
Chapter 10: Business Trip

5 weeks passed, and Marigold continued to ignore Beau and his attempts to talk to her. 

Beau stood in his father's office wearing a white button-up dress shirt, black dress pants, a dark brown leather belt, and black lace dress shoes. Nathaniel sat at his desk, looking at Beau. Nathaniel said, "So Beau, how's married life treating you?" Beau glared at Nathaniel, saying, "She absolutely hates me. She won't even speak to me. All because you forced her to marry me." Nathaniel said, "She's still bitter about that? Honestly, the child needs to get over it. What's done is done, and we did her a favor. She should be thanking us." Beau said, "We didn't do anything. You forced her to marry me against her will. You took her out of her home and didn't give her a choice or say in the matter." Nathaniel said, "No, I gave her options." Beau said, "You blackmailed her into marrying me. That's not options." Nathaniel said, "I gave her options, and she chose the better option. If you ask me, I say we saved her from her horrible life. I mean, what kind of father sells his own daughter? I mean, he sold her to a man he didn't even know and didn't ask where I got the money or checked if Trad was a legit bodyguard or not. For all he knew, I could be a drug lord. She needed to get out of that life, I just helped her do it." Beau said, "She's miserable, and I think you should just let her leave and leave her be." Nathaniel said, "I already bought her so she isn't going anywhere." Beau said, "She isn't property. You can't just buy someone." Nathaniel said, "Oh, people do it all the time." Beau said, "You do realize she can press charges against you for kidnapping her." Nathaniel smirked, saying, "Oh, and what officer would believe her story. I have all the money, all the power. She got taken out of her pathetic life and given the life of an heiress. You think the police will really press charges against me, especially when I have a contract saying she willfully married you. She can try if she wants, but she will fail." Beau slammed his hands on Nathaniel's desk, and Nathianel smiled at him, saying, "Beau, you must learn how to control your anger. I did you a great favor getting Marigold for you so you should just be grateful that you're married to her and not Jessica because I'm sure she would've married you if I gave her the choice to." Beau gritted his teeth and said, "Jessica is as crazier than you are." Nathaniel said, "Precisely, so you should just be happy it's Marigold you're married to and not Jessica." Beau clenched his jaw and said, "I'm going to work." Nathaniel said, "Oh, I must've forgotten to tell you, we have to fly to California for business. So you won't be going into work today or for the next 2 weeks for that matter." Beau asked, "What business?" Nathaniel answered, "The Charity Event. We have to go and check on our projects and get things in motion with the Sio (see oh) Company so that this charity event can run smoothly." Beau sighed, thinking, 'At least I can spend some time away from home and give Marigold her space. Hopefully, things will get better between us.' Beau looked at his father and asked, "When do we leave?" Nathaniel answered, "Today at 1pm." Beau took out his phone, looked at the clock, and said, "It's already 12:30 pm!" Nathaniel said, "Yes, so go tell your wife goodbye and start packing. You know, as a CEO, unexpected business trips happen, so don't act shocked." Beau sighed and left the office heading to Marigold's room.

On his (Beau) way to her room, he thought, 'I just want to talk to her, and I hope she'll listen… I know she hates me, but I'm going to miss her…' 

Beau approached Marigold's door, watching Carls leaving the room, shutting the door behind him (Carls). "Master Beau," Carls said. Beau stood in front of Carls and said, "Good morning Carls, how is my wife doing?" Carls said, "She had a tough night last night, could barely sleep because she saw a spider. I had to find it and kill it for her to calm down, but we eventually got it." Beau rubbed the back of his (Beau's) head with his (Beau's) hand, saying, "So she's asleep right now, huh?" Carls said, "Yes, why is there something you need to tell Miss Marigold?" Beau said, "I'm going on a business trip, and I won't be back for 2 weeks. I know she hates me, but I just wanted to let her know." Carls said, "Ah yes, that is something Miss Marigold would want to know." Beau opened Marigold's door, peeked his head in the room seeing her snuggled up in white sheets next to her window, left the room closing the door behind him (Beau), and said, "She just looks so peaceful I wouldn't want to wake her up after having such a long night anyways. She's already stressed out, and me talking to her stresses her out even more… She probably won't even know I'm gone, so I'll just leave quietly." Carls said, "But Master Beau, don't you think she would at least like to know that you're leaving her for two weeks." Beau said, "I think if I speak to her again, she'll just shout at me. I don't think she's forgiven me over the whole spider incident anyways so if she asks, tell her where I've gone and tell her that I'm going to be bringing her back something…" Carls said, "Okay, Master Beau." Beau said, "Please take care of her Carls. She needs all the support she can get." Carls nodded, and Beau left to pack up and leave on his business trip with his father. 

