
Mr. Tycoon's Sultry Seductions

{Mature Content} What happens when everything you’ve built for the last 7 years come crashing down in one night? Mia's life was perfect until it wasn’t. Mia had married her college crush, many people called her the luckiest woman alive. She, from a lower middle-class family, got into a top university on scholarship and met him. He was her world, he was her everything, till he wasn’t. What greater pain could one feel than to find out her best friend of seven years had been sleeping with her husband since the night of their wedding? Mia, who had not pursued her career and lived her life to serve her husband, is hit with the harshest reality she could ever conceive. Will she be able to get back on her feet and get her revenge, or will she forever be at the mercy of those who betrayed her? ... ''Boss, the Miss is at an auction, and no one is bidding on her item, what do we do?'' The Bodyguard spoke as soon as Declan picked up the call; he was told to report everything that happened to her as soon as it happened and he knew he was going to be in huge trouble if he did not report this. ''What is the starting bid?'' Declan asked lazily; ''Ten thousand dollars sir; '' ''Okay, bid a hundred thousand dollars. ''

Anomiee · Urban
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160 Chs

You are mine

He shook his head. "I can't let you, Mia. We are a couple. We are supposed to be together, regardless of the situation. I won't let you run away from our problem. We are going to go home together and sort this out like every other couple out there. That's what we are going to do."

Mia's gaze moved to the door. Where was Sheila when she needed her the most?

Jack dragged her to his chest. "I love you, Mia. You know I love you so much, and I can't live without you. I won't let you leave me alone."

She sobbed, wriggling against him. "You don't love me, Jack. You don't love anyone but yourself. You just want someone you can control. I won't be that person again."

She stepped on him, making Jack free her from his grip. He held his leg but glared at her. "Mia, I won't let you destroy our marriage. We promised each other forever, and we are going to be together forever. I won't grant you a divorce."

Unbelievable. She stared at him with hatred seething from her soul.

"You don't have the right to ask forever from me. Not after you broke our vow of loyalty. You cheated on me, Jack. With Beth." She pointed her index finger at his chest repeatedly. Jack held her finger and looked at her with a force of determination Mia had never seen on him before. He clenched his teeth. "You are mine, Mia, and dammit if I am going to let go of you."

He held her chin with his other hand, angling her lips towards him. He lowered his lips until they were an inch from hers. He smiled. "Everything about you belongs to me, Mia. Your little red hair. Your innocent green eyes, and these pouty pink lips. You belong to me, Mia. All of you."

She blinked. Jack had been lying to her from the first day they had met. He wasn't in love with her. She could see it now. He only wanted to own her. To Jack, she was nothing but one of his numerous properties. She was something like his inherited company, houses, and cars. She wasn't a human with feelings.

Her throat hitched. She had thought he cared about her. When he had advised her to leave her job, it was all for his selfish reason. It had never been about her. It had always been about him!

"You have nowhere to go, Mia. You have no money, family, or place. I'm all you have got in this world. I'm your only family," he continued, then smiled sadly. "And like I promised you, Mia. I will treat you like my queen. I won't let you punish yourself for what's not real. I will fight for you even if the battle is with you."

Mia blinked. How had she found herself in this situation? She had thought those words were a show of his affection towards her, but they were all to show that she was a possession to him. He gripped her upper arm, making Mia wince. "Talk about divorcing me again, and I will make your life miserable."