
Mr. Voidwalker

'Voidwalker' was a feared name among the mercenaries. A legendary swordsman. The best of the best. But what will happen, when the legendary mercenary tries his luck with being a teacher?

VoidCeremonist · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Zenith Voidwalker (4)

Without wasting a single second, Knagh dashed forward, raising his weapon and finishing the motion with an overhead strike.

Mr.Voidwalker dodged it with a single step, not even bothering to look at the sword.


The greatsword smashed to the ground, flinging pieces of debris around and creating a cloud of dust.

"A greatsword is a heavy weapon, thus your focus on strength instead of speed is not wrong."

He then stepped onto the greatsword, preventing Knagh from pulling it out, and hit him with the flat side of the greatsword, sending Knagh flying.


He crashed into the nearby wall, denting it heavily and creating a large smoke cloud.

"However, you swing too wide, leaving yourself open for counterattacks. Besides that, you didn't use your size to your advantage. You have a wider range than me. You should've used that to your advantage."

Mr.Voidwalker continued explaining as the cloud of smoke disappeared, revealing an incapacitated Knagh.

"Teacher is strong..."

Knagh wasn't able to move or fight back as his greatsword still laid in the center, beneath Mr. Voidwalker's foot.

"Thank you."

Mr.Voidwalker smiled at the remark of Knagh.

"Well, I would be a terrible teacher if I didn't offer you a solution to the problem."

He then removed his foot from the greatsword, picking it up."

"Would you mind if I used this sword for my demonstration?"

"...No, you can use it."

"Alright then."

Mr.Voidwalker got into a stance. His left knee faced to the front and his right leg, further behind, faced to the side. He held the greatsword with two hands, dragging it on the ground.

"A heavy weapon is used as a force of destruction. Due to the weight, many people neglect the speed that such a weapon can reach with the right momentum."

He then swung the sword once. The blade whistled through the air, creating a breeze of wind that reached even the last places of the audience.

"You have to keep the momentum up so that you can keep the speed and create even more force."

He then spun around and finished his series of attacks with a diagonal slash that smashed into the ground, completely dismembering it.


"He's amazing."

The audience that was quiet since the beginning of the spar finally spoke up.

Voices rang out from the audience, amazed by the masterful display of skill that Mr.Voidwalker showed.

Even though he only did two slashes, the way he blended them both into one smooth attack string was amazing.

"Now...any other volunteers?"

Many people volunteered for the first time.

But everyone volunteered the second time, he asked.

They were all eager to learn something from their new teacher.



"You lack spatial awareness."

"Your moves are too predictable."

"You should try to be more creative with your magic."

This continued until the end of the lesson.

I took my time to analyze the combat style of each one of them and tried to give constructive criticism so that they could improve.

Unfortunately, it seemed like the time was running out at the end so I couldn't showcase my pointers to every single one of my students.

"I apologize for not being able to help everyone today."

After the lesson ended, everyone returned to their places, and I finished it with some last sentences.

Some people looked disappointed as the lesson slowly reached its end, but overall, they still looked satisfied with the content of today's lesson.

Which, in turn, gave me satisfaction.

"However, the school year is still long, and we have enough time left. Sooner or later, I will get to help all of you become better combatants."

I then left the room as quietly as I entered it, satisfied with my today's performance.



After Mr.Voidwalker left the room, it stayed silent for a minute.

Everyone was taking in the content of the first lesson and what had just happened.

Even though he said that he wouldn't start right away, he achieved more in a lesson than the previous teacher did in an entire year.

And that is actually helping them with their combat prowess.

In fact, many of the students already knew that there was something wrong with their style of fighting, but the former teacher never gave any advice.

He always only said that they should proceed to spar with each other and that they would learn from the experience by themselves.

"He is great..."

"Who is that guy?"

Ellen looked over to Seraphir, who just smirked back at her, seemingly smug about the current reaction of Ellen.

"So that was the reason why you admired his swordsmanship so much...his skill is outstanding."

Ellen was mesmerized the whole time as she watched Mr.Voidwalker fight. His pure skill was something that she had never seen before.

Seraphir laughed out loud at Ellen's expression.

"Didn't I tell you? It's just fascinating to look at."