2 hours passed, Beau and Nathianel left on their business trip, and Marigold was just waking up…

Marigold tossed and turned until she finally slowly opened her eyes, feeling the pain of the air hitting her dry eyes. She sat up rubbing her eyes as they teared up, tossed the covers off of her, and stretched her arms up thinking, 'I can't believe that spider kept me up all night… I'm glad Carls was able to find it and kill it, he's a real lifesaver.' She walked over to a mirror in her room and looked at her reflection, seeing herself in silk purple pajamas and her hair messed up from sleeping. She yawned while she combed through her hair with her fingers thinking, 'That nap felt good.' She listened to the sounds of silence, stopped combing through her hair, and thought, 'Why is it so quiet? Normally, Beau is out there snoring like always. It's his afternoon nap time. Ugh, he's such a baby.' She walked over to her door, put her ear up to it, but heard nothing. She thought, 'He must be up… He always sits by my door quietly, trying not to disturb me… I wish he would just leave me alone. I want to be able to go through the house by myself! I can't stand when he sits outside my bedroom door like some creep… Still, I want to know what he's up to… What he's planning.' She slowly opened the door and peeked her head out, seeing that Beau wasn't out there. She thought, 'Why isn't he sitting where he normally sits? Am I being tricked? Is he playing me so I come out and have to talk to him? He must be playing games, but I'm not going to fall for them.' She looked down at both ends of the hallway and saw Carls walking towards her. Carls walked up to her, saying, "Miss Marigold, I see you're up. Did you have a good rest?" Marigold stepped out of her room and said, "I did but… Where's Beau? He's normally always sitting at my door." Carls said, "Master Beau went on a business trip. He won't be back for two weeks." Her eyes lit up, and she said, "He's gone?! He's gone?" Carls said, "Yes, he went on a business trip with Master Nathaniel all the way to California." Marigold jumped with a smile on her face, saying, "So there's no Beau and no Nathaniel? They'll be gone for a whole entire two weeks?!" Carls said, "Yes, Miss Marigold, and Master Beau told me to tell you that he will be bringing something back for you from his business trip." Marigold said, "Who cares about a gift! I have my freedom for a whole entire two weeks! I can finally relax without having to be bothered by Beau and Nathianel! It'll be like before I was stolen away from my home. Carls, do you know what this means?" Carls said, "No, Miss Marigold, please tell me what it means." Marigold twirled and said, "I can finally see the house and come and go out of my room as I please." Carls said, "Oh, Miss Marigold, you could always leave your room." She said, "Yes Carls, but it wouldn't have been comfortable leaving my room with Beau constantly sitting outside of my door like some lost puppy." Carls said, "I guess I do understand what you mean, Miss Marigold. So what shall I cook for you, Miss Marigold?" She said, "Oh no, Carls, you have done so much for me. Today, I will cook for you, and we shall have a feast." Marigold ran down the hallway, and Carls yelled, "But Miss Marigold, you don't know where the kitchen is." She stopped dead in her tracks, rubbed the back of her head with her hand, walked back over to Carls, and said, "Oh yeah, um could you take me to the kitchen so that I can cook for us." Carls chuckled and said, "Of course, Miss Marigold right this way." Carls walked to the kitchen while Marigold followed behind him. On the way to the kitchen, Marigold thought, 'Finally some peace and quiet. I thought Beau would never leave this house. I'm so glad he had to go, and I can finally relax without him always knocking at my door bothering me all the time. I'm going to enjoy these next 2 weeks…' 

Carls led Marigold to the kitchen and said, "Here we are." The kitchen had wall to wall windows on one wall, a glass door that led outside to the backyard porch, a warm gray island that had a warm gray and white marble top, warm gray kitchen shelves that had the same color marble countertops as the island, warm gray cabinets, two silver colored stainless steel stoves, a stainless steel gray refrigerator, and a stainless steel gray sink built into the countertop. The floors were polished and light brown wood, and the walls were a bright white. Between the cabinets and the shelves was an off-white marble backsplash. At the island were 4 white stools that had backs to them. The entire kitchen was 1000 Sq ft and in the kitchen, there were circular lights built into the ceiling. Carls and Marigold looked to see Angela standing at the stove, cooking up some pasta, humming a song. Carls said, "Miss Angela," and Angela turned around and said, "Hello, I didn't hear you guys come in." Marigold looked down, and Angela said, "Oh Dear Marigold, it is so nice to finally see you outside of your room. We live in the same house but it feels like we never see each other…" Marigold brushed some of her (Marigold's) hair behind her ear saying, "I-I know I just never feel like coming out." Angela said, "Well, that's understandable after what you've been through. So what brings you two down to the kitchen?" Carls said, "Miss Marigold wanted to make me some lunch." Angela said, "Oh, you cook? I love to cook myself. It's a very big hobby of mine." Marigold looked at Angela with a soft smile and said, "I-Its a h-hobby of m-mine too." Angela said, "That's wonderful. Why don't you join me in making fresh pasta. We can chat for a bit. I want to get to know my daughter in law." Marigold said, "U-Uh sure." Angela said, "Alright, Carls, why don't you leave us, and we'll make you something to eat. I'll call you as soon as I'm done." Carls said, "Yes, Miss Angela," and left. Marigold walked over to Angela, and Angela said, "Yes, now we can have some girl time and talk."