destroyer of you?

"so Juliet, I will meet you tomorrow and I am going to arrange a press conference for the world to declare that you will b the face of my brand," James said with full confidence even though he knew that Juliet is still naïve to the modelling world

But he could do anything to make her happy and indeed hearing this Juliet's lips curved in the smile

"I am so glad James and I know that with you Juliet will experience the world," Sofia said and she had hidden meaning behind her words

"thank you for this opportunity James but you don't have to arrange a press conference for me," Juliet said because she was nervous about the reaction of Xavier

James looked at her and tried to understand the meek girl standing in front of him and there was surely something that she was scared of.

"it is necessary Juliet," James said softly and his voice changes immediately when he talk to Juliet

Juliet was nervous but finally agreed with James.

"Juliet sweety will you wait for me in the car,m I just need to have some official discussion with James," Sofia said with a smile and Juliet left with a smile.

In One day Sofia had become a big sister to Juliet and she would always remember her

James looked at Sofia confused and Sofia was grinning at her

"So when did you fall in love with my model," Sofia asked folding her hands and James' eyes went wide but he can't tell his reality with Sofia because James hadn't shared this secret with anyone apart from Xavier

"what are you saying Sofia, I don't love Juliet, she is sweet and I want to help her," James said being innocent but Sofia was no fool,

She was so experienced that she understand the things with the looks of a person,

"Are you sure James?" Sofia asked because she was sure that James was lying

"yes Sofia and I don't want you to raise this topic again ever," James said to her in a hard tone because he can't let Juliet know about his feelings yet

Sofia was doubtful but she knew that she would get a lot of chances to witness the reality so she let go of the matter.

James and Sofia bid goodbye to each other. Sofia got outside eth office and sit in the car with the Juliet who was lost in her dream

"so congratulation my supermodel," Sofia said with a smile and Juliet felt new because this was her first achievement.

"so tell me, Juliet where to drop you," Sofia asked her and Juliet didn't know what to reply because she can't give her the address of Xavier's mansion otherwise the truth would come out in front of Sofia

"you can drop me outside the coffee shop and I will go from there," Juliet said in a low voice because this was her trait that whenever she lied she spoke in a low voice

"don't be shy, tell me your address and I will drop you off and you are my model and I can't let you alone," Sofia said and a sudden idea clicked Juliet's mind

"Actually I want to meet me there," Juliet said with nervousness but Sofia said that she was shy

"oh I get it, new love" Sofia teased Juliet heart filled with guilt because she was lying to the woman who was helping her in he dreams

The driver starts the car and soon the destination of Juliet comes and the car stopped. Juliet was about to open the door but Sofia stopped her

"Juliet remember one thing that people now know that you are my new model so don't do anything that will destroy your career before starting" Sofia warned her because the entertainment industry is very delicate and one wrong step can destroy the lives

Juliet nodded her head in agreement and got out of the car, she bod goodbye to Sofia.

When Sofia left, Juliet took a cab home, Juliet was happy and nervous at the same time.

All her life she was nobody but now because of Sofia and James she was going to be the known face of the entertainment industry

Juliet reached the mansion and paid for the cab. she stepped inside the mansion and was going towards her room when Maria stopped her

"so how was your day," Maria asked her with a smile

"it was amazing, thank you so much maria and I promise I won't let you down," Juliet said and indeed she was very grateful

"I am happy for you Juliet live your happy to the fullest rather than crying in eth corner," Maria said because she was aware that Juliet was naïve and it was the right time for her to be strong for herself

"I don't want a happy life outside, all I want is Xavier to appreciate me and accept me as his wife and this is the reason that I am doing this" Juliet said and Maria shake her head in a negative way

"Sometimes we have to live for ourselves and don't let your love be the destroyer of you," Maria said and her words were adding no meaning to Juliet but soon she would understand this

Juliet went inside her room and she slept a little, the whole day went into a blur for her and in the evening she ate some snacks, she was so excited to start a new journey in her life.

She imagine in her head what would Xavier say when he would learn that Juliet was going to sign with the top agencies

Juliet got startled when Maria come to call her for dinner but she denied it because she was afraid that Xavier would insult her

Juliet gaze outside the window when she heard some crying voices of a female. Juliet didn't think anything and got out of the room and found Kathy who was crying Xavier was looking at her with a clenched jaw but made no attempt to stop Kathy from crying.

Xavier wasn't affected by Kathy crying but something else was going on in his mind that angered him and it was related to Juliet

Juliet was trying to understand why Kathy was crying?

Then suddenly Kathy's eyes fell on Juliet and she looked at her with hatred in her eyes

"she wants to destroy my life Xavier, she wants to take my place," Kathy said pointing her finger at Juliet who was confused about what was happening?

Xavier looked at Juliet with anger and Juliet shivered to see the anger in Xavier's eyes

What would Xavier do now?

Will Juliet again be the victim of Kathy's evil games?